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just a quick rreport on mr. toom. i used his service in may and he was great; met me at the airport and had a quck iand pleasnt trip to pattaya. i will use him again when i return in october. he always answered my emails promptly. i would recommend him highly. :chogdee2 :chogdee2 :banana

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:thumbup price and how to contact mr toom :clueless

:D Hi ! Khun Tobymc

Welcome to my service my price is still 1,200 baht include all toll and parking fees already if you want to make order only send your arrive time,day and flight number direct to : toom39@msn.com

So thank hope to see you soon


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<grin Hi ! Khun Tobymc

Welcome to my service my price is still 1,200 baht include all toll and parking fees already if you want to make order only send your arrive time,day and flight number direct to : toom39@msn.com

So thank hope to see you soon


Hi Mr Toom tried to email you today 07.06.06 regarding taxi from BKK-Pattaya if you could send me email back a.s.a.p be gratefull thanks

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I used Mr Toom's service Bangkok to Pattaya 21st May,and although I was last out through Customs,my driver was waiting(although had gone walkabout looking for me).

I didn't use the return service as it is so easy to book a taxi for 800 baht when you are in Pattaya,never been let down.

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I used mr tooms service on the 27th may, mr pong picked me and my friend up, he said he had waited 2hours for us and had a name card waiting, easy to see.

i would recomend the toom service, the driver drove safely and i had no problems at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mr. Tooms


I will be in Thailand late October. It will be my first visit to the country.

At present, I do not know where I will want to stay, wether in Pattaya or Bangkok.

However I will need transportation.

What I am looking for is someone who will be abel to take me where I want to go when ever I want to go there. Also I would require this person to aquire things for me, nothing illegal to be assured.


If you believe that you may know of such a person please email me at



I am looking forward to your reply.

Thank you

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Mr. Tooms


What I am looking for is someone who will be abel to take me where I want to go when ever I want to go there. Also I would require this person to aquire things for me


Thank you

24/7 taxi-slave will cost you dearly, methinks.


:chogdee2 B)

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Used Mr Toom's taxi's on my recent trip.


First class basic taxi service and great value for money.

His driver, with a card with my name on it, was the first person standing at the exit.

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Mr. toom, i know you are watching these boards. I tried to contact you about a ride on July 2nd frm BKK to Pattaya. You told me to call you back when I get my hotel room #. Now we also have Pattayanut who needs a ride on the same day. Can you pick us both up? He is arrving at Airport on July 2nd at 12:45 pm. I am staying in BKK.. Can you pick him up at the airport and then pick me up on the way down to Pattaya? We would like to split the fare. Please contact me. thanks. - Tengo

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Mr. toom, i know you are watching these boards.  I tried to contact you about a ride on July 2nd frm BKK to Pattaya.  You told me to call you  back when I get my hotel room #.  Now we also have Pattayanut who needs a ride on the same day. Can you pick us both up?  He is arrving at Airport on July 2nd at 12:45 pm.  I am staying in BKK.. Can you pick  him up at the airport and then pick me up on the way down to Pattaya?  We would like to split the fare.  Please contact me.  thanks.  - Tengo

Why the fuck do you just not send the guy an e-mail the same as every other member. His address has been printed here a hundred times. Is there nothing ever easy with you.

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Why the fuck do you just not send the guy an e-mail the same as every other member. His address has been printed here a hundred times. Is there nothing ever easy with you.

Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge my post, cuntley. I did not know I was that important to you, but there it is. In the future, please simply ignore my posts and I'm sure you will sleep better.

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Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge my post, cuntley. I did not know I was that important to you, but there it is. In the future, please simply ignore my posts and I'm sure you will sleep better.

Charming....Let me assure you 100% I do NOT, repeat NOT, loose any sleep over anything you post.


Have a nice day and kindly refrain from sending me offensive PMs.


