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Lance Armstrong

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I would believe his apology if he wrote a book the life and times of lance Armstrong and donated the proceeds to charity or something similar.



He didn't apologise to Emma O'Reilly, Betsy Arndreu, David Walsh, Greg Lemond, Paul Kimmage, etc etc etc.



It seems a shame to condemn and banish him for life. :sosad


USADA has made it pretty clear what he has to do before they'll consider any reduction in the length of his ban. The ball's firmly in his court.

Edited by CheshireTom
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He's a guy with a narrow viewpoint of the world and he's a nit picker who thinks by casting dispersions on anyone who's accomplished any thing brings them down to his level.   I've known a few guys

Not sure about that. New drugs come along now and again and detection is always playing catch-up. I think the deterrent that a drug taker can be uncovered retroactively justifies it.

Seriously f*cked up situation. The guy spoke at the Livestrong dinner last night as though nothing happened. He's told the story for so long he doesn't even realize how much he's let people down. More

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Guest Fatboyfat

Choice of Interviewer stinks IMHO. How much is the conman making out of the TV appearance? Surely there must be some harder hitting interviewers in the USA? :clueless Then again the arshole would probably refuse an interview with them. :rolleyes:

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You couldn't pay me to watch. The guy is a bully and a liar. I thought he didn't dope because I felt no one could go to that extent to maintain a fraudulent persona. Boy, was I wrong.

Yeah, that was my thought.... 'You can fool all of the people once'.....etc.

Years back I thought he was inspirational. He didn't strike me as remorseful.

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Yeah, that was my thought.... 'You can fool all of the people once'.....etc.

Years back I thought he was inspirational. He didn't strike me as remorseful.


He is not remorseful in the least; this "apology" is solely a business decision.

Edited by The Mook
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You couldn't pay me to watch. The guy is a bully and a liar. I thought he didn't dope because I felt no one could go to that extent to maintain a fraudulent persona. Boy, was I wrong.


...the times we live in. Many like him out there.

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I believe he has recently applied for a visa to Australia where his talents will be appreciated.

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Didn't Armstrong also make some rather poor taste 'Tweets' deriding Froome and his team?




Perhaps he is right, but not his place to say, nor is he in a position criticize others.

He comes over as a right shit.

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Would he have been saying the same things if Tejay Van garderen (a fellow yank) were in yellow......For mine from here on in, anytime a yank is leading in the Tour I will be calling for doping control.

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