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Can't beat a nice cold "Nelson" back here in England



Got it- "Wifebeater" knew you were a Lager Lout. Got confused with my old dad's Nelson's Blood, usually Woods.

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OK. Been thinking about posting, telling you my story, and asking a question.


I am a beer drinker. I believe in drinking beer from the country that I visit. Why? I can drink Budweiser at home, or Heiniken.


Anyway, I drank Singha on all my trips. I went to the toliet 2 or 3 times a day and my bowels were loose, very loose. One day I farted and it was super wet and soiled my underwear. Lucky I was still at the hotel to take care of the problem.


I just chalked the loose bowels to the change in diet, never thinking it had any connection to the Singha beer. However, on this last trip I hooked up with a buddy from USA who now lives in Thailand. We were both drinking beer. Conversation got around to Singha. " Do you drink Singha all the time here?" He asked me if I suffered from any stomach problems while in Thailand. No, but my bowels are loose and I hit the toliet 2,3,4 times a day as opposed to only once at home.


He says, Could be the Singha as there are no preservatives (or their is preservatives in it? I forgot?) Anyway, he said he only drank Heinken or Tiger beer and suggested I switch to see if it made a difference. I did switch and it did make one helluva difference! Got back to not being loose and only went once, maybe twice a day but still layed that on diet change with Thai food.


Anyone experience this?




My first ever trip to Thailand I think there was only Singha, normally big bottles. Never mind no preservatives...it had a definite chemical taste and smell, formaldahyde maybe! Was strong and gave the nastiest hangover.


Then along came Klohster...advertised by Rod Stewart looking young and soppy.

Better hangovers.....


At last Carlsberg arrived and I was good for a decade!


So many things loosen bowels in Thailand, you yanks eat and shit too much anyhow.....one shit a day should be enough. :clueless


Try Mango salad if you want to shit....... :clueless

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I haven't got a price for Lao beer yet but the problem with the imported stuff is that it is "relatively" so expensive.


I sometimes get guys asking why and I tell them to remember how much they paid for a Singha in their local Thai restaurant ? In London, maybe GBP 3.50 (circa Bt245, USD 6.125).


So you get John Smiths, Tetleys, Corona, Budweiser and loads more imports taxed up and with massive import distribution costs. But, if you get a guy who complains that a pint (500ml) of John Smiths is expensive at around Bt150 (GBP 2.15) served ice cold on the other side of the world then they are just being unrealistic.

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I tend to drink Leo or Singha if I drink at home which is rare.


However I was at the 7/11 the other day and I saw this drink called Sato....not sure what the hell it is but it was 25baht per big bottle so I thought I would give it a try just for the hell of it.


Expected it to taste like piss but it was actually drinkable. Now I still dont know what it is but it is not beer also would like to know if I will get liver damage and how strong it is? :D :clueless :clueless

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I haven't got a price for Lao beer yet but the problem with the imported stuff is that it is "relatively" so expensive.


I sometimes get guys asking why and I tell them to remember how much they paid for a Singha in their local Thai restaurant ? In London, maybe GBP 3.50 (circa Bt245, USD 6.125).


So you get John Smiths, Tetleys, Corona, Budweiser and loads more imports taxed up and with massive import distribution costs. But, if you get a guy who complains that a pint (500ml) of John Smiths is expensive at around Bt150 (GBP 2.15) served ice cold on the other side of the world then they are just being unrealistic.

Although I do get surprised that a pint of Heinekin is so much at the 'Pubs'....Jamiesons, Shennanigans etc.


If one needs to drink a pint of John Smiths, sit in an English pub environment and eat pie and chips every night, one wonders what the reason or point of being in Thailand is? This type of evening is an occasional change for me, but rarely lasts more than an hour or two.


You hear too much BS. :D

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Some guys just "put up with" the beer available when they really want their "local" beer from back home but then complain either when it is not available or that it costs too much when it is available.


As a bar owner, you just can't win sometimes.

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Smart man there 50 games over 500 and this is after 5 seasons of losing 90 of more Leland gets much of the credit but the young Pitching staff has come together. The addition of Kenny Rogers did not hurt either.................... Oh shit this is a beer thread ?? Sorry guys I will close the door on my way out





Drinking too mutt ?

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Had a buddy who hit LOS a few years ago and drank nothing but Singha. After about a week he was sick as a dog and was bad enough off to seek a doctor. (Dr. Belen off 2nd Rd, Soi Sukruedee, she's great if you need a doc)


She asked what he'd been doing since he'd been in Thailand ... he said "Drinking and fucking". She asked what he'd been drinking and he answered, "Singha". Her prescription? "WELL QUIT DRINKING SINGHA"!


He switched to Heineken and had no more trouble. :chogdee

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Florida Guy:


On the subject of Singha, I will repeat my story as I recently posted it but can't find the thread. Gettin old, I guess?


I have always been pretty regular with bowel movemnt. Once a day and normal. Pattaya after a couple of days I get loose, which progresses to looser and 3 to 4 times a day. I attributed this to a change of diet and eating some Thai food as well.


I drank Singha. One night this past trip an Expat friend living in BKK and I hooked up in Pats. We were having a drink at my hotel bar. I grimaced and he asked What's wrong? Told him I had to head to the room to take a dump. When I came back he asked if I had stomach problems? No, just loose bowels while here and more frequent. Drink Singha all the time? Yes. Could be your problem is there are no preservatives in that beer. (Or, there are preservatives in Singha beer? Forgot. Old showing again!)


Anyway, he says I drink only Heinken or Tiger. So, I switched that night. The problem immediately got better and almost back to normal befor I came home. So, no more Singha for me.



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Chang for me, never had any issues with it.  For those that have, maybe you just have weak constitutions.  :banghead

I don't know about weak, I was getting some good range up-chucking my Chang beer!

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I have a friend who drinks it EVERY day and a lot of it. He won't drink anything except Chang. When I offer him an Archa he tells me that he doesn't know how I can stand to drink that horse piss.

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I have a friend who drinks it EVERY day and a lot of it. He won't drink anything except Chang. When I offer him an Archa he tells me that he doesn't know how I can stand to drink that horse piss.

One man's beer is another man's horse piss. :D

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LOS needs to bring Carlsberg back! :chogdee2 :D :( = :( 1luv

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In the beginning of 2002, the two Thai investors decided to withdraw its share from Lao Brewing Company which then gave the Lao Government back total control of the company. Subsequently, Carlsberg Asia, a unit of Denmark 's Carlsberg Breweries AS (K.CRL), and TCC, a Thai company who is Carlsberg's partner in Thailand , each agreed to acquire a 25% stake in LBC.

Not sure how much brewing formula Carlsberg brings to the table, but they are definitely envolved with LBC.

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I prefer Chang, it's a copy of the former partner Carlsberg danish elefant beer. The danish version is IMO smelling vodka but the thai copy doesn't. It's possible to buy Chang in Europe but it's a license brew made in Germany and just 5.0 % instead of the thai 6.5. :clap2


So in Europe I drink Singha but almost never in LOS. :banana

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Heineken is already so light that it is like Chang with 50 percent water added. Why would they make a light beer?

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