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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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MY mate and I are meeting up in Phuket and Pattaya - we are trying to book a hotel in Phuket and Pattaya and so far no confirmations.


So we found a website:



Which supposedly gives you instant confirmations. And a lowest price guarantee.

Does anybody have experience with this website ?


Can anyone please please recommend a hotel in pattaya and phuket with the following criterias:

* Up to 1600 bht per night

* Nice hotel - no flea nest with bed bugs

* Decent location

* In room safe


Thank you so much!

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How Urgent are we talking?


You shouldn't have a problem booking a hotel this time of year and for 1600baht a night you will get a very nice hotel.


Go to the hotel review section and check out the hotels , the website and contact details are all there, then if you find a hotel you like, do a search on this forum and you will find everything you need.


An alternative website is www.asiarooms.com

choose thailand then pattaya



If it is urgent as you need somewhere to stay tonight or next day or so , well this was posted on another website 2 days ago and they had 2 rooms vacant , I havent stayed here but from the pictures on the website it looks pretty nice.

You can book for a couple of days until you find something better if its not up to your standards.



ow to contact us : The Rockhouse , Soi L.K.Metro , central Pattaya.


telephone : 0066 8100 44536 outwith Thailand and 081 0044 536 inside Thailand


Website : www.the-rockhouse.com.


E-mail : alex_therockhouse.com@hotmail.com.



we currently have vacancies in february.


room 2 .......................8th of feb till 27th feb.


room 3..................... 1st of feb till 27th of feb.



as I said you shouldn't be having too many problems


As far a Phucket goes, same advice check asiarooms or this hotels forum reviews.

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No panic, really no need to prebook a hotel in Pattaya, so many places everywhere, especially around Soi Bua Khao and Soi Lk Metro area, starting from around 600 baht up, just go there if you arrive late just take the first best place for a night and then scout around for another hotel in the morning.

In Patong Beach in Phuket there are also quite a few places around 1000 baht a night.

Have a look at the hotels opposite "Christin's Massage", lots of places along that stretch and in some soi's behind Rat-Uthit (songroy pee) road.



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Thank you for the help guys!

Arriving in Phuket on the 7th and leaving on the 12th


Arriving in Pattaya on the 12th and leaving on the 16th.


I know it's easy to find a hotel - but it's not easy to find a decent one...


Thay's where you guys come in - some of you said that in pattaya you don't always get what you pay for - and sometimes you can get more for less - anything in particular???


Also - any ideas about phuket?

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Hotel reviews


Click on above link look through the hotels , find one that you like the look of , eg big pool , 24 room service , big room whatever it is you want, read the reviews then do a search on this forum eg areca lodge or Jasmine Mansion or Marriot etc and you will find that hotel has probably been discussed plenty of times.


If you still have any queries re a hotel you like post on here and someone who has stayed there will be able

to assist with their views on it.


One thing that is important for me when I look for a hotel is to ensure their is no charge for bringing a girl back to stay the night. (often refered to as a joiner fee some hotels charge 300-600baht extra)

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why not try Sabai Inn on Soi 2,superior room for 1150 baht booked through their website,room spacious and quiet,electronic safe,use of large pool across road at Sabai Lodge,and good location for access to tons of bars.

Walk down to BJ Lodge on Soi 3 for good breakfast.

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