Actually that is not a bad idea to ignore your posts...in doing that I would fall in line with 95% of this Board's members. :llaugh

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Mr. toom, i know you are watching these boards.  I tried to contact you about a ride on July 2nd frm BKK to Pattaya.  You told me to call you  back when I get my hotel room #.  Now we also have Pattayanut who needs a ride on the same day. Can you pick us both up?  He is arrving at Airport on July 2nd at 12:45 pm.  I am staying in BKK.. Can you pick  him up at the airport and then pick me up on the way down to Pattaya?  We would like to split the fare.  Please contact me.  thanks.  - Tengo



Actually Tengo I too am one of the 5% thatapparantly doesn't have you on "ignore" but am curious why you persist in contacting Toom in this manner,please do not reply that the reply is not speedy enough for you with an E-mail as all of the other members including myself,consider his promptness and service,a thing to be admired.

Are you serious about pissing about all over Bangkok and probably wasting valuable porking time simple to split a 1200 BHT taxi fare.The mind boggles. <huh

Edited by stevoman
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Actually Tengo I too am one of the 5% thatapparantly doesn't have you on "ignore" but am curious why you persist in contacting Toom in this manner,please do not reply that the reply is not speedy enough for you with an E-mail as all of the other members including myself,consider his promptness and service,a thing to be admired.

Are you serious about pissing about all over Bangkok and probably wasting valuable porking time simple to split a 1200 BHT taxi fare.The mind boggles. :wtf

First of all, there are 100s of posts on this board where BMs are having "private conversations", so fuck off with that one. :chogdee2 Secondly, I contacted Mr. Toom on this board because after several private emails and no answer, I assumed his email server was down. So I used the board to Public message him. :chogdee2


Even someone as stupid as you can see the logic in that? :cry1 Also, I do not think 95% or even 25% of this board ignores me. If they do, then so be it, but last time I checked you were not named King and few if anyone respects what you have to say. No one likes a whiner or complainer, which you are. :llaugh


Point is, you joined in on a thread that rebuked me for sending personal message on a public forum - and you did it by sending a public mesage! DUMBASS!!! :sh


If it werent' for people like you and Cuntley, this would be a more peaceful, albeit boring place. :moon

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First of all I thank you for your swift and so polite response to my legitimate question,it would appear that you language and spelling has not improved since you first started posting your idiotic questions on this board prior to your first and only trip to Pattaya.I for one would have thought that by now even you would have learnt the basic information required to enjoy what Pattaya has to offer,apparantly that has not yet happened,for apart from your bragging and utterly useless crap you continue to plaster this board with at all to frequent intervals your contributions amount to ZERO.

I shall now proceed to put you where you belong and join the majority of this board and that is on my ignore list,which fortunately now only contains 3 names.

:rolleyes: :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon :moon

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I emailed Mr Toom just over 6 hours ago and he has since responded by saying he will be picking me up on July 9th. So it seems as though he is a man of his word. I'll let you know when I am in his car heading to Pattaya, yeha :rolleyes:

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Mr. toom, i know you are watching these boards. I tried to contact you about a ride on July 2nd frm BKK to Pattaya. You told me to call you back when I get my hotel room #. Now we also have Pattayanut who needs a ride on the same day. Can you pick us both up? He is arrving at Airport on July 2nd at 12:45 pm. I am staying in BKK.. Can you pick him up at the airport and then pick me up on the way down to Pattaya? We would like to split the fare. Please contact me. thanks. - Tengo

MY E-MAIL IS : toom39@msn.com :D

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Would it be possible to get a rowboat for a romantic row over to Koh Lan island? :chogdee2

Koh Lan is too far to row and the wind brings up the chop quick. More romantic thought might be a roll in the sand on the island. I got a decent speed boat for 1200 baht all day.


After lunch we found a semi secluded spot and romance sprung naturally :D 1luv Bring a big beach towel!

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Sent my booking this morning with his service, and recieved his reply 1 hour later. Everything is now set for my next trip. 17 days of doing whatever one does in Pattaya.



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i emailed mr toon before i got there in may and everything was just perfect guy was waiting on me right outside and was very nice car...i will for sure email him again when i go back in two months....

im sure he reads the boards everytime but why would anyone post on here about being picked up instead of emailing him directly...

eveyrone on here dont need to know your times and what time or day he is picking u up.....just post of u want to share a ride not to make a reservation

might aswell post and hope your hotel where u want to stay reads the boards too

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