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Rating your airline seating

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one piece of concideration for people who want bulkhead seating, they also put the basenetts for the babys there so i avoid them

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I am still just puzzled why passengers year in and year out accept these lousy cattle transports - whilst airlines cry croco tears of how poorly they are doing and thus have to withdraw standards even more.....


On short legs it is not that important, but when you are seated 12-15 hours it is just a shame how bad it is. I also sometime wonder how these really obese (fat..) guys you can see around LOS can actually fit into one of those tiny airplane chairs! And again - for so many hours! It must be torture for them - and even dangerous for the circulation!


On long routes I have long since given up flying coach - just refuse to be packed like a sardine. Always go business or even first (can be done via earned milage points) and that is ok. The way it should be for ALL passengers flying more than 6 hours I think! :unsure:

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As far as the "fat" passengers go. Most airlines classify them as "POS", Passenger of Size. A PC term for being not fitting in the seat and we aren't going to make some other poor bastard share half of his seat with you. Sorry a little sensitive to that, lol. Did a coast to coast that way once, not fun. Anyway for POS they are required by certain airlines to buy a second ticket and use two adjoing seats.



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One of my friends is in his mid 70's and is somewhat obese - weighing at 20 stone. He's had 3 heart attacks in the past and takes a whole load of pills to keep his heart working in good order and to keep his blood pressure down.


He also has difficulty walking any distance and he usually has to pay extra to get a bigger seat.



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Always fly bus class these days, I'm 6ft 2", so when I was younger and couldn't afford bus class, it was a nightmare, final nail in my cattle class coften, was when i ended up in the very last row on the aircraft in a seat which didn't recline, so when the guy in front of me put his seat all the way back, he was vurtually in my lap... :D


Swore to myself then, bus from now on, it's fucking expensive, usually go KLM Glasgow - Amsterdam, the Amsterdam - bangkok, but it really does make a huge difference, roll on Friday... <grin

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Some of us who are larger than the norm have little choice but to travel economy and so far I have had no real problems with scheduled airlines, but I have been very unhappy when i made the mistake of not paying the extra £20 to book the extra legroom seats on a charter flight

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OK guys - I think this topic is interesting, because I think airlines basically are screwing their customers each and every day - more and more! They dont give a rats ass about your comfort or service either at airports or on the plane. One reason is of course that airline exec never have to travel in those sardine cans. And I really cant understand how air authorities in all countries can accept these circumstances - especially on charter! Ok - they will argue the price is the issue - but I dont buy that! GREED is the answer! The more cattle flesh you can press in there - the more buckazoids!


And sure bus and 1st is toooo expensive. But I pay it. Otherwise I would never again fly to LOS or any other longhauls. When I was young couldnt afford it. Now older and with own company and can get away with it. Not all bros can and that triggers the basic question in this posting:


If you take an average coach class ticket to LOS for approx 700 - 1000 USD -- how much could you accept as reasonable as add-on to get a business seat? 30% more? 50%?


My idea is that if a bus stool was say approx 1200 usd - you could actually rearrange for instance the 747´s and have those seats in the entire plane! The airline would make more money, the public would think it is worth it and I am pretty damn sure that any brave airline who entered just one plane with that configuration for a test, either from europe to LOS or from US to the same, would be sold out -- ALWAYS!


Am I wrong? Please correct me - but I think not! :banghead

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If you take an average coach class ticket to LOS for approx 700 - 1000 USD -- how much could you accept as reasonable as add-on to get a business seat? 30% more? 50%?


My idea is that if a bus stool was say approx 1200 usd - you could actually rearrange for instance the 747´s and have those seats in the entire plane! The airline would make more money, the public would think it is worth it and I am pretty damn sure that any brave airline who entered just one plane with that configuration for a test, either from europe to LOS or from US to the same, would be sold out -- ALWAYS!


Am I wrong? Please correct me - but I think not! :banghead



Singapore Airlines already flies EWR-SIN with no economy seats - they only have premium economy and full business class.


Airlines are pretty good at monitoring and predicting their loads on a flight-by-flight basis and I am sure if there was a more profitable configuration than that in use then they would adopt it - BA for example with World Traveller Plus. Unfortunately, bearing in mind how airlines release their seats at different price levels according to demand, any airline that was always full would simply increase its prices. The simple laws of supply and demand.



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i flew from vegas - chicago a couple of years ago and i got stuck next to this yank who must have been 30st ... his fuckin gut was over the armrest, the fat twat couldn't even put his tray down ! i quietly complained to the united airlines stewardess and all i got was a shrug of the shoulders,were full so i can't move you sir... :eyecrazy

I had to put up with the blubber over the armrest and the pantomime of him going for a piss.. somebody at check in should have said hold on a minute this article is not going to fit in our cattle class seats .... when your luggage is overweight you get charged , he should have been charged for 2 seats :eyecrazy

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I am eleven and a half stone(approx.73/74 K) was once charged excess baggage for being 6 k over the stated limit of 20 K, this made combined total weight 100 kgs and then had to endure the discomfort of an individual sitting next to me who most of weighed 120/130 k. I know it is not possible for airlines to weigh passengers and luggage together but it does seem a little bit unfair when you are charged excess when you in fact slip easily into a seat and other individuals buy one but use one and a little bit of two others. :leaving

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I once flew cattle class from Amsterdam on KLM to Bangkok. I have never experienced a more uncomfortable seat in my life. 10 hours of squirming around trying to get respite from the ache in my arse! :D


On the other hand, I flew back once on EVA Evergreen d/lux and found myself sitting next to a Thai lady with a 10 month old baby. I didn't have the heart to tell her she was in MY window seat and resigned myself to another shite trip back. Not only did the baby sleep most of the way but when it was awake it seemed only to make chuckling noises! Mum was at least a 7/8 as well :devil

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i flew KLM at xmas and it was shit ! shit seat , tight arses with the booze (good job i had 8 cans and a bottle of jack borrowed from the lounge in manchester) :D ..Bargain , book yourself in the lounge £16 as much as you can get down your neck in 3 hours then take what you like with you.. :devil :bs



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