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ALAN LADs 50th birthday 12th oct (open at 7PM)

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hi guys


Yep i have made it to the ripe old age of 50 .


My wife says i am still sexy man and i just try hard not to look in the mirror these days .


Anyway we ar having a party on the 12 th at NEW LIVING DOLLS 1 ,we are starting at 7pm as i m hoping itwill be a busy night (jason just says that i a getting old and need to be in bed early these days ).


we will be having FREE DRINKS all nite long and i think the girls will be in good form all nite long.


So if you can drop in to see you ,we would love to see you on the nite


I would also like to say THANK YOU to all that have been droping in to see us during this year ,its be a great year.



Edited by alan lad
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Not many free drink offers in town these days....


And when they come around they are announced only hours beforehand..:beer


I bet there are a few cheap charlies at home looking hard for flight!


Great offer from a guy who does it better.

Edited by jacko
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Thats a good Aussie bloke. Hey mate I'm leaving the sheep at home and arrive on the 10th look forward to celebrating with you

Mine is next year I'll reciprocate at FLB I think

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hope you have a good one shane mate, a top host i`m sure everyone will agree.


unfortunately next trip not till xmas, will pop in, things nosedived when you weren`t there in june mate


all the best


sanuk scouser

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hi guys


Yep i have made it to the ripe old age of 50 .


My wife says i am still sexy man and i just try hard not to look in the mirror these days .


Anyway we ar having a party on the 12 th at NEW LIVING DOLLS 1 ,we are starting at 7pm as i m hoping itwill be a busy night (jason just says that i a getting old and need to be in bed early these days ).


we will be having FREE DRINKS all nite long and i think the girls will be in good form all nite long.


So if you can drop in to see you ,we would love to see you on the nite


I would also like to say THANK YOU to all that have been droping in to see us during this year ,its be a great year.




Did you invite Roland?

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I was at NLD1 a year or so ago when there was supposed to be a big free drinks night, I think for the manager's birthday.


I turned up at midnight in order to miss the early rush, however it was still so jam packed that there was not a hope in hell's chance of getting any girls to sit next to you.


In fact it was virtually standing room only and that meant standing shoulder to shoulder with loads of sweaty guys.


It turned out that the free drinks was only for the draught beer.


Whenever, one of the service girls made it through the throng to ask me if I wanted a drink and pointed to the drinks menu, I would always say the free draught beer, they would then roll their eyes ceremoniously


I was there from midnight till closing time at 3.30am and only got 2 small draught beers all night.


Am I reading this correctly? You went to a party where there was free something, found out it was draught beer, complain about the time it took you to get your free drink...and then had two?

And then you wonder why Pattaya is going into the toilet?

You're priceless...really!

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Am I reading this correctly? You went to a party where there was free something, found out it was draught beer, complain about the time it took you to get your free drink...and then had two?

And then you wonder why Pattaya is going into the toilet?

You're priceless...really!

Martin, you're right. I was out of order in that last post.


Shane I apologise,... and thanks for the free drinks that night.

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hi guys


S dont worry i am sorry that the girls had problems getting to you and that you only got a few drinks .


Ok this sunday we have free d/beer all night along with thai/w ALL NIGHT


WE have more service girls working so i hope everyone gets there drinks faster .


We will also be getting the girls to do a work out on the new bed ,which if any thing like tonight i am sure some guys just wont leave that spot .


anyway i do hope that if you have time you get to drop in for a cold one



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