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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I'd agree that some places must add something to the half-pints - hopefully it's only water! - and the taste isn't good. On the other hand I know that sometimes the girls in the bars are pretty generous with the Mekong and Sang Som measures - I imagine they think that if they get you pissed they stand a better chance of getting business.

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The only place I drink draft is the Kilkenny. If you are paying 45-50 for draft, I would'nt blame bar owner for throwing in a bit of water. Don't like other things added though.

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I only sell bottled beer and never drink draft as I think it tastes like shit. I know a few bars which sell shorts in very small measures. Better to sell a decent product and charge a decent price I think.


Oh yes and how is it that some bars cannot get their beer cold ? Buy decent fridges and bottle up when you close the bar so the beer has all night to get cold. Buy an ice box as back up as well.


And put beer in condoms, easy to take out if you don't want one. Only Bt10 or so to buy.

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One night I had 21 jack & cokes in various pattaya go-go's , wasnt one bit drunk.


It must of been either the big meal I had before going out or maybe they put a little bit extra coke in my drink.


stick with bottled beer and you will be right.

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  torrenova said:
I only sell bottled beer and never drink draft as I think it tastes like shit. I know a few bars which sell shorts in very small measures. Better to sell a decent product and charge a decent price I think.


Oh yes and how is it that some bars cannot get their beer cold ? Buy decent fridges and bottle up when you close the bar so the beer has all night to get cold. Buy an ice box as back up as well.


And put beer in condoms, easy to take out if you don't want one. Only Bt10 or so to buy.

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I was in a restaurant in Jomtien Beach Road and had just got my bottle of Singha when I wondered why I couldn't pour it into the glass. (yes, the top had been taken off :D ). The bottle must have been put into the freezer to fast chill it and someone had forgotten to take it out. The beer was frozen! :D


The replacement bottle was suitably chilled though.



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Guest Fatboyfat

Not too sure about the watering down: But short or small measures are rife (What is a measure in Thailand anyway ? ) The good old days when you bought the bottle with 4 mixers & a bucket of ice stopped that happening; and you could keep the unfinished bottle "behind the bar" for next time. Not much liked by the predominately farang run estabishments nowadays tho'! :D

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ah! yes i remember in samui in the 80s it was about 80 baht for half a bottle of sang som or mekhong a bucket of ice and 2 bottles of coke or water! i still drink thai whaisky and bars in pattaya (some anyway) still do it that way but i just drink it by the glass now!

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Although I am sure it happens, it is a really stupid thing for a bar owner to do.


Consider an average bottle of spirits in Thailand at around 600 baht. If you get 28 shots from the bottle and you sell each shot for 100 baht your profit on each shot will be 79 baht. Now if you replace a quarter of the bottle with water the cost of the bottle goes down to 450 baht and the profit margin at 100 baht per shot goes to 84 baht. That's an increase of 5 baht. On the whole bottle that would be an increased profit of 140 baht.


Total profit on the un-watered bottle is 2,212 baht and on the watered bottle 2,352 baht. In other words an insignificant profit increase at the cost of pissing off 28 customers. Why would anyone do that.


The other thing that bar owners know is that the drunker a customer gets the more free spending he becomes. So watering the drinks while a good thing for the customers health is probably also having a negative effect on the bottom line.


Selling short measures or watered drinks is a good sign that the owner has no understanding of what really makes a bar tick. :D

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  Fatboyfat said:
Not too sure about the watering down: But short or small measures are rife (What is a measure in Thailand anyway ? ) The good old days when you bought the bottle with 4 mixers & a bucket of ice stopped that happening; and you could keep the unfinished bottle "behind the bar" for next time. Not much liked by the predominately farang run estabishments nowadays tho'! :D
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The good old days when you bought the bottle with 4 mixers & a bucket of ice stopped that happening; and you could keep the unfinished bottle "behind the bar" for next time. Not much liked by the predominately farang run estabishments nowadays tho'!  :D
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Thats welcome in my bar (but after the first night you have to buy the mixers) :cussing

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If the lines in a draught system are not cleaned regularly the beer will start to taste like shit. You don't want to know what the inside of some of those lines look like.


I am 100% sure that many bars in water down the booze. Try drinking JW straight and you will be ok (I think), harder to water scotch without it getting lighter in color and many people drink it straight. The Bacardi has to be watered in some places because I have drank gallons of the stuff and not been smasher OR had a headache the next day.



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I've found here they think or there staff have been told that our half nip is a full nip,if they use a measure,

i have had many arguements about this,but always the old story ,I KNOW NOTHING,

look at them pour sometime,if you can ,but dont argue you won't win..

or it is watered down.which i have seen done too. :drunk


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I would say that either the measures vary greatly between bars or watering down of spirits is common in Pattaya .


When I'm drinking my bacardi/sprite on a prowl the taste of the drink in different bars can vary from quite strong to no alcohol taste at all .


Part of the problem is that the mixer is added before you see the drink so you don't know how much spirit is in the glass . Thais generally tend to mix their drinks fairly weakly - I have seen this while upcountry in TG's homes .


I remember one night in Xcyte while I was with a mate & our TG's . We bought a bottle of JWB at the door & the waiter guy was keeping our glasses refilled . My mate & I usually had to grab the whiskey bottle each time to give our drinks some kick .


Now I usually stick to bottled beer . At least that way you are sure of what you are drinking & avoid any potential probs with ice made with dodgy water .

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I agree with all who have said that bottled beer is the best way to go. A buddy and I went to a few gogos in the lower sois that had super cheap beer -- but it was draught and tasted like, well, watered-down draught.


One other thing, during my last visit, I got a bit tired of the elephant-piss, and switched to "Bacardi and coke." But what I got in both places was "Sang som and coke." So no point buying the more expensive stuff when they just give you the local brew anyway. Not that I mind sang som at all, mind you. :D

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