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I can't disagree with anything you have said above. BigD touting Skytop or going on about his international political connections is similarly unbelievable.   Next we'll hear that Andropov and Kissi

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goddamn, that joint is a dump, anyone saying otherwise reflects on them directly and one must wonder how they live back home.


Since you asked. I live in a single family home in one of the wealthiest communities in the US. I live very well. Thank you. Sky-Top is an inexpensive guest house and it's clean. If your looking for something fancy? Sky-Top ain't it.

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Since you asked. I live in a single family home in one of the wealthiest communities in the US. I live very well. Thank you. Sky-Top is an inexpensive guest house and it's clean. If your looking for something fancy? Sky-Top ain't it.


Skytop is an overpriced slum when compared to others places of accomodation in the same price bracket, if you live so high on the hog at home why do you lower your standards here, obviously its not about the money, maybe your after the genuine "Thai" experience by staying there, after all the only real differnce between this place and a 200b per night fan room is the fact this place has AC, It does have AC doesnt it ??

Edited by Fondles
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Skytop is an overpriced slum when compared to others places of accomodation in the same price bracket, if you live so high on the hog at home why do you lower your standards here, obviously its not about the money, maybe your after the genuine "Thai" experience by staying there, after all the only real differnce between this place and a 200b per night fan room is the fact this place has AC, It does have AC doesnt it ??


Yes it does have AC and if you stayed there, you would know that is the case. I don't lower my standards when I stay at Sky-Top. It's cheap, clean, well run guest house and for me it has a great location. Next to Soi 6. I could spend more money on a place that has a gym that I wouldn't use. Same goes for a pool.

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Wow, what a rant Vic. I better go through it as you have made some of it up.


I hope any newbies to this board have caught on to your bias against the Sky Top and are taking your tirade against the place with a grain of salt.


Bias? You mean that I speak out against tow sad BMs that try to promote a place that ripped off BMs with dodgy contracts? You and Denny lie about Skytop , deny the photos, call it a Hotel , when it's marketed as a hostel, and take photos of the toilets that hide that the walls don't reach the ceiling. If you didn't start threads about the dump, I wouldn't mention it.



You can't just give a contrary opinion. You have to call me names and say I am misleading BMs, like I have some sort of agenda. All because I disagree with you. :grin


You are misleading BMs. Check your photos , biased review, and relabeling it as a hotel. You were shown other places are cheaper and better, yet you mislead newbies.


What names did I call you?





Your post is laced with judgements. You call Pete a failure because he has rented out part of his space to a tailor, because he went back to Australia to work, because he doesn't have a TV in the entry way. He's not doing things the Obsession way, so he's a loser and a failure. These are the Obsession rules of hotel management. :beer


I never said he was a failure. I said Skyslops was a failure. It's relevent. I said it was a shithole and could prove it with photos and that it wasn't doing well. I gave other forum promoted GHs that were doing great as an example to counter your spamming rubbish.



Then you say I have no knowledge of the business? Opps, you've sort of put your foot in your mouth on this one. I worked in the hotel business in the US for over 20 years, and that includes several years in management and 5 years in Las Vegas. I worked at 4-star/5 diamond properties for Marriott, Sheraton, Hilton, Radisson, Omni and Doubletree. If you know anything about the hotel business you might have heard of them. :beer My hotel connections have allowed me to stay in some of the finest hotels in the US.


I said you had no knowledge of Skyslops. And I say that your review was incompetent as you even mistook Skyslops as a hotel , rather than a hostel/ internet shop with rooms above it.




I hope any newbies to this board have caught on to your bias against the Sky Top and are taking your tirade against the place with a grain of salt.


You can't just give a contrary opinion. You have to call me names and say I am misleading BMs, like I have some sort of agenda. All because I disagree with you. :grin


Your post is laced with judgements. You call Pete a failure because he has rented out part of his space to a tailor, because he went back to Australia to work, because he doesn't have a TV in the entry way. He's not doing things the Obsession way, so he's a loser and a failure. These are the Obsession rules of hotel management. :beer


Then you say I have no knowledge of the business? Opps, you've sort of put your foot in your mouth on this one. I worked in the hotel business in the US for over 20 years, and that includes several years in management and 5 years in Las Vegas. I worked at 4-star/5 diamond properties for Marriott, Sheraton, Hilton, Radisson, Omni and Doubletree. If you know anything about the hotel business you might have heard of them. :grin My hotel connections have allowed me to stay in some of the finest hotels in the US.

