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Pattaya Beer Garden Update – 8 August 2008

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Update 8 August 2008


Apologies for the delay in getting this update posted. I really have been stupidly busy with the music video system instead of doing the important things like updating the blog and getting the new menu into operation.


It all began last month when a few people complained to me that the music system was too loud. If you have followed this blog, you’ll know that while I’m a bit of a music nut, I am also dedicated to making sure you can easily converse in the beer garden. Too loud music is NOT part of the plan. The problem was that some videos played much louder than others so while the system was set at a user friendly volume the occasional track would blast everyone out of their seat. I hate that and sadly the Thai staff seem to be immune to volume. Even the managers seem incapable of detecting when it is too loud and turning it down.


The solution was a new player program that locks the sound absolutely to the volume set. It’s a professional broadcast program and it really is cool. The big problem with it was that every one of the thousand or so tracks in the system needed to be re-encoded to a proprietary format. Re-encoding takes only a few minutes but with a thousand tracks to do it was over 60 hours work slaving over a hot computer. The good news is that the work is finished and I am now 100% confident that the music levels will always remain at a comfortable volume. The wife thinks I am crazily obsessed by this but it is a good feeling to get it right!


Life at the Beer Garden has settled into a good routine. Systems are working, the staff seem happy, the freelancers although still too few in number, turn up regularly and our customers seem to enjoy using the place. It still amazes me how many people seek me out to thank me for the place. It may not be the ultimate bar or anything like it but those who enjoy it really seems to love it. Thanks for all the emails as well, more than making a baht or two, happy customers really do inspire all of us to make the beer garden as good as it can be.


There were a few complaints on some of the web boards about cooking smells seeping into the bar and being unpleasant. This really confused me as I had never smelt them and we did pay a nice Thai company a small fortune to install massive extractor fans over the cooking area.



The massive extractor fans – can you spot the fatal flaw?


So I’m worried about this but have no idea how it can be fixed short of converting the open kitchen into a closed off room. That would be expensive and disruptive and anyway I really like the fact that customers can see their food being prepared. So about a week later I am sitting at the bar right by the kitchen and I catch my first whiff of a cooking smell.

Donning my Sherlock Holmes investigating hat, I rush to the kitchen to see what is causing this odor. There is nothing unusual being cooked although I do notice that the extractor fans are unusually quiet. Sticking my hand up I can’t feel any air moving inside. I ask one of the cooks how long the fans have been this quiet for. He says, you have to turn them on to hear them. WHAT!!!!!!!!!! It seems our esteemed head chef had taken the decision to save on power bills by turning the fans off except when cooking “extra spicy”. **&&**&($%$%@#$&^(*ing hell. We have a few words and the fans are now deployed when anything is being cooked.




Boss chef with a big smile after we sorted the cooking smells.


We have four daily newspapers available for our customers to read in the Beer Garden. The Bangkok Post and The Nation from Thailand, The Daily Mail from England and USA Today from the States. We actually have today’s edition of each newspaper through the marvels of technology. We have experimented with other titles and you could have knocked me over with a feather when I walked in one afternoon and saw one of the freelancers reading the newspaper.


During 10 years in Pattaya this was the first time I’d ever seen a TG reading the paper. I was so impressed I rushed over to get a photo of this unique event. The paper was one of the English sports paper which seems to feature more naked girls than anything else. TG was very impressed as she had never seen a naked girl in a newspaper before.




We had a few new staff members start last month. We are slowly increasing staff levels to keep a good level of service going. At last count we now have 46 staff.



For some reason I can never remember this girls name. She always has such a huge smile though that I’ve just taken to calling her Smiley. Always gets me a bigger smile.



Another big smiler. This is Om (nice braces).


I wasn’t to sure about Chan when he applied for the job. He looked like a bit of a tough character and seemed super serious. His English was great though and we really needed another guy on the staff so I decided to give him a try. He’s turned out to be one of the best staff members in the place. Super efficient and a magic personality which cracks me up and often has other staff and customers laughing out loud. He’s very hair proud and seems to sport a new hair cut every week. Do compliment him on it if you see him, he’s sure to puff up with pride when you do.



Chan doing his thing.


The new walking street sign sprung into action this week. It seems if nothing else it will be great for a bit of advertising although I can’t help feeling the old sign had a bit more character.



Taken from outside the entrance to the Pattaya Beer Garden


We do have lots of freelancers visiting the bar in the evening, especially after 9 pm. Daytimes can be a struggle in this area with usually only a few in before 6 pm. We are working on educating Pattaya girls to the fact that we are open all day and only the most hansom guys can be found in the afternoon. The biggest problem continues to be that day time customers in the main are there to drink with friends, read a newspaper, use the free and fast wifi or eat a meal, with the girls a very distant fifth.


Some of the guys report great experiences with the afternoon girls but sadly, most afternoon girls go home alone. Come on guys, I am sure you can do better. If nothing takes your fancy in the afternoon, remember that the bring your own freelancer and receive a 100 baht discount promotion continues to run. Please ask for “The Freelancer Discount” when ordering.


