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I come to Pattaya for vacation and sex with lovely Thai ladies of course but at least I have been divorced twice LOL. I just find it hypocritical for the obese guys here to rant about fat western women when they are as grossly overweight themselves.

I don't know why you are all so ovensive for white (farang) girls whether fat or slim as your blood thai gilrs. I'm looking for overweight farang girl in Pattaya. It is right to be curious about what I'm looking for. But beleive me that I'm looking for white (farang) woman for short/long term relationship, because they are obidient and easy to control. Besides, the pickings amongst Black and Asian women were slim to none. As I realize they are either too loud, too mean, too argumentative, too needy, too materialistic or carrying too much excess baggage. The black girls in my neighborhood are raised in the church. They were very strict about when they lost their virginity and who they lost it to.


It is because of the white (farang) women's strength, elegance, power, love and beauty that I could never date anyone except my dream farang Queen. It is not just the outer beauty that captivates and draws me to them. It is not the fact that

they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and shades that I love them.

Their inner beauty is what I find most appealing about farang (white) women.

Their strong spirit, loving and nurturing souls, their integrity, their ability to overcome great obstacles, their willingness to stand for

what they believe in, and their determination to succeed and reach their

highest potential while enduring great pain and suffering is why I always fall in love with farang (white) woman.


Bryant Gumbel just left his wife of 26 years for one of white girl . Charles

Barkley, Scottie Pippen, the model Tyson Beckford, Montell Williams,

Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier, Kofi

Anan, Cuba Gooding Jr., Don Cornelius, Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks,

Larry Fishburne, Wesley Snipes...I could go on and on. But, right now, I'm a

little angry and that is why I wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be mad with me because I have lot of experience with Black and Asian women.


I am looking for a Virtuous Woman. Someone that can be a good wife and mother. Someone who can be my best friend and understands my struggles. I am looking for a soul mate. I am looking for a sister and; unfortunately, Black or Asian women do not and CANNOT fit the bill. No offense taken, none given.


Mike a black man who love white (farang) woman

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I too am a black male from the USA.And yes you are entitled to your opinion but come on.Why travel to a ASIAN country in search of a fat white women. My god the Northwest of USA is full of them.You'll have your pick of fat obedient women here.There mostly all on Goverment assistance so you'll have a place to live and free food to eat.

Your thinking is a bit amiss .Logically you could go to the european countries to find your liking but to an asian country??True I have been appraoched by some Russian women when I am in LOS but I quickly vacate the area.

Your points on black women being loud and having big attitudes I am agreement .But the list of black men that have are just following the "Forbidden fruit" idea that has been going on forever.For me I haven't ever been attracted to white women .had sex with them yes but that was availability. as for black women they just got on my nerves after awhile so I stop completely dating in the USA for the last 5 years.

I travel out of the country every 3 to 4 months rotating LOS with Brazil.So Mike your right about fat men griping about fat women and no I'm not fat and never will be but that's my discipline .So let them gripe and you continue to chase your fat white women.Like the old saying goes "They give you shade in the summer and warmth in the winter"


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Why travel to a ASIAN country in search of a fat white women. My god the Northwest of USA is full of them.You'll have your pick of fat obedient women here.There mostly all on Goverment assistance so you'll have a place to live and free food to eat.

Hi Joker


Thanks for your comments. For your information I do not fly to Asia just for having sex as many ST do. live in the Malaysia. I have just come back from a trip to Thailand and I enjoyed my visit there so much that I decided to relocate there this April. I am 30 years old and a professional African man with many businesses in Africa and soon to start a few businesses in Thailand. I wish I could fly to the Northwest of USA to pick of fat obidient lady as you mentioned, or at least, could you plz tell me where I can meet them online?


Mike a black man who love white (farang) woman

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OK now this clears alot of things up. You see I do not consider myself african american Like alot of black americans do.I know this is often an insult to "true" african people.

I travel out of the country because I like too.Not for the sex.Heck you can get that anywhere.But to relax and enjoy a different culture.LOS suits me becasue of the food and people and price.Same as Brazil.I see many African men in my state with the same attitude that you profess and more power to you.I meant no disrespect and I too will retire in Asia.

I must mention though that I do find it humerous when I am often put down by African's in the USA for not in their words being "pure" which escapes me since their in the USA chasing women I wouldn't touch.But like I said .More power to you.