Because I'm what you would call a "cheap loser"


I told you I didn't think you were a loser. I knew that was a button to wind you up, and I wound you up on it. You bit every time :grin I didn't realize you took it to heart. Did you notice everyone referring to Papps as gay because he drank breezers? It's banter. We don't actually think he is gay because of his drink. Did you really take the toaster and kettle comments as serious?



My advice to other BMs is look for yourself. It's not for everybody, but I don't think it deserves the bad rap it has gotten on this board.


I think it did deserve the bad rap, but it went on too long because Denny kept bringing it up and now you are. Why mention Skyslops at all when there are many GHs that BMs love, from DD, Billabong, Metro , in fact most of LK metro and Lengkee. The owner of Skyslops had dodgy up front payment contracts and his level of business was lacking. That's why it struggled in a booming Patts. End of.







have stayed at the new location a couple of times since. I would say all that makes me at least a little bit qualified to write up a review on the place.


You have stayed there and never noticed that the toilet walls don't reach the ceiling?????? Rather than call you a spamming liar, I would prefer to say that you aren't qualified to review anything except maybe braille books and blind aids. There aren't many reasons to explain your ommission regarding the walls.

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a place that ripped off BMs with dodgy contracts?


Signing your name for their records is standard practice at pretty much every hotel. What was so "dodgy" about whatever you signed at the Sky Top? :clueless


You and Denny lie about Skytop , deny the photos


What lies have I told about the Sky Top? It's all opinion. What photos are you talking about? :clueless


call it a Hotel , when it's marketed as a hostel


Semantics. It's an establishment that rents rooms by the day or longer.


It could correctly be called a hotel OR a guesthouse.


-The room doors open onto the interior of the establishment, so it can rightly be called a hotel.


-There are less than 20 rooms and the building is also used for other purposes, so it could rightly be called a guesthouse.


-A hostel usually implies very inexpensive dorm-like facilities, but not necessarily, so if they want to call it a hostel I'm ok with that.


-If you could park your car in front of the room door it would be a motel, but you can't so it's not. :lol:


-I won't get into inns and boarding houses since I don't want to make this post any longer than it already is. I hope we've covered enough of the various accommodation terms to suit you. :clueless My point is there is considerable overlap.


What's funny is that this is such a big issue to you. Am I using language to trick people into thinking it's a better establishment than it really is? Obviously not since I have mentioned several times that it is BUDGET accommodation. Am I hypnotizing BMs with the word "hotel"? Is that your conspiracy theory? :clueless


and take photos of the toilets that hide that the walls don't reach the ceiling.


More conspiracy theory. You think I delibertly positioned my camera to hide the top of the walls? I took a picture of the toliet because I figured that's what people want to see in a bathroom, not the top of the wall. :hairout


You were shown other places are cheaper and better,


I haven't been to the Seaside, but based on the pics Tom posted it DOES look better than Sky Top. Just because another place looks better doesn't mean I don't also like Sky Top. Am I only allowed to like one budget hotel in the area?


I never said he was a failure. I said Skyslops was a failure. It's relevent. I said it was a shithole and could prove it with photos and that it wasn't doing well.


It's still in business, so it's obviously NOT a failure. "Shithole" is your opinion, and your photos don't prove it to me. It's not doing well? So what? What difference does that make to someone who is just looking for a room for the night? Do you only stay at places that allow you to review their books first, and then reject any place that isn't making a profit? :clueless


your spamming rubbish.


NOT spamming, just providing a review.


I said you had no knowledge of Skyslops.


No, you said I had no knowledge of the business, which I took to mean "the hotel business". Besides I have stayed at the Sky Top more than you have, so I have MORE knowledge of it than you do.


Why mention Skyslops at all when there are many GHs that BMs love,


To answer this question all you have to do is read my OP - I mention Sky Top because I don't think it deserves the bad rep it has gotten on this board.


What names did I call you?