The Pattaya Ghost a much more serious blogger than me did a great review of the Beer Garden in a recent article on his site. I enjoy his site and give him full respect for having the guts to say what he does. Not everyone agrees with his opinions which are some times controversial but I appreciate the amount of effort going into this blog.


Check it out here http://www.pattayaghost.com/2008/07/10/whe...ya-beer-garden/


I’ll leave you with just a couple of pics of some visitors taken last night.












That’s it for now. I’ll try to be a bit more diligent in keeping things up to date around here. See you at the Pattaya Beer Garden.



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ok , im not haveing a dig so please dont tear me down , i like the beer garden and ive been a good few times, im not to bothered about the freelancers as i like to just chillout there, i took a stroll up the beech and chatted to a few girls before taking one for a bj, i asked each one about why not go to the beer garden as you can get free food and have many handsum man there, the replies i got were to the point so i thought id post them, they mostly like to work outside between soi 7 and royal garden plaza, this is because if they can get a punter , up the soi next to starbucks , there are st rooms for a 100 baht a time, in and out and back on the beech looking for the next punter, tyhe general census from the girls was there are no st rooms at the bar or very near to the bar, remember freelancers on the beech are just there to do the customer and then get out for the next one, (no offense intended)

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Looking forward to seeing you next month when I breeze into town for three weeks. BTW get the phone number of the girl reading the newspaper for me. I'll definitely give her a call when I'm in town. :D

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During 10 years in Pattaya this was the first time I’d ever seen a TG reading the paper. I was so impressed I rushed over to get a photo of this unique event. The paper was one of the English sports paper which seems to feature more naked girls than anything else.



I don't think she was trying to READ the newspaper...like me she just like to look at the pictures.

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Love your four little visitors!


Interesting point about the ST rooms. How far is from PBG to the closest ST room, and if you know, what is the fee for loom? If a good distance and more expensive than the 100 baht that was mentioned, I see where this could be a determining factor with some of the ladies.


But, on the other hand, didn't seem to be a factor with the BKK BG but then again my hotel was close by.


So, all said, I just confused myself? :clueless Tink I need another beer! :gulp

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I tried to start a post a while back, wanting to list as many ST joints as we could.


The upshot was a very very empty post.



The 100baht place all the girls talk about is PS house in soi yamoto.......and to say its a dive is an understatement. You really do get what you pay for.


Out of interest i see that the swiss house in soi diamond are now advertising st rooms at 300baht.



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I've been meaning to hunt out some of the short time places close at hand. Probably the best in town is Galaxy Suites above Heavens Above in Soi Diamond. Small rooms but very well appointed. Five hundred short time and 895 for all night.


There is a door right next to Sweethearts in Walking Street which leads upstairs to a ST establishment. Three hundred baht and I've been told quite clean and nice.


There must be a few in Pattayaland 2 and 3. Anyone know?

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I love the photos of your place and I really love the idea with an open kitchen so you actually can see that your food is prepared in a clean environment. :banghead


I am sure that I will like the beer garden from what Ive seen so far and that I will be a regular guest when I come back, in the daytime for a beer or coffee and in the afternoon for a meal!


I don´t think that you have to worry about the freelancers, they will show up in mass as more and more farrang start to just chill out there, just as they do in Bangkok! :banghead








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Came in a few times last June during my afternoon walk. Liked the view,

the calm atmosphere, the fact that there is no hassle whatsoever.

Enjoyed the music and the video clips on the screens.

Staff was nice. Am actually surprised about the "noise" problem, never noticed it, maybe an "evening" problem ?

Anyway, when back in town I'll sure be back !



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I stayed a month in June/July. I visited the PBG many times day and evening. Great atmosphere, staff and service. The food was great and I never experienced any smells (Although I usually sat in the outdoor areas)I was disappointed at the lack of freelancers but I realise it takes time. The video screens were great and I never found the music loud. Great place for taking a BF or girlfriend. Ladies treated very well by staff and staff also chatty when you are alone. A great place to chill out and watch the sun go down. Also a great place to go before and after going to the bars/gogos for a break.


Great place, great concept and I hope more freelancers when I come back in November/December.


Good Luck with the place.


:moon :clap2 :moon :clap2 :clap2

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Let's be realistic here.


There is no way the freelancers will leave the coconut grove and make PBG their new base camp.


There is continual foot traffic along beach road. Compare that to the half dozen or so customers at the PBG.


Absolutely no way they are going to plot up at the end of a pier and watch the World walk by :moon


If there were a few short time rooms ON SITE then undoubtedly that would make a big difference.


I don't know the practicalities of building a few ST rooms there because I haven't been on site yet. It certainly looks big enough to accomodate a few. Another thing that will attract paying customers to the bar.


If you can't get planning permission (does that even exist in Patts?) or if the Landlord won't allow it, etc how about mooring up the 'PBG Love Boat' alongside the bar :moon

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Let's be realistic here.