As for the online thing.I'm sure their has to be a network that you can hook up with.And I was not exaggerating when I said my state has an overbundance of women that fit your catagory .Happy hunting


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wow when i started readin this thread i started laughing my head off until BEGS came in and gave his/her 2 cents.




im not trying flame anybody as i dont like doing that kind of thing but some of the things you said are crude. You sound like you might be a farang woman. because i analysed your posts and language you use words like "exploit" and then you took the oppurtunity to state that everybody here is fat old bald and ugly. how do you know, im here and im 30, full head of hair(short style), no big gut, in shape, young and decent looking, i came to to thailand as next choice in my vacations and now im on my 3rd trip trip there, i realized exactly what the board members point out and that is (and im from Canada) white farang woman could never compete with any asian woman and that includes china ,japan,thailand,malaysia and india, and india and china and malaysia are not poor countries so how do you explain the amazing attitudes on those woman, i think its a possibility that you may be a farang woman who felt insulted with these posts and made a personal attack against these posters. these posters are totally correcty 99% of farang woman have attitudes that need fixing, many are selfish, wanna act like man, dont know the meaning of being feminine, and many are overweight as the countires they are from have not very healthy balanced diets and are surrounded by fast food and many have gotten so deeply into their carreers they dont even know how to cook a healthy meal for themselves. I know how to cook. as my mother taught me when i was a kid asi i grew up as she took the time away from work to raise me while my father worked (she stayed off work for 23 year to raise my borther and me she went back to work when i was 15 because she had to because my father had a heart attack and had togo off work because he worked to hard and was to stressed. She is from eastern europe and even though she might be considered a farang lady she was of the generation where farang woman will still feminine. she tells me today at her old age that the woman in this country (Canada) disgust her as they are more concerned about their careers more than their families and she is disgusted too see how many have affairs in the workplaces as when she went back to work she told me how her farang woman supervisor was sleeping with the owner of the business which enabled her too get the supervisory position, and he was ugly. And another thing she was married and her husband has no idea. funny thing is i dated a farang woman not really dated but i met her at restauarant with her friends shr slept with me on the 3rd date and then decided to tell me she was married afterwards , and her own friends hid this from me. she told me that she wasnt satisfied in her marriage, you want to hear the ugly truth, she told me she lived in a beautiful 2300 sqaure foot home, her husband bought her a nice car , he made lots of money treated her like gold and never cheated on her, and her reason for cheating, "im bored" "the sex is no good no more" (poor husband)


anyway im getting off topic ive scene much to many sad cases with farang woman who are spoiled too much . I mean another girl i dated who was not a cheater but she was so demanding and if she never got her way she whine like baby.


i use to continue to pursue farang woman as i thought this is woman whati can do , until i accidentally stumbled on thailand and realized there are woman with better personalities in the eastern part of the world ,and quite frankly not that it matters better healthier looking bodies. im not stating they are perfect but being honest if i had to choose id pick an asian woman over a frang woman by a long stretch, sorry but you white whales just can t even come close , you've just lost the concept and cant figure out how to have a good relationship with a man and make him happy.


and another thing ive been to thailand and have gone with p4p woman and also some non p4p woman and im not ashamed to admit it. the sad part is that some of the poorest p4p woman have way better personalities than you white whales.


And some of the older men have married these woman knowing perhaps theyare looking for financial security but accepted them anyway because they are far better woman than you white whales.


Have you been to Issaan? Many farang men married to thai woman, happily. i met one in pattaya this guy was happily married to his thai woman for over 13 years. it was so nice to see him and her (they were on a holiday in pattaya)with their 1 child and her parents and her sister and brother , this girl was so happy and appreciative of him , icould see it in her eyes , and he said to me you know she married me for financial security but you know what , i dont care shes happy , im happy ,her family is happy (by the way its amazing how these woman include their family on everything and show such high family values something that is disappearing in america with many farang woman)


Ill tell you if most men living in america had any idea what some eastern woman are like , they would never settle or marry any farang woman, tehy only do in america because they have no idea such things exist and only believe everything they read in the media. at one time in my life i only desired heavily the white woman here ina america beacuse i had no idea what else was out there .


and i understand there are many slefish thai woman etc etc. hey they are human too, but the difference is there general attitude and there way of life.


you say that these girls have posters of young good looking people in there rooms, you are imposing your western way of thinking on them , i was in thai girls room before, she had no posters on the wall ,(shes not gonna waste her money on that) all she had was a bhuddist mini shrine in the corner near the roof (like one of these shelves with the bhudda and these candles) she said to me everyday before i go to work i ask bhudda to bring me good luck. (now you dont see farang woman doing that instead they sleep with their bosses to get a promotion and if they dont get a promotion they accuse them of sexual harassment)


If some of them make jokes about the farangs they go with , hey they do have an a very good sense of humor , this is there way , in your western way you would see it as an insult but in their way they do it to gain face with their friends .



i fail to see how you spent 17 years in pattaya and are not even aware of many realities based on your very crude comments about exploitation.


