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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Thailand Not Pc

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A year or so ago they used to have street stalls at the start of Walking Street selling German war helmets and flags with Nazi swastikas on them along with the tourist posters, T-shirts and other souvenirs.


Call it third world naivety but I doubt whether they knew the significance of what they were selling.

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I think the swaztika in Thailand means soemthing to do with budhism too


It does. I am not sure of its meaning but I see it on Buddhist temples all over Korea. Because of the association with the Nazi's it is banned in many places but it was around many hundreds of years before Adolph shit in his first diaper.



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I think the swaztika in Thailand means soemthing to do with budhism too

I was shocked to see a bar girl proudly displaying a small tattoo of one, and having commented on it, was told that it was Buddhist in origin and predates Hitlers adaptation of the symbol.

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There was a bar called save the golly in the new plaza,pattaya,until it changed the name to Pussy bar due to a change of ownership.


Even got a shirt with the gollywog on,can you imagine wearing that in the uk with the pc brigade.Suppose some people will make a big issue of this but i thought it was very funny even if i was black.

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A year or so ago they used to have street stalls at the start of Walking Street selling German war helmets and flags with Nazi swastikas on them along with the tourist posters, T-shirts and other souvenirs.


Call it third world naivety but I doubt whether they knew the significance of what they were selling.

Still do. :thumbup

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Always have a laugh when people see a symbol in a different country and automatically assume that they have the exclusive right to it.


For information on the Swaztika and Buddhism read here:






At the risk of turning this into a history threadfuck, I'm pretty sure the symbol predates Buddhism through Hinduism. Considering it's a pretty simple line drawing, it probably goes back further than we will ever be able to prove.

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It does. I am not sure of its meaning but I see it on Buddhist temples all over Korea. Because of the association with the Nazi's it is banned in many places but it was around many hundreds of years before Adolph shit in his first diaper.


I dont think Adolf ever wore diapers, that may have been part of his problem.

Edited by The Gunslinger
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FYI the Buddhist swastika is backwards to the Nazi one. It is NOT used in the mainstream Theravada Buddhism in Thailand, and the swastika is very, very rare.


But it is used in other places as close as Vietnam, which has a different form of Buddhism.


What is wrong with selling German helmets and Hitlerian swastikas etc??? Just because Germany and a few other countries ban it doesn't mean everyone should. You're sounding very American with that sort of xrap.




i thought it was very funny even if i was black.


Was that why you changed? What are you now?

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ignorance is bliss sometimes for some people. for the rest of us, better to look things up than to assume anything. if that makes any sense at all.

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