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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by deadman

  1. im tempted to book, having just returned.......
  2. a big thanks to everyone who turned up & made it a great & unforgettable night, even the regular balloon chaser who everyone seems to be raving about!
  3. hope you had a good night alf? & dont forget the viagra old man???
  4. hey all, looks like old age has finally got me as i reach the age of baldness & forgetfulness! i'll be looking to host a special birthday party in catz agogo in covent garden, soi 16 in recognition of me being alive for 30 years!!! it will have the usual pig roast & fellow bm volsfan, will be bringing some of his famous jello shots so see you then!
  5. i believe that's mr snoop! ps i have also booked into the citichic at the end of may for 3 nights at 1980bht per night! see this link for prices: http://www.thaihoteldiscounts.com
  6. thx for the pics, adam! shame i couldn't make it as much as i tried also thx to the guys in the photos with the sign, nui does seem to outshine you all
  7. paul, good to hear you'll be mr mom again! jan did say she wanted another baby, preferably a boy this time i should be arriving on july 1st but still trying to work things out. if jan feels upto a trip to the airport, let me know! take care & wish her my best
  8. chris, she did ring the bell a few times at adam's. your money well spent
  9. as far as i'm aware, you had a great time on the soi 6 heptathlon
  10. ms eva, i am truly sorry to have caused you so much pain & sufferring. i promise i will explain everything to you when we depart. i hope you will understand one day & be able to forgive me! you were my one & only ewe
  11. don't use the search engine, on the right you should see a link for bangkok @ £360. on the following page you should see the offers available ps. prices may vary depending on dates. 21 march seems to be ok but the return could affect your price
  12. looks like airline-network are having a special offer with qatar from london gatwick starting at £336 return. get it while it lasts
  13. paul, jan & little sasa, have a good xmas & an even better new year see you in january, paul! don't forget the cherry bar party on the 10th & the QT party on the 12th
  14. i quite like the morning sun, wakes me up for a bit of morning fun before going back to sleep again see you in january! D
  15. db, i'll try to attend those parties ps you should have posted this in the members bar section :D
  16. looked like one heck of a party so frank, any news of your nuptial with joy yet
  17. alan, i will definitely be stopping by in january with fellow aussie, db74 in tow! i've always had a good time but more so with your service girls
  18. around noon for LT. i did take one girl from NLD1 for LT but a few hours later she wanted to go. LT became ST but she still wanted LT rates
  19. alan, i will try & take up your offer if you still have it running in january any of your girls into foursomes btw
  20. mulphy, i'll try & take up the offer if you still have it running in january!
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