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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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:D Arriving in Pattaya again next week for another fun time and was wondering if some of you guys could give me a few pointers for where to buy good quality jeans, looking for 501's, Armarni's or such like. Cheers, BN. :D Edited by bangkoknick
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Best deal on jeans I found was in MBK (Bangkok) mall. The cost was about 800 baht/pair, and they even hemmed them right there for you for no added cost.

Don't know about Pattaya.

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If you are looking in pattaya I have not seen anywhere selling real armani d+g prada etc although there is a CERRUTI shop in the royal garden plaza at about a third off uk prices

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There is a Levis booth in Mike's, 2nd floor i think. they appear to be real and are about 25-40% off and they won't budge much unless you are buying multiple items.


Last year i bought a pair of 501's for me along with a t-shirt, belt and a pair of 50? for the BG with me. i got about thb500 off the total bill. in June of this year i bought a pair of Levis for a different BG and was given a crass look when i asked for a discount. of course after seeing the 25 yo BG in the jeans already (think about the shapely little 17 yo you saw at the mall last week), there was no way those pants were going back on the rack :D

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I have never seen a real pair of levis in Thailand except the ones I brought over four years ago, I have seen some pretty good copies. Went to an outlet mall one evening pretty classy place and iI asked to see some and when I looked and felt them they weren't even close I know levis I have worn them all my life. The sales lady assured me they were authentic even showed me a poster on the wall that said she was an authorized agent. I heard that Levi Strauss co has boycotted Thailand but that is just hear say. I wouldnt mind paying regular US price for real Levis or even more but I still have yet to see the real thing here in Thailand. I am sure they do exist here....




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I wouldnt mind paying regular US price for real Levis or even more but I still have yet to see the real thing here in Thailand. I am sure they do exist here....

I have been wearing 501s for years and the pair i bought at the Levis shop in Mike's has me fooled, they feel and wear like any other pair i have worn. When I got home I compared them to a pair I already had. I looked at the label, the rivits, the stitching, the pockets, even turned both pair inside out. if they are fakes, i don't think Levi himself would be able to tell :beer

Edited by PokerUpFront
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Try the outlet mall next to Tesco lotus on Sukemvit road, Royal garden shopping plaza has occasional big brand clearance stands on its concourse, best deals on genuine stuff I've seen, same in Big C festival though brands not as good. For great looking fakes go to stall at front about halfway down the left hand side of Tues/Fri market Soi Buckou (opposite Friendship supermarket), Levi shops seem to be in many civilised plazas. There is also an outlet shop called 'Fly Now' a couple of kilos down Sukemvit towards bkk , on left probably see it on way in if you keep your eyes open.

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It would appear that I am out of step with the posters here. Who gives a rat's arse about Levi's, 501's? In my book jeans are jeans. Does it massage your ego wearing clothes with a certain label? Do you think you attain some sort of status? What is the point of buying a Rolls-Royce when a Toyota would do the job at a reasonable price? Understand that I am not being judgemental, merely seeking clarification.


I once saw two friends arguing whether the Armani jacket one was wearing was in fact genuine. They came to blows over it. I thought telephoning for the men in white suits to come and collect them was a reasonable option. BTW who is Armani? As Prince Philip said, "It's all Greek to me".

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It would appear that I am out of step with the posters here. Who gives a rat's arse about Levi's, 501's? In my book jeans are jeans.

In case you missed the movie "Rainman" let me clarify, K-Mart sucks, AND, if you ever wore a pair of 501's long enough to get them broken in, then you might understand why they cost a bit more and are so sought after.


By your rational I can't figure why you would fly to LOS to bang fine ass BGs when you can bang fat ass homegirls and have them buy you shit for doing it? :chogdee2

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I don't really care if they are copies. The price is right. Just like the Nike copies. Some are real Nikes as many are made in Thailand and are simply over-runs. Please don't be so hung up on brand names. You are paying for the logo. If a manufacturer wants me to advertise their brand they can pay me!


Little Roy :D

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In case you missed the movie "Rainman" let me clarify, K-Mart sucks, AND, if you ever wore a pair of 501's long enough to get them broken in, then you might understand why they cost a bit more and are so sought after.


It's been years since I went to the cinema. Since the demise of real stars such as Burt Lancasterand Steve McQueen and the gorgeous Grace Kelly marrying that dago princeling (I was saving myself for her) I lost interest. Hollywodd rewriting history also didn't help their cause.


Breaking them in? You mean you have to wash them a number of times before they're wearable?


Your argument does not hold water. Is not same same. Some things in life matter, others do not. As another poster pointed out there is no sense in being a walking advert for a clothing company that doesn't give a rat's arse for you. I cannot see the point of the fashion industry, it's all dross as far as I'm concerned. I will decide what I wear and not some poof from South Molton Street, Paris, Milan or wherever. Ray Davies of The Kinks got it right with :-

He thinks he is a flower to be looked at

And when he pulls his frilly nylon pants right up tight

He feels a dedicated follower of fashion.


If you feel that 501's or Levi's (going broke the last I heard) are worth the premium good for you and I certainly would defend your right to purchase same. However unless one pair of them would outlast the 5 or 6 pairs of utility jeans that I could purchase for the same money I have reservations regarding your judgement.


By your rational I can't figure why you would fly to LOS to bang fine ass BGs when you can bang fat ass homegirls and have them buy you shit for doing it?  :rolleyes:


I didn't come to Thailand to bang fine ladies. I came to escape politically correct UK, sponging immigrants who are always moaning despite receiving more from the state than poor native souls who have contributed, crime, drunkeness and disorder on the streets, excessive taxation and the nanny state. In return I got a cheap cost of living, an equable climate, instant affordable medical attention, excellent golf and fishing, much amusement at the machinations of Thai politics and a wife straight out of my wildest dreams.

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Probably to late but...

Both Big C and Royal Garden have their Levi's shops. Mike's also got a shop looking a bit less offical.

501 will cost you around 2200 Baht in those shops. They seems to be a bit lighter/thinner than in the real world.

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Some things in life matter, others do not.


your words exactly, your opinion that someone liking a certain pair of jeans is just that, your opinion, and opinions like assholes are owned by everyone.


30 some posts and already trying to make friends??? Bangkoknick likes certain things and he posts a request about where to buy them and you respond with, "Who gives a rat's arse about Levi's, 501's? In my book jeans are jeans". Way to show what a helpful and neighborly guy you are, hope that's not the kinda help that people give you.


btw, 501's like any pair of jeans are wearable immediately, but unlike cheap jeans, like those made from man made fibers, 501's will conform to your individual body shape and no other pair of jeans will ever fit as well. Also they last as long or longer than any other pair of jeans manufactured from cotton, and they were being manufactured long before designer jeans came on the scene. But asking some people who haven't experienced them to understand how good they wear is like asking someone who has never been to Pattaya to understand Pattaya <grin





good job in a guy with 80 posts supporting a real winner.

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actually poker i was on about the last post bagwan-about the uk being a shithole etc etc. and my "opinion" is just that my opinion! if you think that is support well carry on it bothers me not a jot! and can somebody only express their opinion on here if they have a certain amount of posts? if so i apologise from the bottom of my heart and i swear most sincerely i wont express my opinion on here again, and for christmas i will buy you another teddy to throw out of your pram! anyway mate all the best and hope you have a merry christmas :rolleyes:

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