Many farang men are just fed up with farang woman, also many men have been seriously hurt and have been taken to the cleaners by farang woman, this is the subconsious reason why so many get disgusted when they see these fat whale farang woman dragging their asses around pattaya giving strange looks when they see a farang guy and thai woman having the time of there life strolling around pattaya. its not about not being able to get laid in there own country . this once again is your western way of thinking and you have to make yourself feel better by amking crude comments about exploitation etc etc. many woman are not being expolited . In fact if you coul understand a different culture you would know that many asian woman are less concerned about age and looks and are more concerned about financial security and being treated with repect and appreciating that treatment(one thing many farang woman dont know how to appreciate when they are being treated good, you have to treat them like shit to get any respect from them) quite frankly im sick of that in farangland of having to put on a show and purposely treat a woman bad so i can get some respect from her and then having a farang woman telling me that she belives she has to treat a a man bad on purpose so she can get respect from him thngs have really gotton screwed up here in america and asia was the 1st place in which i treated a girl good and she showed me the same respect back (i thought to myself wow)

sorry begs but you set me off : i could not sit there and watch you make such crude comments and get away with it


bottom line there are many fat white farang woman whales dragging there asses around pattaya and im sure if they would just join in on the party instead of passing around dirty looks they would be accepted by many board members here but the problem is they are dragging the white fat assess around the city and imposing there western ways by being snobby and giving dirty looks as they do every day here in america andthis is why many board memebres are complaining as it is beacsue of the atitudes these white woman whales are presenting.


you know i had a good experience in jomtien during songkran last year , i was at a beer bar up there and there were 4 farang woman siting in there enjoying themselves and not giving dirty looks to anybody . they were between the ages of 40-50 and i guess they were mature to have an open mind about peoples lifestyles, i asked them how do they like pattaya and they said they loved it , they said they loved all smiles on everyboidies faces ,everybody havinga good time

i was quite surprised and i guess they been of an ealrier generation of farang woman who knows .


anyway some men here in pattaya dont want to settle down and want to have fun while others develop relationships , some guys go with girls and then give them money and tell them to leave and those girls are happy to take the money and move on. others have other ineteresting situations . There is a lot of pay for play going on . But please begs dont impose those western views around here

you go t the right to post your oppinion and now i posted my oppinion back to you.


I think your wrong in what you said and i know so because i can get laid in my own country but have no ineterst in farang woman anymore and im sure this is the situation with most the guys on the board ,anybody get can get laid in their own country ive seen proof of this. what we dont like in our own country is the crap we have to put up with after we get laid with a certain woman.



nuff said

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Sommy, spot on :gulp . My sentiments exactly. I to have given up on western woman for the very same reasons, mainly their bad attitudes :nod Angeles City Philippines, 1 1/2 hr north of manila, got back this week from there. Trip report to follow in members section,next week




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Perfectly put sommy,Most the people i know in thailand and my uncle uncle who live there have been married before and had bad experiances with women at home although many have had bad experiances with thai women aswell. <huh Most of them tell me iam lucky to of discovered thailand at a young age and not make the same mistakes they have made.I know the men in relationships can be twats as well but take marriage for example here in the uk means nothing nowadays.Most of my friends parents are divorced along with mine, even lads my age maybe have kids then split up or are always argueing <grin It was different during my nan and grandads generation they are both in there 60s but are still married but there vows meant something.White women are ok at the start of relationships but once you get involved the majority turn into bastards :unsure: I know that is the way the uk is going with womens lib etc iam not knocking it but i dont want it.My brother has two kids but has told her he is only there for the kids there is absolutly nothing there between them she is an absolute lazy crazy bitch.But he is scared what will happen to the kids if he left because she is a terrible mother. B) even my mother hates her but trys to get on with her for the sake of the kids she is the sought of women if they split would let my brother see the kids once a week and try and limit my mothers time with them because shes a bitch even though the kids would be better off with my brother, but fathers get a bum deal when it comes to kids. He goes to work all day comes home and has to cook his own dinner wtf is that about i might sound like a chauvenist (sc)but i prefer an old fashioned women and imho thai women even asian women are more like that.You look after them and they look after you :unsure: <grin

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hahhahaha i betcha this is your usual farang woman being her usual self teasing a hungry elephant , welll she got hers ahahahahaha


i guess this might be one of those bloated farang woman prancing around pattaya , if so she got what she desrved .


ok i dont mean to be cruel but heck by reading this article i wonder if it was the kind of farang woman that are annoying us in pattaya well good for the elephant for teaching her a lesson








Woman receives minor injuries after teasing hungry elephant


Mahout fined 500 baht




A three-year-old male elephant knocked a female tourist to the ground on March 7 in the beer bar area on Sois 7 and 8. The woman was taken to the hospital for treatment of minor bruises, and later released. Apparently realizing the folly of her ways, she declined to press charges, saying it was her fault for teasing the hungry elephant.


