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hi guys


well 2 nights ago we had your mth meeting which was all about looking after people who come in to see us +plus we talked about what it was like in the GOOD old days .


First we went through (again) about NOT asking for too much money ! In fact i explained that if the girls wanted to ask for big money ALL THE TIME ,then i would have to put the price of bar fines up.


I think that one got through to them the most !!!


The good thing is after the talk last night 3 girls came back to tell me the guys had given them more money than they had wanted (i did ask one girl if she gave some back BUT she just looked at me ) so it might get through.


I explained what it was like years ago,how the girls did not make it look like busness at all ,and that guys felt these days that some thing was missing .


Guys please understand it will take me a while to show the girls some better ways to make money and to be more like the girls from years ago. (bloody m/phones i hate them but they love them)


I joked with the girls that some girls were now that bad that they asked big money and asked the guy if he wanted "SHORT TIME SHORT OR IF HE WANTED SHORT TIME LONG ". I explained in detail that they must give guys a better service and make him feel like he is your boy friend even if it is only for 3 hours at a time .


I also explained in detail that it was better to make smaller money many times than big money once , This i think they understand (at least for the next few days ). To the guys that will again tell me that the girls will do what they want to do ,best you come and look for your self as it is starting to work.


I will keep on top of the girls and try to do our best at keeping the girls costs to some thing that adds up to value for money.


BUT guys i as always will need your help , please give me the feed back i need to make sure that we are always improving our service to you our guest !!


Yes bar fines are still 400 bt and after 2 am 200bt along with shots starting at 50 bt and beer the same








New Living Dolls 1

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I will keep on top of the girls


Man, tough job running a bar.


Just kidding, couldn't resist. Sounds like you really care about the girls, the boys and the whole experience. Good on you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was wondering if you can interpret from the BG point of view of what 'SHORT TIME SHORT AND SHORT TIME LONG' mean. :wanker .


Is short time short:


1. Under half an hour of boom.


2. Come once even if one blows his load in five seconds.


Is short time long:


1. Over half but under one hour of boom.


2. Come twice even if one blows his load twice in ten seconds

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2. Come twice even if one blows his load twice in ten seconds


I'm unclear here. Is this bragging or complaining?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So how much are they asking for now? I've noticed prices going up all over the world :bigsmile:.


But it's good tht you ask for feedback. However, having no clue what the original problems were I can't give you much. But i see it like this:


Girl ask to much.


I laugh and find another


Girl doenst get BF.


Repeat, and girl finds out that XXXX is to much, she should ask for XXXX instead.


I think if they see they're monthly income drop they will figure it out. Though I could be wrong.


Or here's another simple solution:


Hire AJ to put his thumb on the situation. I'm willing to negotiate my terms. :lol

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I truly appreciate what you are trying to do with your girls by teaching them a little business sense and customer service.


You've taken into consideration the whining/complaining on the boards we're making about the high prices (but of course it's not OUR fault that part of the problem is of our own making because Mr. Happy "forced" us to pay more, right?), and tried to do something about it.


I was there last month, and you have a great stable of girls working at your club. I rated your club in the top 5 of the go-gos on Walking Street, so I stopped by every night I was there. While I didn't BF anyone, I visited your establishment often ogling and fantasizing about what could occur with a couple of them. (O.K. truth be told there was one stunner very late one night I was seriously interested in, but the 100 baht I strategically paid one of your excellent service girls gave me all the info I needed at the time -- she had a boyfriend, and it was too late to even consider a ST.)


Your lower barfine prices are clearly stated on the wall. I just wish some of the other go-go owners would be smart enough to follow your management philosophy: it's about the customer. Focus on that and the money will just flow into the business. It's obviously happening at your club, because you were always busy. Thank god it was low season or I wouldn't have gotten a seat a couple of times.

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The oddity of the situation is that the girls didn't already consider the prospect of making small money many times is likely much more profitable than making big money seldom, especially with regard to repeat business and increasing general traffic to their place of employ.

