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I am also on the Thai Visa Forum , & it is becoming obvious to me that certain subjects that cause the most reaction & are the most commented on are usually 'closed' asap.


So tonite I asked the question , are Thai Visa Moderators members of the Media here in Pattaya that do not want any disparaging remarks about the scene in Pattaya Broadcast.


I asked for Instance is Danny Fobian of Pattaya People known as 'Soundman' or is Richard of the ExPats club another Moderator??


If this is true or any other employees of Media Interest i Pattaya are controlling what is discussed isn't this Censorship. I thought that Amin,Pol Pot & Hitler were the last of that breed.


The Post was closed within seconds???


Ya gotta worry



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I am also on the Thai Visa Forum , & it is becoming obvious to me that certain subjects that cause the most reaction & are the most commented on are usually 'closed' asap.


So tonite I asked the question , are Thai Visa Moderators members of the Media here in Pattaya that do not want any disparaging remarks about the scene in Pattaya Broadcast.


I asked for Instance is Danny Fobian of Pattaya People known as 'Soundman' or is Richard of the ExPats club another Moderator??


If this is true or any other employees of Media Interest i Pattaya are controlling what is discussed isn't this Censorship. I thought that Amin,Pol Pot & Hitler were the last of that breed.


The Post was closed within seconds???


Ya gotta worry



There is no free speech on an internet forum. Their bat, their ball, their glove and their stadium. That being the situation, they get to make the rules.

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Threads are frequently closed and/or posts deleted when remarks on a thread contradict/undermine etc forum and sub forum sponsors.


Their board their rules.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You have to realise that whatever the initial intent of TV was, it is a serious money making machine. That said, I think some moderators do go overboard at some times and some forums are less policed than others.


It is better than before as a couple of years ago you could hardly say fuck or shit and they'd be down on you like a to of bricks.


A good place but it is not the fun place what other forums are.

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  • 4 years later...



As a businesswoman in the Greater Mekong region and now Thailand I finally opted to leave ThaiVisa despite having a good relationship with everyone there. In this day & age of "mutual respect" comments I read on that website from "moderators & administrators" made me re-consider belonging to an outfit like that - even if only a once or twice a month reader. Below is an email exchange which supports the popular view that ThaiVisa "moderators/administrators" lack the depth, quality & caliber which professionals & business are looking for. Imagine writing an email to a businesswoman telling me that maybe I'm a "man" if I cannot laugh at moderator rudeness towards a male-customer who contributed a comment in the 'Ladies Forum'. the subject was "visas" - a very generic topic and not gender-based.

Putting ThaiVisa behaviors in the public domain is important given its regular practise of publicly lashing out at hapless customers whilst hiding behind anonymity & a belief of safety in numbers ! Its in the public interest to be made aware of ThaiVisa moderator/administrator behaviors.

Read on -

Email One

Bokchoi commences Emails to Thai-Visa Admin/Moderators on concerns of very public rudeness displayed to several customers.

To: support at thaivisa
Date: 30 December 2013 14:02

Good afternoon,

Subject: Thai Visa Thread - MY OPTIONS AS A FARANG WOMAN MARRYING A THAI GUY. Complaint about Post No 9 Comments made by Moderator Boo

I am a member of 3 or 4 forums/blog-sites mainly out of reading interest, given my business venture in the Greater Mekong Region and more recently Thailand. I appear at speaking engagements and even act as moderator for some TV (television) debates out of Singapore. So it is with some interest I began following how 'Thai-Visa moderators' respond to infractions.

I enjoy reading contributions to Thai-Visa. I agree that some are off-subject or on-the-attack quite viciously. Deleting these comments is natural. Sadly, in the present thread what comes across is moderator comments some may say is a Thai-apologist style, as well as, on display is a need by moderators to protect a personal-Thai-narrative. I am not in a Thai nor farang relationship. I have no views one way or the other. I am a casual once or twice a month reader of Thai-Visa. Its often easier to say nothing about the quality of moderator comments esp. when one has been forewarned about the situation. Its also important to stress that Thai-Visa does have a handful of quality, mature, moderators who add much value to a debate / thread.

In keeping with Rule 21 –
I am writing to express serious concerns about verbal attacks on posts deemed unfit by some 'moderators' - whilst at the same time locking out comments which offend the moderators. I do it with some reluctance & respectfully. However after reading several threads and moderator attacks on contributors its important to provide this feedback and let things take their course. It does not seem okay for a moderator to be offensive in retorting to contributors whereas contributors are needed to toe the line – something readers notice time and again in Thai-Visa commentaries.

Deleting a post & putting up a sign which guides people can be done in a civil manner like the thousand other websites & blogs do. In fact many moderators on Thai-Visa do it rather well. There's nothing productive or uplifting or enriching (to the mind or to the bank account) witnessing a 'moderator' use his/her title to verbally attack people as has happened on this thread. As human beings surely we are capable of better especially if we hope to moderate a topic and be respected for a job well done.

It would help for people to ask themselves if he/she would reply in a particular style were there no anonymity. Hiding behind anonymity to deliver rude one-liners to helpless contributors is called “bullying” in some circles. Telling people that they are "tiny minded" or go down to "the pub where someone might give some poos" is a no-no-zone for quality moderators. This is only one example of low-calibre moderation I've witnessed on Thai-Visa. If you need more feedback one has only to google 'Thai Visa moderator'.

