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My pet peeve with Thai girls

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Okay, I have more than one pet peeve with Thai girls. There is one that has bothered me from day one. When out with a Thai laddie, and another Thai comes up, they always speak Thai leaving me completely out of the conversation. I have been to many Asian and south American countries and Thai's seem to be the only ones that do this. I find it rude and disrespectful. They won't even tell me what was said. In any other country I've been in, if I'm with a lady and someone speaks to them in their language, she turns to me and tells me what was said. Not here.


I used to often take a group of Thai ladies out to the Issan clubs. It was fun to watch them enjoy themselves so much. It didn't take to long, and I started saying that I won't go unless another farang goes. It's not only cheaper, because we get to split the cost, but I have somebody to talk to. I am usually left out of everything except the bill. They do make sure I eat, and my drink is never empty, but no one talks to me much, and among themselves which most of the conversation is, it's all in Thai.


In another country, if I took out a group of girls, they would all speak English, only reverting to their language to tell secrets, or give instructions to a waiter or something of that sort. Conversations are all in broken English, but at least I can follow what is happening, and feel included in the group. Usually when something is said in the other language, someone will tell me what was said. Not in Thailand. Here I'm made more to feel like the ATM machine at the table.


Anyway last week in was in a little out door bar that I have been going to since my first week in Pattaya. I know all the ladies, and they all know me. I bough several of the girls a lady drink, which is rot gut Tequila that mamasan makes them drink. It was a slow night, and I was the only customer in the bar. I then sat and watched the people go by as my girlfriend talked to the laddies. I was OK with that, because I like watching the bra less Russian girls walk by. After a while I got board with it, and was starting to sweat, so I tell the girlfriend, let's check bin and go to FLB for some air con.


Several of the girls wanted me to bar fine them and take them with us. I've done it many times because I can bring someone to dance with me at FLB. They are more fun to be with than the hostesses because they are out for fun, not profit. They aren't the drink hounds the hostessses are. My GF does not dance to Farang music, and they will. My GF was up for that, one of the girls was from her village, and two others were long time friends. To my surprise, and theirs, I said no. I told them I'm tired of sitting in a bar with no one speaking to me. They will all talk to each other and I feel like I sit alone. My GF came up with the idea, we have English night and only speak English all night. I thought ya right, the girl from the village has never said anything to me except "hello, how are you" since I've met her. The GF says that she learned English in school, but doesn't speak because she is embarrassed. I'm thinking she can't make it on a English only night. However the girls were insistent that they would and could do it. I bar fined them.


We got to FLB and I have to say they gave it a good effort. The GF kept reminding them to speak English, and even when the hostesses came up to beg for a drink, they were told they had to speak English. The village girl did know a lot more English than she let on. While nothing exciting happened all night, it was one of the more enjoyable nights I've had out with the ladies in a long time. I don't know why Thai's alienate us by speaking Thai when they know how to speak English. However, I found out that I don't have to stand for it. I have the money, I can make the rules.

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Okay, I have more than one pet peeve with Thai girls. There is one that has bothered me from day one. When out with a Thai laddie, and another Thai comes up, they always speak Thai leaving me comple

Thai social rudeness? You're having a laugh, mate!   What's to stop the OP joining in the conversation?     My recollection is somewhat different. You were bemoaning that one particular w

Heres a an idea....try learning Thai since you are in.................................wait for it..............................THAILAND.... Thats like me getting pissed cause my wifes famil

I know exactly what you mean. When out with a few girls they just speed talk in thai and every now and then my girl will just turn to me,smile and say you ok? You want more drink?

As long as the drinks/food keeps coming, they seem happy to exclude farang from the conversation.

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Okay, I have more than one pet peeve with Thai girls ...


In another country, if I took out a group of girls, they would all speak English,


Is this a wind-up, or are you serious? :whistling:

Edited by CheshireTom
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LD, seriously - if you think this is a Thai trait, you haven't got out much.


Turn it around. You want a friend there to speak English to. heh. Think what the laddies will be saying then - "Every time we go out, those two sit there and yak in Angrit and never try to join in the main conversation in Thai".


I have to wonder if this is troll bait.



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This right here is a prime example of why I (and I believe a lot of other guys) seldom post on the FLB board anymore...


The OP takes the time to present what I believe is a realistic complaint about Thai social rudeness, and then the resident Know-it-alls (Tom and Joe) come along and suggest that he's a troll. Same thing happened to me a while back when I was "silly" enough in their eyes to suggest that it was ignorant for the Thais to have a website promoting a city wide sale over low season in a tourist town yet not offer a hint of English on the site that would give a clue to the average tourist of what was being offered, for how much, or where.


To the OP, I agree with everything that you said and will even go further to suggest that it was just these types of interactions that partly underminded my last live-in relationship.


And to Joe and Tom.... though I am not a great fan of trolls, I have even less respect for thread fuckers like yourselves.

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This right here is a prime example of why I (and I believe a lot of other guys) seldom post on the FLB board anymore...


The OP takes the time to present what I believe is a realistic complaint about Thai social rudeness, and then the resident Know-it-alls (Tom and Joe) come along and suggest that he's a troll.


Thai social rudeness? You're having a laugh, mate!


What's to stop the OP joining in the conversation? :whistling:


Same thing happened to me a while back when I was "silly" enough in their eyes to suggest that it was ignorant for the Thais to have a website promoting a city wide sale over low season in a tourist town yet not offer a hint of English on the site that would give a clue to the average tourist of what was being offered, for how much, or where.


