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Everything posted by carcareers

  1. No guest fee in charged in Bangkok or Pats.
  2. Rechargeable is only way to go, save lots of $$$$. My US charger works on Thai voltage.
  3. Yeah Pattaya is cheaper then Bangkok in most cases. Really depends on what you want to do during your visit besides booze and bg's. Bangkok has much more to do during the day (if you are awake). Go to both.........then decide what suits you best.
  4. Honey? Is that you? I miss you so much!
  5. Near something that looks diabolically like sand!
  6. My Motorola (U.S. made) works on both 220 and 110 same as my laptop, don't need a convertor. Read the back of your adaptor, bet yours is the same.
  7. Damn near any bar you walk into. Smile, introduce yourself to the mamasaan, manager etc. Talk to the guys around you, never a problem finding new friends to party with.
  8. Not afraid to fly but get bored as hell as i'm usually unable to sleep in flights. I take 2 nicotine patches, 2 valium and copius amounts of whiskey.....sleep to Narita, wake for the 1.5 hour layover, back to sleep until BKK. Wake up pretty refreshed, no jet lag and ready to go.
  9. And warranties in Thailand are for the most part non-existant.
  10. Sadly it has become a very serious threat! It will go further then SAR's when (not if) it hits. Good ole GW said the other day he will use the military to "quarantine" airlines and states when they are affected.
  11. Is it possible to exceed "safe limits" while drinking Crown Royal? I used to be on blood pressure medicine (Hyzar and Toprol) the side effects were far worse than the high blood pressure itself. I started exercising daily even though not overweight and eating much better then I was accustomed to. Blood pressure came down to reasonable limits and got off the meds ASAP! I also cut way back on the smokes, went from 3-4 packs a day to now less then 1 pack a day.
  12. I want a 2nd opinion Smoking and drinking are the only two vices I have left.
  13. I recently did the verification process and it went through without my having to use the codes on the original cd's. Was smooth and easy.
  14. Been a few stories lately in the news about moto guys hitting the lobbies in the early morning hours and robbing/breaking into the front desk boxes (Pattaya News). I prefer the in room e-safe but they are not crook proof by any means. Most of them are not even secured to the floor, just set down in a closet. For me the in room safe is just plain convienience, running up and down to the desk to lock up camera's, watch and anything else you don't want to leave out in the open while having overnight guests. I know alot of guys "hide" valuables in the room, some of these gals, especially f
  15. I have flown China Airlines 3 times. First time was when United screwed me on a connection in LAX and had to put me on China Airlines.......Thanks United! Service and attitude of China flight attendants on all 3 flights was second to none. Always smiles, friendly and great food. 1st flight with them I had too overnight in Taipei. I was lucky enough to have been taken to the same hotel as the flight attendants and crew (on United's tab). The crew and flight attendants came into the restaurant later that night and we all sat together and ate, some even had a few drinks. Made the overnigh
  16. In Bangkok for a first trip all you need to know is Nana Hotel. From there just tell the taxi PATPONG Suriwong! Patpong/Nana, Patpong/Nana, Patpong/Nana, Patpong/Nana, Nana-airport. Trip completed. Duck, here come the Patpong haters
  17. Photobuckets works 4 me. http://photobucket.com/
  18. I flew China Air onve when United fucked up my connection in LAX. The flight to Teipei was fine, food was good etc. Had to spend the night in Teipei and that really sucked, getting out of the airport was a huge pain in the ass. Spent the night at a hotel only a couple miles away, way overpriced and no women to be found. I should have ventured into the city, too tired and an early flight to BKK so just went to bed.
  19. It is worth seeing ONCE if you can handle all the idiots soaking you day, night, no matter how you are dressed....even if you have expensive camera's in your hand. Personally I haul ass as far away as I can get during Songkran anymore. I inhaled so much dirty water one time I ended up sick for 4 days.
  20. Don't forget to tell the driver too slow the fuck down either. Some of the maniacs can be very dangerous on the drive to Pattaya. Take it slow, stop for a beer and buy the driver dinner, get to Pattaya in one piece and the rest is all downhill!
  21. Just saw the rates at Centre Point, may be a little high. Try asking the guys at Nanpong, many of them live in Bangkok. http://forums.delphiforums.com/nanapong/messages
  22. Try a search for Centre Pointe, they have seaveral locations in Bangkok. I stayed at the on off Silom Road for 6 months. They are serviced apartments and most are very nice. I found the link here http://www.centrepoint.com/
  23. The television announcers on ESPN said over and over what an embarrassment this was and probably the death nail for F1 in the USA. So many people lost $$$ on tickets, bets etc..... Sad day!
  24. I watched the "race" until all the cars headed for the garage. That was enough for me. Sad for all the fans that paid a huge amount of $$$ for tickets. The fans shown on tv were from all around the world.....not just America.
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