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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I see that the USD has dropped to 31.99 baht exchange rate. If I remimber correctly, it was about 37 or 36.5

when I was there last Sept/October. And about 35 when I was there in Feb/ March of this year.


Is this the lowest exchange rate you've seen in LOS, Baht to Dollars?


Maybe I should ask for me paycheck in Pounds or Euros.


The same expenses on this trip, as last year, and thats a difference of about 940 dollars more this time around. (that's not including airfare)


I better switch from Johnny Walker to Tiger this next trip. :cry2

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I remember back in the early 90s when i first started comming to Thailand the rates were very low.

USD about 24 bht, and one £ was 35bht. Of course things then were a lot cheaper then, a Heineken would cost 40bht and a Singha was 30bht or less. I never paid more than 700bht for a good room and bar fines were about 150 - 200 bht. You paid the girls short time 200bht and all night 500bht was a good price.

So even thou the rate was low then prices matched. However today the rate gets lower but i dont see the room rates getting lower or the other prices on beer or bars going lower.

The times are a changing my friends :clueless

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