Butsaba, whose only real crime was being hungry, received a brutal beating resulting in 16 wounds to the head. His mahout Niwat was fined 500 baht for causing a public disturbance.


However, police fined the elephant’s mahout, Surin native Niwat Salangam, 27, for causing a public disturbance.


Niwat told police that he had brought the elephant, named Butsaba, to the Pattaya Elephant Show, but they were laid off and had no monthly income for food. So Niwat brought the elephant around the tourist areas to sell elephant food, earning him a small income and keeping Butsaba fed.


He said that on the night in question, Butsaba was very hungry, and one tourist woman was playing tricks on him while giving him food. The elephant became annoyed and knocked her down with its trunk, causing her minor injuries.


Niwat’s friend brought her to the hospital, and by the time police arrived she had already been released and returned home.


Police brought Niwat and Butsaba in for questioning, and could see that Butsaba had 16 bleeding wounds to his face and head. Niwat told police that he had to beat the elephant with a wooden and iron pick until it bled in order to control the elephant, otherwise it would not have stopped its angry tantrum. The police warned Niwat that he could be charged with animal mistreatment.


Police charged Niwat with causing a public disturbance, fined him 500 baht and gave him a warning before letting him go free.





ok im just kidding that poor farang woman

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One thing that I cannot understand is this, why on earth would somebody boast of paying for sex?

Honestly, you pay for it in one way or another, so what is the problem...? If I was to add up all "her" expenses during our marriage,what she got after the divorce and then do the math, I could have had a lifetime of sex in Pattaya.

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Im pleased for you Blossom.At least your having a good time in Pattaya <laugh <laugh .

As for being un-sure of ones self <laugh <laugh <grin NEVER!!!

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Of course you had no trouble "picking up" TG girls, you're a big fat lady.


You can probably bench press more than most of the guys on here.

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Let's not ignore that fact that there plenty of Men that are equally gravitationally challenged. My visit last year was a mixture of delight and disdain.


Certainly the Thai women are generally petite but how often are they accompanied by a westerner of large proportions? We all know that the farang is there for the guarenteed attention that his western wallet will attract from the Ladys. The fact is that large farang women also visit Thailand for the lure of a young, beautiful friend or two.


However, I believe that such sights may inevitably lead the Thai women to become less proud of their appearance in the future. As long as they are satisfied that they are more attractive (thinner etc) than farang women, they remain the market leader.


Are there any bars that specifically cater for the larger customer? Maybe there will be soon.

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Ok, you're fat. Now stop shouting.

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Let's not ignore that fact that there plenty of Men that are equally gravitationally challenged. My visit last year was a mixture of delight and disdain.


Certainly the Thai women are generally petite but how often are they accompanied by a westerner of large proportions? We all know that the farang is there for the guarenteed attention that his western wallet will attract from the Ladys. The fact is that large farang women also visit Thailand for the lure of a young, beautiful friend or two.


However, I believe that such sights may inevitably lead the Thai women to become less proud of their appearance in the future. As long as they are satisfied that they are more attractive (thinner etc) than farang women, they remain the market leader.


Are there any bars that specifically cater for the larger customer? Maybe there will be soon.

So what are you saying that IF your a fat male you should only BF a fat large BG??.


Might be a good idea for a new business?? "The Fat Traveler flys half way around the world to BF a fat BG".i can just see a chain of these bars opening down soi6 or walking st.

The punter is King,never forget that when your in Pattaya...

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hi all, why are you all so down on western,women sure they have their faults but dont we all,we(me anyway) all come to LOS for the ladies and too enjoy ourselves why waste time and effort on the problems we should be leaving behind us in farang land

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From the New York Post, Today 30MAR05

Unlike the size-0 Parker, the average 40-year-old woman is 25 1/2 pounds heavier than her mom was in 1960. She's 164 pounds, wears a size 14 dress and a size 9 shoe. :beer And they wonder why we travel....

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