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We also know that a lot of other countries don't really like us (due to some of our government issues) and sometimes it's just better to keep a low profile and enjoy your holiday, than have it ruined due to some drunk moron who just wants to start shit. Plus most Americans are creatures of comfort and would never take a chance on anything that might end them up in a foreign jail cell. I'm sure due to financial reasons that the majority of Americans who travel to Thailand are older and more mature.

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60,000 a month? That's 2000 a day. Doesn't that seem like a lot? How many planes from the USA land in Bangkok every day?


Again, you're conflating stuff that doesn't go together. 2,000 people isn't a lot, no. The flights from the US that end up in Bangkok in some way carry WAY more people than that - because many of them make connections. Planes from the USA carry a lot more than Americans. Planes NOT from the USA carry Americans - from Japan, say, or France, or Australia.


2,000 Americans a day don't necessarily come on a direct US-Bangkok flight. 2,000 Americans a day arrive in Bangkok from somewhere.


I'm sure due to financial reasons that the majority of Americans who travel to Thailand are older and more mature.


Older and more mature than......????? Than Malaysian sex tourists, probably. Than Japanese or Chinese, maybe not. Than Europeans, I bet it's close to a wash. The young English make it to Pattaya, sure, but we're talking all Thailand here. Try Khao San Road in Bangkok or central Chiang Mai for a very different profile.



Edited by joekicker
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It's not "leave" but "shore leave".



Tch tch.... you gonna fix a hole in the bucket with that straw you are clutching? :angry2:
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Tch tch.... you gonna fix a hole in the bucket with that straw you are clutching? rolleyes


I understand. But "leave" is "holiday" - you're charged the time, and you plan what you're doing, where you're going. US military generally get 30 days' leave a year. A US military person taking "leave" in Thailand is on his holidays, subject to no immediate military rules, just like any other tourist. They need passports, for starters.


The people you almost always notice in Phuket, Pattaya and sometimes elsewhere are on a break - shore leave. They can't plan it, they take it when they can get it. It's a "half day" in British civilian terms, something like that. They doin't need passports, for starters.


So when we're talking tourists in Thailand, it's a distinction with actual meaning. My son will take actual leave (holidays) in Thailand. If he were to come on Cobra Gold, say, he'd have a day, maybe two of "shore leave" (a day off work and subject to various rules regarding hours, where he can go, how far he can travel, etc).


In practice, there's quite a distinction. The GIs on "shore leave" are NOT counted in tourist arrivals, they are NOT part of the 60,000-plus US arrivals each month.



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I don't like American politics and political attitudes BUT I find individual Americans to be good guys, friendly, approachable and generous with no nasty violent side like so many Brits. I'm always happy to hang out with them. Besides, I can't talk baseball or NFL with Brits!

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It's funny that I rarely bring up politics in casual conversation with anyone I don't really know, and never when I'm trying to relax and forget the real world exists drinking beer in Pattaya.


Why is it that when I'm on holiday outside of the USA I'm always asked about US politics. Mostly by Brits, French or Germans. It's like some of them are just fishing for a debate. I have even been asked how/if I voted in local or state elections, as if it mattered to the rest of the world who the leader of my shit little state is.


Yes, of course I'm generalizing and of course that's not polite, but it does happen.


And while I'm on a rant:

Some of the funniest people I have ever met in my life have been Brits. However, not all of you fuckers are blessed with a sense of humo(u)r. Next time you think that an American is missing your stupid fucking wind up, maybe, just maybe, you might want to consider he's giving it right back to you and it's going right over your shaven lout skull. :D


Another newsflash; I couldn't give a shit less about watching sports on a television set and care even less if you think that American football players or baseball players or America's cup sailors are athletes or not. If I retort your wind up, it's a fucking wind up. Silly fuckers :D


Here's another; Anyone who yells at a television set is an idiot. Anyone who applauds in the direction of a television set is an idiot. Anyone who throws things in anger over the happenings on a television set should be sterilized. You all know exactly who I'm talking about. :D


Rant complete. Over and out.