There is no way the freelancers will leave the coconut grove and make PBG their new base camp.


If there were a few short time rooms ON SITE then undoubtedly that would make a big difference.

I disagree.


The bar on which the PBG is based, the Beer Garden in Bangkok, attracts dozens of freelancers throughout the day. There is no reason why PBG cannot do the same thing given time.


Freelancers are not legally allowed to loiter on Beach road and the authorities would dearly like to stop them from doing this. The clearing of the trees along the road may be one tactic that the authorities are employing and in the evening the police often patrol Beach road moving any girls on that they find there.


In Bangkok the freelancers like to sit in comfort in the Beer Garden making eyes at the many mongers rather than stand all day in the baking sun. Despite the fact that there are many seats along Beach road I am sure that many of these freelancers would love to get out of the sun - provided it is to a place where there are going to be many punters around.


If PBG was the sort of place which guys would love to visit for a drink or a meal during the day even if there were no freelancers there then this would solve the problem - because where there are many guys then the freelancers are sure to follow.


It's a chicken and egg situation. However, I can see a load of guys sitting in a bar if there were no freelancers e.g. ex-pats meeting up for a chat however I can't see the reverse situation happening.


The Bangkok Beer Garden is thriving even though it has no short time rooms, so the lack of them at PBG is probably not a major factor in why the bar is not attracting freelancers.

Edited by Sybarite
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I disagree.


The bar on which the PBG is based, the Beer Garden in Bangkok, attracts dozens of freelancers throughout the day. There is no reason why PBG cannot do the same thing given time.


Freelancers are not legally allowed to loiter on Beach road and the authorities would dearly like to stop them from doing this. The clearing of the trees along the road may be one tactic that the authorities are employing and in the evening the police often patrol Beach road moving any girls on that they find there.


In Bangkok the freelancers like to sit in comfort in the Beer Garden making eyes at the many mongers rather than stand all day in the baking sun. Despite the fact that there are many seats along Beach road I am sure that many of these freelancers would love to get out of the sun - provided it is to a place where there are going to be many punters around.


If PBG was the sort of place which guys would love to visit for a drink or a meal during the day even if there were no freelancers there then this would solve the problem - because where there are many guys then the freelancers are sure to follow.


It's a chicken and egg situation. However, I can see a load of guys sitting in a bar if there were no freelancers e.g. ex-pats meeting up for a chat however I can't see the reverse situation happening.


The Bangkok Beer Garden is thriving even though it has no short time rooms, so the lack of them at PBG is probably not a major factor in why the bar is not attracting freelancers.


I can't be arsed to nit pick every point of your post (I will if necessary) but you make the fundamental mistake of comparing the Bangkok Beer Garden with the Pattaya Beer Garden.


They are NOT same same.


Only same same (but different) in name!


Location is key here......


You are only a Pup..... @ twenty five years old.......... still a fucking stupid twat even though you can't be expected to understand that yet.


Believe me when I say that on site ST rooms at PBG would make a major difference. Not to the success of the bar but to the attraction of freelancers and potential new mongers/customers.


And you don't need to be a 25 y/o trainee management consultant to understand that :bigsmile: :P

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its so obvious that is why all the freelancers hang out at certain locations on beech rd , i.e. lots of farang walking past , st rooms across the road, to make a point of there are st rooms much nicer near by for more money is pointless, if a guy is taking a girl st , the girl dont give a shit if the room is a dog house or buck house both parties just want a quick bang and be on yer way, simple science, not rocket science

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You cannot compare the BBG and PBG the girls can sit on beach road all day and theres a good chance a punter will come along and take a fancy to her where as in Bangkok if they are not in the BBG where can they sit, on Sukhumvit Road ?.

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I can't be arsed to nit pick every point of your post (I will if necessary) but you make the fundamental mistake of comparing the Bangkok Beer Garden with the Pattaya Beer Garden.


They are NOT same same.


Only same same (but different) in name!


Location is key here......


You are only a Pup..... @ twenty five years old.......... still a fucking stupid twat even though you can't be expected to understand that yet.


Believe me when I say that on site ST rooms at PBG would make a major difference. Not to the success of the bar but to the attraction of freelancers and potential new mongers/customers.


And you don't need to be a 25 y/o trainee management consultant to understand that :D :bow



Damn, Pap!


No need to attack the guy personally just because he disagreed with you!


Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning? :D

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Damn, Pap!


No need to attack the guy personally just because he disagreed with you!


Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning? :D


He does it to me all the time. Stalks me on the forum :bow


He's like a Jack Russel humping away at my leg. Difficult to shake off :D

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He does it to me all the time. Stalks me on the forum :moon


He's like a Jack Russel humping away at my leg. Difficult to shake off :clap2



Oh, OK! I didn't realize that you two had a thing going on! :clap2

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Given the quality, or lack of, I'm glad that the girls off Beach Road, are not using the bar.

As for onsite ST rooms, I think that would be a step in the wrong direction.

There are few enough places in Pattaya, where you can go for a no-hassle time.



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