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new year horror story

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What about his daughter. Is she entitled to anything?


I was in Pattaya when the letter arrived for his wife. I had the pleasure of translation for her. No mention was made of his daughters right to claim.


Another company deals with his insurance. This should be O.k for a claim- providing he did the right thing when she was born, by making her the benifacter.


Gentlemen, sort these things while you can. You can't when you can't.

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Some pension schemes will have a provision for minor children - though you may have to have them listed as dependents.


One point to bear in mind is that some pension schemes will reduce any widow's pension where there is a substantial age difference. I'm not sure of the figure but will need to check it out should I ever get married. The rule was introduced after someone married a girl some 30 plus years his junior.



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Condolences for your loss and kudo's for all you did for your friend and his family after he passed.


Sorry about all of the thread derivatives earlier.



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Interesting. That rule seems to have worked.


Also, the pension mathematics will soon fall apart for entire pension systems if they are paying a benefit to widows who are 25. There has to be some downshift in payout for very young age. These are usually indexed schemes and no system can afford to pay an indexed benefit for life to a 25 yr old.

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I can't remember the exact rule on our scheme. I believe it was a 50% reduction of benefits for a wife 15 years younger or more.


The little girl has gone to live in Pitchet. Had a couple of days on the beach with her and she enjoyed ordering me about in English. She will likely lose the language, as only my lady and her mum speak it. Si ( my lady ) has promised to speak to her as much as she can in English, when there.


Loaded the pick up with his oxygen bottle + mask (10,000 bht ) don't know what she will do with it, sell it most likely.


But in true Thai fashion, the wife was totally practical about her situation. " Next time I marry, husband not be ill. Too much money and cannot go to work, if look after him ! "


And all us blokes talk about is love ! :D

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