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Top 10 Pattaya Restaurants?

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I certainly agree with all those who have said Ventienne - it has got to be one of the absolute best anywhere. There is a German restaurant on Soi 7 about 5 doors up from beach road that is outstanding. Pig & Whistle, Rosie O'Grady's, Sportsman (both Soi 6 and Soi 13) and Queen Victoria's - and not just for the breakfast, the lunches and dinners are outstanding as well.

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I also like m.k. restaurant in big c. I havent met a bg that didnt like the place either. But I mostly ate at the 3 rd floor of royal gardens. Now we will see after my next trip april 5 to may5. later Doorman

The MK is also my TG's favorite and they also have one at the Carrefour that not full of tour groups. On your next trip to the Royal Garden you'll have to go up another floor to eat because they remodeled the place. It's alot nicer now.

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RB --I believe the one you are talking about is ruan thai-across from soi 13--I also like m.k. restaurant in big c. I havent met a bg that didnt like the place either. But I mostly ate at the 3 rd floor of royal gardens. Now we will see after my next trip april 5 to may5. later Doorman

ya that's the one, has the big triangle sign out on second road and the big aquriam tanks as you walk in the resturant.

never have tryed to order anything live out off the aquriam tanks.



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In getting ready for my trip I've been taking some notes from this and other posts on recommendations. Thought a list could be helpful. Aprox. addresses or food types for those not listed would be cool. * is multiple recommendations.


* Sugar Hut - Thai (bit more expensive Thai food, but great atmosphere)

* Pink Lady (good cheap menu)

* Queen vic - Breakfast (Soi 6 does the best brekie IMHO in pattaya)

* Pig and Whistle - Soi 7 does a super Fish N chips

* Vientiene

* Ruin Thai - Thai Trad Dance - Across from Royal Garden

* Nuang Nual - Great seafood, great prices, lots of it, etc

* M.K. - (In Big C) (TGs love it)

* The Blue Parrot - Mexican (Soi 2 Pattayaland)

* Bruno's - Italian (on the way to Jomtien...)

* Mata Hari (2nd road soi 7)

* LengKee - Thai/Chinese (Go up second rd, up to Tops and the police box at pattaya klang, Turn right and go down about 400m and its on the righthand side on a corner (just before soi bukow) spell check soi bukow.)


Green Tree - Thai (Beach Road/Soi 1)

Boat Bakery - Cheap?

Pan Pan - Italian (Jomtien - just after Bruno's on the opposite side)

Art Cafe. - (Soi 16, Pattaya Naklua Road)

Spaghetti Factory

Shenannigans - English

Fra Pattaya - Thai (near Walking Street) always has tasty thai food

Montein Hotel - Best Chinese food I've had any where

Tang Kay - Superb seafood

Uncle Charlies - Steaks

Papa Joes - Italian - (Walking Street)

Casa Pascal

Tequila Reef

Rosie O'Gradys - English

Royal Cliff Buffet

Grill Room (Royal Cliff) - (just the soups made by the table worth the trip out)

Au Bon Coin (Soi 5)

Dusit Resort - Saturday Buffet (North end of Beach Road)

La Gritta - Italian (Beach road, Amari resort) (great steak)

Scandibar's Ribs - Beach road Soi 13 (on Sundays?)

Lek Hotel - Breakfest (2nd Road, across fron Tim's Bar)

Nahng Nooan - Seafood (South Walking Street)

Food Fair - Seafood (Walking Street, near Nahng Nooan seafood, Gulf view)

The Lobster Pot - Seafood (Walking Street)

Ma Maison Hotel - (haven't eaten there since Jan 2003, but it was good then)

The Sportsman - English Pub with good burgers and Sunday roast (Soi 13)

New Orleans Restaurant - (good BBQ ribs)

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Hey, fellas are there any good mexican restaurnts in Pattaya or Jomtein Beach? Any in the surrounding area? :P :P

Tequila Reef (Soi 7) and Blue Parrot (SP 2) are mexican.



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Guest Winston_Churchill
Tequila Reef (Soi 7) and Blue Parrot (SP 2) are mexican.



Always a good idea for the shermans to go all the way to Thailand to find a good mex restuarant :P

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Some great restaurants here guys, just thought that I would add my own favorites to this compilation..


1) Vientianne ( I have heard that its being knocked down to make way for another shopping Mall??)


2) Lobster Pot on walking st. (Steamed Green Lip muscles, covered in mozzerella cheese, then under the grill for 2 minutes, not on the menu, but will do them if asked.)


3) PIC Kitchen (The best deep fried crab claws I have ever had)


4) El Toro Steakhouse (2nd road, at the back of Royal Garden Plaza. Had a 'chateau-briand' piece of beef here that was cooked to perfection. 550 bt for 2 persons, unbeatable value.)


5) Pig & Whistle( for the best breakfast in Pattaya, and traditional english fayre)


6) Any 24 hour pizza place....especially when your rolling drunk, about 4am, they could give it a dog shit topping.....it would still taste like heaven!


7) Shenannagans (not been for a while, but there sunday carvery was worth every baht.You can eat as many oysters as you want?)