Thai Visa is an informative blog ie: if one leaves out some moderator comments. As I said, I am providing this feedback reluctantly and respectfully. I have nothing to gain nor lose personally since Thai-Visa is a once or twice a month browse for me. Its hoped the feedback benefits the owners of this site who are no doubt intent on fostering a professional trustworthy brand image.

Thank you, kind regards

On 30 December 2013 16:17, "Thaivisa Support" emails Bokchoi to justify public name-calling & rudeness displayed towards its customer(s)


Your post was edited for blatantly breaking forum rules. You did not receive a formal warning for discussing moderation publicly but you could have easily by a different moderator. Since you seem to be a man I can inform you that your objection was to moderation in the Ladies forum. A forum which attracts a very large number of aggressive and misogynist men. There are times when the female moderators patience runs out.

I would suggest that you if have difficulties with this you stay out of the Ladies forum

Kind regards,
Thaivisa Support Team

Bokchoi will have none of the excuses from Thai Visa and writes back. After this email Thai-Visa fell silent. No apologies for rude public behavior to customer’s was ever made.

Email Two

to: Thaivisa Support
date: 30 December 2013 17:28

Thank you for your quick response.

First and foremost I object to being called a "man" moreso since one of my lines of business in Asia is women's cosmetics and a second women's leather goods & accessories. Being feminine is something I take pride in !! It takes a very simple mind to suggest that "men will object to this post" and "women agree with this post". To educated professionals - rudeness to customers is plain rudeness and gender does not enter the equation. Also, "running out of patience" is not an excuse professionals use.

Secondly, my email was "general feedback" ie: relating to several Thai-Visa threads/forums I've read. I went to great lengths to explain this. So my feedback is not about being edited. In fact being edited or even having a post deleted on Thai-Visa is quite inconsequential and really no big deal. Its not like its the end of the world or shrinks my bank balance. Providing honest feedback on moderator comments I've witnessed has been and remains the object of my communications.

With respect -
Blaming either Men or Women ie: Thai-Visa 'customers' of being "aggressive and misogynist" when they break a rule hardly sounds professional. In my Asian business staff who respond to customer feedback by blaming customers are usually exited. Calling people "tiny-minded" and suggesting they "go down to a pub for poos" hardly sounds like quality moderation. The example I refer to is just one thread. Venture into other threads and one will find similar moderator outbursts.

People of quality do not hide behind anonymity to throw insults at 'customers' visiting their website or hope for safety in numbers when defending bad behavior. If my complaint was a solitary one I'd agree with your analysis. Reading google comments confirms my concerns about the quality of some Thai-Visa moderators.

Thai-Visa is a great information forum and my once or twice a month visits I find enriching during coffee-breaks. On holidays for Christmas I've spent a couple of moments to write you feedback.

In providing the above feedback I speak with respect and after carefully considering things. I do not mean to offend.

kind regards,

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Wow.... An interesting first post...where do you go from here?


A recent discussion on Pattaya live about the life of the forum, highlighted the fact that moderators really stuff up a forum. It’s a control mechanise. Sometimes the board members need to be steered away from subjects that are contrary to ideals of a forum but other times its just someone throwing their weight around. Unfortunately the same rules that allow the moderators to control the forum also protect the moderators who abuse the power.


Secrets forum is an example of this abuse. They will ignore rules for the members with high post counts and penalise new members. Established members will gang up on new members and flame them safe in the knowledge that the moderators will prevent retaliation. Overall this has the effect of producing a forum that has no new ideas or opposing views. There are a bunch of toadies patting each other on the back.


Pattaya addicts also has moderator prolems. One moderator thinks he is smarter than everyone else and he is known to delete posts when losing an argument.


Even on this forum there have been examples of censorship shown by a moderator. I am waiting to see what transpires in the new year when the FLB bar no longer needs the forum to promote business. A certain moderator has the right attitude to drive away members and destroy the forum.


I have made the comment before. Moderators can f***K up a forum.

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Wow.... An interesting first post...where do you go from here?



WOW… Even more remarkable that such a first post should appear on here, directly after you have been censored ( rightly or wrongly!).

Do you perchance suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder, or just a member of some "League of Trolls" club. (Sorry, Emoticons unavailable)

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WOW… Even more remarkable that such a first post should appear on here, directly after you have been censored ( rightly or wrongly!).

Do you perchance suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder, or just a member of some "League of Trolls" club. (Sorry, Emoticons unavailable)


If you want to make some sort of accusation, be a man and do it. I’m sure that the admin can identify my IP address to determine where I am posting from. Perhaps you should put that big brain of yours to use by contributing to the thread rather than knocking someone else’s posts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thai visa is a waste of space board that won't let you say anything bad about them or the twats that are lining there pockets.....B OF C'S

How are they lining their pockets?

I have had more posts deleted there in a day than all of my time here on Pattayatalk. :D

As you say they won't let you say anything.

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Nightrider, on 29 Jan 2014 - 12:55 AM, said:

Thai visa is a waste of space board that won't let you say anything bad about them or the twats that are lining there pockets.....B OF C'S


When are you going to come clean about your previous identity on this forum?


Until then, it would appear that you've never left your bedroom at your Mum's house. You do like to give it large but nothing to back it up.


What you say?

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When are you going to come clean about your previous identity on this forum?


Until then, it would appear that you've never left your bedroom at your Mum's house. You do like to give it large but nothing to back it up.


What you say?




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