Edited by Sailfast
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I must say, that I have only ever encountered one really obnoxious American. I remember the time well, it was in the afternoon in a bar along Beach road. I was minding my own business having stopped off for a cool beer, when this old red kneck type, insisted on talking to me. He wanted to convince me for some reason that he was some sort of big shot in the CIA before he retired and insisted on trying to impress me how tough he was, and how knowledge he was. It got to the point where I had to ask him to STFU, as he eally began to annoy me. He did actually shut up, which pleased me. I left after finishing my beer.


That said, I could count on both hands the number of my fellow countrymen that have pissed me off in Pattaya by acting like complete arseholes. I get on with most people and enjoy a bit of light hearted converation at a bar, but I have NO time whatsover for idiots that try to impress me about how well they know Thailand, or how they were in the SAS, or how hard they are or how they dont have to pay the girls or how much they can drink. :D Who gives a fuck.

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I seem to meet quite a few American haters.....'Hate is a strong word' I say........They don't modify it though.....they just go off on one. None of their reasons for actual 'hate' really hold up and I always feel it's based more on either an insecurity or the fashionable holier than thou, anti US lip-service. I just change the subject.


Having said that, I have encountered a particularly obnoxious, Jewish New Yorker, who seems intent on under-mining my arguments and weaken my resolve to defend you.


I'm sure others like Sailfast (who seems an awfully judgemental fellow) have met equally loathsome Englishmen and will no doubt give me chapter and verse!

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I must say, that I have only ever encountered one really obnoxious American. I remember the time well, it was in the afternoon in a bar along Beach road. I was minding my own business having stopped off for a cool beer, when this old red kneck type, insisted on talking to me. He wanted to convince me for some reason that he was some sort of big shot in the CIA before he retired and insisted on trying to impress me how tough he was, and how knowledge he was. It got to the point where I had to ask him to STFU, as he eally began to annoy me. He did actually shut up, which pleased me. I left after finishing my beer.


In my experience this type of person, of any nationality, is lying. People who have "been there, done that" rarely need to convince you that they have, and I only say "rarely" because I never say "never". I almost treat such people as liars, i.e. humour them and then move away quickly much as you did. Once in a long while, if bored, I'll work to drill a hole in their silly story, just because I'm in a bad mood.



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I'm sure others like Sailfast (who seems an awfully judgemental fellow) have met equally loathsome Englishmen and will no doubt give me chapter and verse!


And to think I wasted all that time typing smilies. :whistling:

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In my experience this type of person, of any nationality, is lying. People who have "been there, done that" rarely need to convince you that they have, and I only say "rarely" because I never say "never". I almost treat such people as liars, i.e. humour them and then move away quickly much as you did. Once in a long while, if bored, I'll work to drill a hole in their silly story, just because I'm in a bad mood.



Also, the ones who really did that sort of thing had it as a core value/obligation to not talk about what they did with strangers and that did not end with going off the payroll.

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Only one third of Americans have a passport...don't have any stats on the number who can work out how to apply for one.


It would be exactly the same percentage who can figure out where to buy a postage stamp, and for the identical reason.



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Only one third of Americans have a passport...don't have any stats on the number who can work out how to apply for one.

More like 20%. The Americans who come to Pattaya are decent guys. The violent nut case imbeciles stay home watching Glenn Beck in their single-wides.

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  • 3 months later...
The Hangover movie sequel is being filmed in LOS. I wonder what effect that will have?


Just watch the making of Hangover 2 short on ET says it was flimed in Bangkok but there were Island shots as well.


Nearly stoped watching the first one it was so slow to get started.

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I've had drinks with all nationalities , only those that are completely fucked up on alcohol / can't handle it , act like complete fucktards . So in essance , its most of the time how they perform under the influence as opposed to where they come from.

The Brits / English come over in larger numbers than the seppos , flights for them are a great deal cheaper as i know most americans are obese and need 2 seats to accommodate their huge derrieres. :whistling:



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