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Everything posted by DangerRuss

  1. ...couple of my travel buddies have booked for late October. For myself, that is too far out and uncertainty is abound. i will wait till the early fall and then adjust accordingly
  2. Anybody go from the 2main front speakers to the full 5 speaker set-up or vice verses? Will I be missing out too much, not having the 5 total speakers (2 rear speakers)? thxs!
  3. ....as a sporadic part-time resident of Pattaya and condo owner, I enjoy watching sports inside my condo, but don’t need a full tv cable package ...anybody out there stream free sports like say from 7mscorethai or similar site to occasionally watch sports via smart tv/internet feed? If so, does it work well? or do you have a better suggestion?
  4. ...so a number of people threw out there that they might’ve seen pre-made or frozen Puff Pastry Dough at some of the markets around town here in Pattaya. I was wondering if anybody out there has actually seen it for sale somewhere? thanks
  5. Anybody buy and place a full gas range in their condo here in Thailand? Not talking about a thai burner that used a small gas can, but an actual Western style full Gas Stovetop/Range? 1st of all is it safe to use/have a full size gas range in a condo? and if you did buy one already for your condo, where did u buy it from? thanks
  6. thanks for the suggestion/link!!!
  7. anybody know of a place here in Pattaya that sells the large life size “Jinga puzzle game”. I believe most of them are about 2/3 of a meter tall starting off
  8. ...waiting out my days here in Seattle, lol. I’m ready and waiting as many others are too. I’m in the “group of people” waiting to return to LOS, when required quarantine days are eliminated or drastically reduced. I prefer not to go through the 14 day quarantine requirements/all the other hoops. ...now, it’s hard to figure out, but a few people think that sometime in summer will probably be the time tourists will be allowed to return...so if that is the case, I’ll return then. I’d rather come earlier/next summer than have to wait till the end of the year/next high season, hopefully.
  9. ...normally I don’t come during the hotter months, but it seems that by the time vaccine makes it’s rounds and thai govt eases the quarantine/# of days, it may be summer. Plans are to come back to LOS as soon that happens, so assuming/hopefully sometime during summer
  10. btw, how were you able to book? I sent them emails inquiring about booking and never once did they reply back.
  11. ...when the company pays, I ll always go for the largest room for my per diem...and many times the higher price rooms were already booked, so there are plenty of people out there willing to pay. I’m glad that majority of the availability in town is in the 1k-2k range as that is my preferred budget when paying out of pocket.
  12. ...yes, remember about the motorbike endorsement. For some reason my AAA insurance officer in the states stamped the vehicle part but forgot the motorbike part. I was pulled over at a check point in Patts, got my bike held on the side of the road, got a ticket, had to go to police station to pay for ticket etc... big hassle. I then called AAA to chew them out. Spoke to a supervisor, they DHL me an insert page to be compliant and reimbursed me for my ticket. Of course I was never pulled over/checked the test of my trip, but since that time , I make sure to have the endorsement part o
  13. ...as always, great pics for those of us still on the outside, waiting to get back in
  14. Bought on South Pattaya road - Center Condo next to Wat Chai. About 18 months ago, I saw the larger corner unit for sale at 5.99. The agent told me there was an offer for 5.3, but the seller turned down the offer. I happened by chance came across the same unit now listed at 4.7. I offered just a tad over 3M and the owner needed to now sell right away. Happened to be the right time to buy imho.
  15. ...unlike the west, most manual laborers don’t have a car, but have a motorbike. Have to make do with what u have. I do still take a pic like that every time I come across the same same. lol.
  16. Sounds great that things are better. Both my parents are diabetic and although I’m a tad over weight, I know I should be exercising more. Because of Covid, I force myself to exercise for 75-90 min each day. And for the past several years on my 2/3 trips per year to LOS, I make it a point to walk to 80% of the places I want to go.
  17. ...cannot be any worse than the worst flight I ever took on Russian Aeroflot So, a colleague and I left Moscow back to bkk. The plane had no business or 1st class...all coach seats. My seat was old and stained and had springs protruding out, had to use my jacket in order to actually be able to sit in my seat. All the fold down tables were duck taped shut as they were all broken. There were 4 bathrooms on the plane but 2 of them were broken and boarded up with particle board. When the plane took off, the entire plane shook violently as if it would break apart. There wasn’t a single beve
  18. ...just posted on bangkok post that they are looking to unload their older planes to help keep the company afloat. Very dire situation moving forward
  19. ...yes, came out to be #23k bht per SQM. The comps in the bld was at over #50k-65k per SQM at one point, but due to the pandemic, prices have been falling and a few sellers made it clear to the agents that they had to sell.
  20. ...I bought a place. Only 23k per sqm. Wasn’t really looking, but what I couldn’t afford before has now dropped into my price range
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