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Always a good idea for the shermans to go all the way to Thailand to find a good mex restuarant :grin-jump

Great point, Water Closet:


Reminds me of the DFLs who travel thousands of miles to eat and prattle on about the over-hyped and over-battered crap frozen fish at P&W and other joints in LOS.


Did you ever wonder why when you travel around the world you find French, Italian, Thai and other restaurants, but never English "restaurants"?


You only find English pubs. That's because you better have a frigging lot of booze and ale around to eat that shit.


Hub :rolleyes: :D :D

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Guest Winston_Churchill
Great point, Water Closet:


Reminds me of the DFLs who travel thousands of miles to eat and prattle on about the over-hyped and over-battered crap frozen fish at P&W and other joints in LOS.


Did you ever wonder why when you travel around the world you find French, Italian, Thai and other restaurants, but never English "restaurants"?


You only find English pubs.  That's because you better have a frigging lot of booze and ale around to eat that shit.


Hub  :grin-jump  :D  :beer

not many yankee restuarants in Pattaya oops sorry big macs and burgher king in plenty for you fat dfy :rolleyes: inbreed :D

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Did you ever wonder why when you travel around the world you find French, Italian, Thai and other restaurants, but never English "restaurants"?

This looks like a great business opportunity for someone to strike it rich in America. I would drive miles to get some good beans on toast and a few miles further to find a good Scottish restaurant that had haggis on the menu. :grin-jump

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Great point, Water Closet:


Reminds me of the DFLs who travel thousands of miles to eat and prattle on about the over-hyped and over-battered crap frozen fish at P&W and other joints in LOS.


Did you ever wonder why when you travel around the world you find French, Italian, Thai and other restaurants, but never English "restaurants"?


You only find English pubs. That's because you better have a frigging lot of booze and ale around to eat that shit.



Say that to Gordon Ramsay and he'd serve you your testicles on toast!

How many US "Michelin Rated " Chefs are there btw ? <huh

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FYI: I live in Southern California, and we have some outstanding Mexican food here. Authentic cuisine and family style restaurants abound. Some are run by 1st generation people: Bring a hankie bacause your nose will run and your forehead will sweat.

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not many yankee restuarants in Pattaya oops sorry big macs and burgher king in plenty for you fat dfy :D inbreed :D

I'm an inbreed? After you DFLs been doing all that fucking on that little island? Nice!!


Do you want to give the spelling of restaurant (2nd time you fucked it up, so no typo) or burger one more try?

1luv :D



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Say that to Gordon Ramsay and he'd serve you your testicles on toast!

How many US "Michelin Rated " Chefs are there btw ?

From a quick websearch:


"Michelin publishes restaurant guides to 17 European countries besides France but has never had a U.S. edition"


Actually, in most cases I would rather have some simple English food than a $150 3* 90 minute French lunch anyways. I just was pulling Water CLoset's chain.



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From a quick websearch:


"Michelin publishes restaurant guides to 17 European countries besides France but has never had a U.S. edition"


Actually, in most cases I would rather have some simple English food than a $150 3* 90 minute French lunch anyways. I just was pulling Water CLoset's chain.



Typical of me to get in the way of a private joke. The last time I did this was with Skytrooper in another thread. Hence the Exhibit A/B/C etc that he keeps referring to me.


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My votes go to PIC Kitchen and the dinner buffet at the Marriott.


Originally posted by johnh101:

Having eaten mexican food in the States I can understand why !


Count on a skirt-clad Scotsman to eat at a Taco Bell and base his opinion on that. :P




It is sobering to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. — Charles A. Beard


A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. — Edward R. Murrow


Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it to others. — William Allen White

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My votes go to PIC Kitchen and the dinner buffet at the Marriott.


Originally posted by johnh101:


Count on a skirt-clad Scotsman to eat at a Taco Bell and base his opinion on that. :P

Space Cadet,

Every single fcuking time you jump in with your baseless, senseless, needless crrrrrrap. You know nothing about me or 99% of the other posters on this forum and your attempts at guesswork are fcuking comical, your attempts at slandering us are pathetic.


I think the best word is


Def - A foolish, inept, or unattractive person.

A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.


And no I wouldn't walk in the door of a Taco Bell.

:P B) :D B) :P :bs

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FYI: I live in Southern California, and we have some outstanding Mexican food here. Authentic cuisine and family style restaurants abound. Some are run by 1st generation people: Bring a hankie bacause your nose will run and your forehead will sweat.

I would hope so. Aren't they getting close to being the majority in LA county.

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Originally posted by johnh101:

You know nothing about me


I "know" you (and your ilk) never pass up an opportunity to denigrate the USA, just as you did in your post I responded to. You love to dish it out, but you sure can't take it.


Who was it who wrote: "Having eaten mexican food in the States I can understand why !" Oh, I remember; it was you. And who wrote, "Always a good idea for the shermans to go all the way to Thailand to find a good mex restuarant"? One of your ilk.


Your habit of posting vulgar, gratuitous insults is exactly the behavior of a "socially inept" person (and that's being polite). BTW, it's "Mexican," not "mexican." And "slander" is verbal; libel is written (and the truth is never slander or libel). You might ask a reasonably bright child to help you with your posts.



Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,†because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. — Thomas Jefferson


Liberty is not a means to a political end. It is itself the highest political end. — Lord Acton

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