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  • 1 month later...

Well you forget to tell the girls that some of use like a good 3 sum and there must like this to :bigsmile:


Joking apart hope to see if your team chat has worked and I will pop in ,5 weeks to go till im in Pattaya :D

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Sounds good AlanLad........now, can you enlighten the supporters of your establishment just what these "not big money" prices would be for ST and LT please?




I am more than willing to pay fair compensation to anyone for enthusiastic service, with a smile and a genuine willingness to please.




I believe that this attitude would hold true in any service industry where repeat business is always welcome.




Keep the cell phones OFF........get rid of the towel BEFORE you get into bed and don't be in a rush. Smile and make your "date" feel like your giving him your BEST.

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Alan, don't forget to tell the girls to give Americans a discount while the dollar is tanked. Come to think of it, maybe you could give Americans a little extra off on the bar fine also?

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Alan, don't forget to tell the girls to give Americans a discount while the dollar is tanked. Come to think of it, maybe you could give Americans a little extra off on the bar fine also?



Heck, we Yanks don't need a discount Short!


Haven't you heard; EVERYTHING IN PATTAYA is cheaper than it was 5-10 years ago! :bigsmile:


~~Weekly Pep rally to be scheduled soon on Walking Street to be led by prominent bar owners and forum moderators~~




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Thank goodness the economy works on the law of supply and demand. Gives me a chance for a lot of fun on a budget.


If it was the law of supply and desire, I'd be bankrupt.


Even with the dollar down, life is still a bargain in Pattaya.

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1. Regarding Americans. I have Thai ID, and I carry my Thai ID. No reason to let anybody know I am an american. BUT, I AM retired, and yes, this devaluation is painful.


2. I got ripped off last night at the wet and wild bar, and would like to tell the entire world, that my favorite bar before yesterday is now on my unfavorite bar list. Wish Alan could teach that BAR !! Here is what happened: I went in and was enjoying myself. The mamason came over and told me she had a new girl as i was her good friend. she brought the girl over and sat her down. I will NOT do short time, even if the girl pays ME, i won't do short time. And, if i hear the words short time, I think "AIDS FACTORY" and won't go any further. The mamason knows this, and she brought this girl. She asked me to buy her a drink, so I said "okay." then when the mamason left, 2 drinks came for this girl, and I asked her if she was going with me and she asked for SHORT TIME! I told her we were finished now, and went to pay my bill, and i was charged for 2 drinks for her and one for me. so, i paid one for me and one for her. then i went out the door peacefully but irked. I had been enjoying myself before this mamason did this crap. Then the doorman from WET AND WILD, DOWN BY ANGELWITCH, came down the street and actually HIT ME, and told me to go back to the bar to talk to the mamason, i didn't pay enough. Then I told the mamason that she had asked me as her good friend to buy this girl a drink, so I paid for it and gave actually a 10 baht tip, I don't know why. Then the mamason argued and the man that hit me kept yelling. I told them to get the police, i would wait. Then the mamason said "okay" and I walked away, never again to go to that bar. I loved this bar before, and now i can't go back, which makes me really sad. This mamason should be fired, this girl sent packing, and this door man arrested for assault. All in all, this is why i am writing at 4:50 am. I would like to go to Alan's party tonight, and would love to leave early with 2 super adorable, young, long time girls for 1000 baht all night, but if not possible, i will pay more, i just really really really need a good night tonight.


Please boycott this wet and wild bar, or do something, to help me protest their abuse please. I loved this bar. In thai culture, they can katote, but it will cost them something.


Sorry to hear about your bad experience :chogdee


I think that, if you posted this in a thread of it's own, you will get more feedback.



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AlanLad fails to explain the LESS money deal, so I think this topic title is merely a ploy to get you into his establishment.




Juicy headlines like "less money for girls" get our attention.


Reality is what brings us back.

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New Living Dolls 1:


I want to say I had the pleasure of meeting Shane and his son, whom are really terrific guys.