Funny how often I have to remind you about what you have posted. :hairout You called me "incompetent", and in your latest post you call me a "liar" and a "spammer". You may call that playful "banter", but I call them insults. This is not the "Battles & Arguments" section. This section of the board is open to anyone who wanders upon the site. I'm not one to go crying to the mods, but IMHO these sort of attacks should not be tolerated in this section of the board.


I'm simply providing a review and stating that IMHO the past attacks on Sky Top are unwarranted. Agree or disagree, but there's no need to hurl abuse or insults.

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Signing your name for their records is standard practice at pretty much every hotel. What was so "dodgy" about whatever you signed at the Sky Top? :clueless


As I said. You are cluless about Skyslops but spam it to BMs. Just about everybody knows that Skyslops had a dodgy contract. They made you pay upfront before you knew it was a noisy shithole and got you to sign a contract. JC posted it on here. It's the only place in Patts with a dodgy contract. Go research it before you spam the place.


Did you know someone accused the maids of stealing $500. Like I said. Research before recommending :allright Or maybe shut up and give Skyslops a break.



It is not a hotel. Your OP was misleading.

Your photos were misleading. And yes, I think you meant it.


Yes. I say you are too incompetent as a reviewer to put yourself forward as one. Up to you. But it will just be more bad publicity for Skyslops.


A business can be open and still losing money. Do any of the other GHs need their owners to go home and work after renting off most of the place to Indian tailors?


Besides I have stayed at the Sky Top more than you have, so I have MORE knowledge of it than you do.


I stayed 5 weeks at the new Skyslops. You?



Funny how often I have to remind you about what you have posted. :rotflmao You called me "incompetent", and in your latest post you call me a "liar" and a "spammer". You may call that playful "banter", but I call them insults. This is not the "Battles & Arguments" section. This section of the board is open to anyone who wanders upon the site. I'm not one to go crying to the mods, but IMHO these sort of attacks should not be tolerated in this section of the board.


I'm simply providing a review and stating that IMHO the past attacks on Sky Top are unwarranted. Agree or disagree, but there's no need to hurl abuse or insults.


So you admit I never called you a cheap loser?


I don't call "incompetent" an insult. It merely describes your review and knowledge of a place you have suddenly decided to promote to BMs.

Spammer - I think it describes what you are doing. Whitewashing a bad GH and psoting misleading photos and claimng you never noticd the walls didn't reach the ceiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You outside photo didn't show the Indian Tailor. Yo never mentioned noise or that there's o security.

If you are so thin skinned that you can't take someones opinion, then I be more careful, but I think incompetent ( as a reviewer) and spammer are tame and accurate.


Bottom line. This post sums up your thread


Yeah, it's almost as if Vic is just trolling today, since this has been done to death.


If I'd have said you were trolling, you would be doing your whiney crying thing! :yikes:

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As I said. You are cluless about Skyslops but spam it to BMs.


This is all I needed to read of your response. I'm not going to continue this "yes you are/no I'm not" game with you.

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This is all I needed to read of your response. I'm not going to continue this "yes you are/no I'm not" game with you.


It was an ill conceived thread to call others "naysayers" when you knew so little about the place , barely been in it, and posted such favourably cropped photos. Then cry foul when when a "naysayer" defends their honest, backed with photos review or calls you a spammer.

You start all these arguments Vic, with your threads that are begging for an argument.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stayed Friday night (12/3) at Sky Top. Did not get the best room (I think it was the last available). It was ok, but rather worn looking.






Here's the infamous bathroom wall that doesn't reach the ceiling. Notice the sexy lady picture. 1luv




The bathroom has it's own light. It looks sort of slapped on, but it was functional.




IF you had someone staying the night with you and they got up to use the john while you were sleeping, the light would partially illuminate the rest of the room. If your company created some foul smells or noises while using the bathroom they might also "disturb" you. How much would that bother you? Depends on you. I did not bring company back to my room that night, so it was a non issue for me.


What WAS an issue for me was the fact that there was no free drinking water in the fridge. There was also no mat to dry my feet on outside the bathroom door, though I think I found it later hanging out on the balcony. Here's the view from that balcony:




That's part of the beer bar complex just South of the building. Noise was not a problem for me that night, but then again I didn't return to my room until about 3:30 AM. Even when I visited one of the bars around 9PM they were pretty quiet - no blaring music, and few customers. Here's a shot looking at the back of the building. You can see the beer bars to the left. The night entrance is just to the right off camera.




