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Another newbie, wanted to say hello

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Been going to Pattaya now for around 5 years, my dads retired and lives in the View Talay Villa complex. Hence my regular visits!


Absolutley love the place and i'm working on a masterplan to get the hell out of England as soon as possible (5 years more hard slog roughly)


I'm 27 years old now, women in England just frustrate me these days! I just cant be arsed with them.


What are the ages on the forum? If you dont mind!

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Hello mate and welcome.


My old man has also retired over in pattaya although he travels all over Thailand(his fave place is pattaya)


He has left me and bro his buisness(he just wants a certain amount paid into his bank account each month-what a life for him)


Anyway.... i am also looking to move over there in the future, not as lucky as you i think i may have to wait 10 yrs or so(28 yrs old now) but its all good and im well looking forward to the future.


Totally agree with you mate about the stuck up bitches that live over here.



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I'm 27 years old now, women in England just frustrate me these days! I just cant be arsed with them.


What are the ages on the forum? If you dont mind!

now then.

we are all old frustrated fucks on this board.

my I suggest to you get much older, divorced a couple times and give away all you worldly goods to some to some little cutie from your hometown.


stay the fuck out of LOS and especially pattaya

the thai matrix is for no rookie


but seriously

women are women the world over

just cheaper to rent in LOS



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Definitely too young to be coming to Pattaya. Hell, it will spoil you for the ladies in any other country except maybe the Philippines. By all means stay away until you are at least 20 or 30 years older!


Cheers :D :D :D :D :D :D

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I'm 29. I first came when I was 22. So 27 is a prime perfect age to come. Nothing wrong with young guys coming to Thailand. It aint just for old fogies. The only issue to worry about is money.

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I'm 29. I first came when I was 22. So 27 is a prime perfect age to come. Nothing wrong with young guys coming to Thailand. It aint just for old fogies. The only issue to worry about is money.

Hey bangkapiboy, your just a youngster. Me, well 52 does not feel that old :chogdee2

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Definitely too young to be coming to Pattaya. Hell, it will spoil you for the ladies in any other country except maybe the Philippines. By all means stay away until you are at least 20 or 30 years older!


Cheers :chogdee2 :chogdee2 :beer :D :D :D


Too late, there's no turning back for me now. I'm hooked.


This will be my ninth or tenth visit and i'll certainly be back for crazy Songkran in april.


nice to meet you all!


43 days and counting to my next visit....

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Quote :- It aint just for old fogies. The only issue to worry about is money.


I support your contention. There is more than enough for all here. I object to your disrespectful phraseology. Your second sentence above crystalises the adverse reaction of us more senior members of the brotherhood. Have you got a grand sterling per month to fritter? There are more than enough sad sacks here who have run out of money. We don't want to read about you diving off the 12th floor.

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