Opening night was well attended and hosted.


I DO NOT go short time! That night all of the cute girls wanted to go short time so I didn't barfine, except one, who said she would go long time. Then, as soon as she got back to the hotel, she said she wanted SHORT TIME, and had changed her mind, but needed the money for her teeth. I told her I DO NOT DO SHORT TIME, and she could go back to the bar. When I got to the bar and was waiting to get my barfine back, she walked in and gave me 400 baht. However, NOW, when I go the bar, no girls will talk to me. Today, I actually gave # 48 or 49, I forget, a 20 baht tip, and she would neither look at me nor pick it up, the girl behind her picked it up and gave it to the waitress as a tip.


The other day, the mamason asked us to buy her a drink, so I did, and after sipping, excused herself saying she had to walk around then went to a seat and stayed there. But did nothing to earn the drink.


Since I live in the Province most of the time, let me tell you guys the Thai culture:


IN the province they have clubs that make Pattaya look sick, and the girls are MUCH better looking and far far more talented. Now in these clubs and bars, you purchase a bottle, say Piper, and you pay B335 baht, or B400 for Dewar. Then you buy a bucket of ice for 30 baht, and 2 cokes or sprites for 30 baht each, and 2 soda waters for 30 baht each.


If you and your friends don't finish the bottle of whiskey, you leave it there at the bar, with your name on it, for next time and u just buy ice and pop to go with it. So an entire night with a lot people will cost you about 500 baht, split many ways. Return visits are very cheap, as the bottle of whiskey is yours to finish later.


Tipping is not really thai culture, although asking for a discount IS thai culture.


Some places you would enjoy are: Dwang Dang in Udon Thani and Country Club in Ubon Ratchathanee.


Country Club will blow your socks off!


Now, I have sent Shane an email, because I don't know how to deal with the fact that when I go into his bar, i sit alone. I am a likeable guy. But the girls don't even talk to me. It's a bummer. I had emailed shane telling him i was looking for an adorable young gal, no babies, no tattoes and no body jewelry before the party. I am actually looking for a g/f .. type if i can find her.


But to go to the bar and be insulted and ignored is sort of a bummer. Management has great personalities, but something is not going well in New Living Dolls 1, the girls are just into themselves.


It's a bummer, because Shane is giving 30 baht drinks, and that includes orange juice, 400 baht bar fines, etc. The only problem is the girls are short time girls, and really rude and stand-offish. Sort of like a narcistic club i guess.


So all in all, I have to say the management is excellent, promotions are great, but unfortunately he doesn't have any girls who associate with customers except for short time boom boom.


Which I find to be unpalatable.


This is not the only bar like this, a smiliar thing happened in another bar. There seems to be an attitude of the girls now to get a lot of money fast.


I do have one girl in a bar that is with me a lot, and since she is too old and has a kid, she helps me look for a young woman I am interested in, but she is not my g/f or my wife.


Anyway, this is my take on things. I don't think Shane will be successful unless he fires his staff and hires some girls who like men.

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hi guys


Sorry there are so many boards these days and working as well makes it hard to kep up some times.


Hi marcontey ,mate you have got it right if i can get the girls to keep there prices down then this will = more guys coming back to the bar = more money for the girls .


No this is not easy at times to get Thais to understand ,as Thais will norm put the price up when things are quite this way hoping to make up for lost money .


cecco mate hi thank you for the kind words about myself and son .


I just dont know what to do with you ? You are having so much bad luck in my bar and others ,you and i have to sit down and find out why this is happening or you and i will both go nuts .


see you soon in the bar and we will have another chat



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Heck, we Yanks don't need a discount Short!


Haven't you heard; EVERYTHING IN PATTAYA is cheaper than it was 5-10 years ago! :yikes:


~~Weekly Pep rally to be scheduled soon on Walking Street to be led by prominent bar owners and forum moderators~~




:clueless Right!

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