Here's the actual night entrance.




They lock the front door at 2AM, so I used the night entrance when I came back at 3:30. Key worked fine. No problems getting in.


The wiring did indeed look "dodgy". I'm no electrician but I think they need to update. These wires are near the top of the door.




As for check in, I signed for the room and also signed what I think was a damage waiver. My room cost 550 baht and I also had to put down a 600 baht deposit, which was returned to me upon check out the next morning.


I'd rate my stay this time about a 6. The staff was friendly, the price was within my budget, the room was just ok, but it was good enough for me. The Sky Top isn't my first choice, but I'd have no problem staying there again.

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The wiring did indeed look "dodgy". I'm no electrician but I think they need to update. These wires are near the top of the door.




Dodgy...... downright dangerous more like!!!!


It wouldn't take much work to fit junction boxes.... but no,.... they've used lumps of terminal block on mains cables!!!... :chogdee

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Dodgy...... downright dangerous more like!!!!


It wouldn't take much work to fit junction boxes.... but no,.... they've used lumps of terminal block on mains cables!!!... :rolleyes:

At least the paint job is nice! :allright


Love that lovely walkway at the rear entrance. Soi 6, anyone?

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A very fair and honest review Vic. :D


I hated that light in the toilet. It's a metal spotlight thats meant to be in a hole in a ceiling. I also didn't feel safe with that wiring.

I didn't like how you could only lock the back door with your key. If anyone had a S/T leaving, the door could be lying open all night if they didn't go down to lock it. If you were out, your room could be robbed.

If it was 300 bht, then I wouldn't complain. But there;s better for less in Patts. imho.

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A very fair and honest review Vic. :thumbup


Somebody look out the window and see if any pigs are flying - Obsession and I are about to trade compliments. :thumbup


I didn't like how you could only lock the back door with your key. If anyone had a S/T leaving, the door could be lying open all night if they didn't go down to lock it.


I think that's a good point.


One reason I was able to overlook some of the problems with Sky Top was the scenery at the bar that night. I was gonna hide her whole face, but those lips are too lovely to hide. :allright



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Simply Amazing, this is what Big D wanted us to stop by and check out. If I didn't know better I would say that Tom missled the BMs with his photos of the place when he did his review awhile back. Vic I know your a movie buff and after seeing your latest photos it reminded me of a famous movie quote. The movie was before your time along with the famous actress who delivered it. Let me see if you can come up with the quote. Here's a hint. The actress was also mentioned in a 70's rock song and no it wasn't Norma Jean.

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After the latest pictures, it is very hard for anyone to claim skytops to be "good value for bath", as it clearly is not.


Sky-Top has many repeat customers. I'm one of them and yes IMHO it offers good value for the Baht. Sky-Top is clean, friendly staff and has a great location. For the BM with extremely high standards at the 700 Baht per night cost. There are many other places you can stay. Up to you.

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Sky-Top has many repeat customers. I'm one of them and yes IMHO it offers good value for the Baht. Sky-Top is clean, friendly staff and has a great location. For the BM with extremely high standards at the 700 Baht per night cost. There are many other places you can stay. Up to you.


You said it was " newly refurbed". I booked it. I don't think you should ever have attacked me for being disappointed. I never took photos of the place when I stayed as I was never going to review it. However when you denied some of the stuff when Win wrote a review, I chipped in. I think people can see now what I meant.


I have stayed in a lot better , for a lot less, in better Pattaya locations. Your prices were always for the windowless rooms. But eveb those prices can be beat, with windows. It's overpriced.

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it reminded me of a famous movie quote. The movie was before your time along with the famous actress who delivered it. Let me see if you can come up with the quote. Here's a hint. The actress was also mentioned in a 70's rock song and no it wasn't Norma Jean.


Bette Davis, "What a dump."


I disagree. It ain't a dump, though many of you guys seem to be as prissy as Miss Davis when it comes to hotel rooms. :lol:


Years of dealing with picky, high-maintainence customers have made me a very low maintainence customer (thank goodness). Please take that into consideration when reading any of my future hotel reviews.


Funny how two people can look at the same photos and have very different reactions. :allright

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