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watch out for those mosquitoes

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What are the simptoms of dengue fever , I have read that its a bit like flue, But , worse . Can anybody tell what they are , or is it to late when you realise somthings wrong ..


You get very sick, but the main point about dengue is that you ache, almost from the onset you actually ache inside your bones. The boneache is the huge tipoff that it is probably dengue.

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Typical symptoms of Dengue are Sudden onset of fever lasting 3 to 7 days.


Intense headache and pain behind the eyes.Muscle and joint pain. Loss of appetite, vomiting and Diarrhoea (all can be treated). Skin rash and extreme fatigue.


Dengue Haemorrhagic fever type 4 dengue Minor bleeding from nose and gums.


If you think you have Degue fever see a doctor unlikely to test for Dengue but will treat the symptoms.


Has anyone been tested yet.

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If you think you have Degue fever see a doctor unlikely to test for Dengue but will treat the symptoms.


Has anyone been tested yet.


If you think you have dengue and go to a doctor and he doesn't test, go to another doctor, who certainly will. Everyone I know who thought they might have dengue got tested. Why wouldn't they be tested?

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Well, since there are no clinics in Thailand except Thai clinics, that kind of narrows their options a bit. But tell me.


What care is indicated for dengue that you think a badly staffed clinic couldn't provide?


There IS no cure, there IS no treatment beyond hydration. The idiot brother of an incompetent nurse who barely scraped through at the bottom of his graduating class can treat dengue.


Most people die from the combination of being weak to start with and not seeking any help anywhere. When you are really ill - and dengue makes you VERY ill - your own reaction is not to eat OR DRINK, and that's what kills you with dengue. Your own strength and strong rehydration are your own help with dengue.



I am not sure where the attitude and sarcasm in your post originate from, I was just posting my recent experience and you come off as quite adversarial.


To answer your questions:


Well, since there are no clinics in Thailand except Thai clinics, that kind of narrows their options a bit.


Well, getting over your sarcasm there, there apparently are the free or very cheap clinics and then there are hospitals that one has to pay for. There is a difference and that was the point, which I think most would find relatively clear.


What care is indicated for dengue that you think a badly staffed clinic couldn't provide?


How would I know "what care is indicated'? Go back and read my post. All I said was that his grandmother and the owner of the business where she works did not want to take him to the local Thai clinic as they were not confident he would receive proper care and this concern was passed on to hi mother and I.


You've obviously got a bit of experience in this area, but you don't need to come off like you did. It makes you look bad, to be quite candid.



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If you think you have dengue and go to a doctor and he doesn't test, go to another doctor, who certainly will. Everyone I know who thought they might have dengue got tested. Why wouldn't they be tested?


This is first time you've mention you new some who had been tested what was the process.

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This is first time you've mention you new some who had been tested what was the process.


You put on a tourniquet, they draw blood, they put the blood in a computer analyser. If you've just got dengue, it will probably show up as a non-specific infection. Later, it will confirm dengue.


This is one disease Thai doctors have little trouble diagnosing, because of the frequency, and treatment will normally start immediately, i.e. an IV and anti-pain. But of course testing is always indicated, and always done.

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Hmmm Just like the Thai Clinic HIV test.


Since both involve blood analysis, I'd be shocked if they were different.

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