My recollection is somewhat different. You were bemoaning that one particular website aimed at Thais was written in Thai and not English. Right next to the link was another link that said "Translate this page". Obviously too difficult a concept for some, but I took the time and made the effort to provide you with the information in English. Remember? It was also pointed out to you that there are millions of tourists visiting thailand who don't speak English.









And to Joe and Tom.... though I am not a great fan of trolls, I have even less respect for thread fuckers like yourselves.


I don't have a lot of respect for guys who think that the obligation is on the Thais to adapt for geezers who don't see why there should be any effort on their part.


Anyway, to save you getting your knickers in a twist again this year .... Obviously a bit of a pain for you that they include Japanese, Korean, Russian, Arabic and Chinese in the ads though. On the plus side it's got to be better than you wandering round BigC and freaking out because the offers are in Thai.



Edited by CheshireTom
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This right here is a prime example of why I (and I believe a lot of other guys) seldom post on the FLB board anymore...


The OP takes the time to present what I believe is a realistic complaint about Thai social rudeness, and then the resident Know-it-alls (Tom and Joe) come along and suggest that he's a troll. Same thing happened to me a while back when I was "silly" enough in their eyes to suggest that it was ignorant for the Thais to have a website promoting a city wide sale over low season in a tourist town yet not offer a hint of English on the site that would give a clue to the average tourist of what was being offered, for how much, or where.


To the OP, I agree with everything that you said and will even go further to suggest that it was just these types of interactions that partly underminded my last live-in relationship.


And to Joe and Tom.... though I am not a great fan of trolls, I have even less respect for thread fuckers like yourselves.

Heres a an idea....try learning Thai since you are in.................................wait for it..............................THAILAND.... :whistling: :rolleyes: :hairout :P :kissing

Thats like me getting pissed cause my wifes family speaks Thai while in Thailand at their house in Thailand and I am staying at my house in THAILAND...



Newsflash for some of you in THAILAND THEY SPEAK THAI :D :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead


If you learn the language then you don't have to worry try doing something for yourself, put forth a little effort.....Damn some people are just lazy....

Edited by packhike
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The dude has more than a thousand posts here, and you're wondering if he's a troll? Really?


I've experienced EXACTLY what he's talking about. In other countries, the people I am out with are (or least appear to be) sensitive to the fact that I'm not fluent in their language, and make an effort to include me. The Thais don't seem to give a shit.

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I told an internet TG to ditch her friend one time because I was tired of taking TGs and their friends for meals and them talking together. They only stopped to quiz me. One TG brought 3 sisters and another 2 friends. It was jumping in and out Bkk taxis not knowing where we were going etc , but trailing around like a walking ATM. Idid enjoy seeing another side to Bkk though , and they knew some great ( expensive) restaurants!

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I'm not bothered by the practice. As Packhike says, if we want to be in on those conversations, learn Thai. And, no, I have not made much progress in that regard, in spite of an on and off relationship with one Thai of many years. It's also not unique to Thailand. Listened to a lot of Korean while engaged in a LLT in Korea.

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The dude has more than a thousand posts here, and you're wondering if he's a troll? Really?


I've experienced EXACTLY what he's talking about. In other countries, the people I am out with are (or least appear to be) sensitive to the fact that I'm not fluent in their language, and make an effort to include me. The Thais don't seem to give a shit.


Well, you have to realize that I have only got a little over 1000 posts over the past 9-10 years or so that I have been on this board. Collectively, Tom and Joe have over 25,000 posts which I guess is a level of activity required to qualify as a true Know-it-All :whistling:


But a better test is to click on their names and take a quick look at the threads that they have started... in all of last year alone Joe started about 6-7 threads and most were in the Sports and Funnies sections. Like a true snakes in the grass, guys like these just like to pounce on other people threads to attack the poster without adding anything meaningful to the original topic.


At it's core, this thread isn't about language.... it's about rudeness. Both on the part of the Thais who are willing to allow a "guest" or in most cases the "host" being as he will be expected to pick up the tap for the evening to sit hour after hour as they enjoy an evening of conversation without showing even the most basic attempt to include him in the interaction. And secondly the rudeness of a few BM's who have nothing better to do then attack another BM after he takes the time to share a thought with a well reasoned and sensible post by suggesting that he is silly or a troll.

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At it's core, this thread isn't about language.... it's about rudeness. Both on the part of the Thais who are willing to allow a "guest" or in most cases the "host" being as he will be expected to pick up the tap for the evening to sit hour after hour as they enjoy an evening of conversation without showing even the most basic attempt to include him in the interaction.


Yup, it's fucking rude, in ANY country.

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But a better test is to click on their names and take a quick look at the threads that they have started... in all of last year alone Joe started about 6-7 threads and most were in the Sports and Funnies sections. Like a true snakes in the grass, guys like these just like to pounce on other people threads to attack the poster without adding anything meaningful to the original topic.


Unfortunately, you fuck-up your own argument. I've started well over 100 threads in the past year.


As for pouncing on other people's threads ...


Shilo, the ungrateful cunt, helped out again


You may also want to take a look at those threads over almost 10 years where I've responded to you and highlight any flames or threadfucking on my part.


Is Shilo full of shit?

Edited by CheshireTom
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Ok time to put school back into session....lets go out into the REAL Thailand not the Pattaya version.....

When most people are out and about (thais) you will notice one thing.....The men are talking with the men

and the women are talking with the women (unless the guys are trying to get laid or date said lady)...

The idea that a male would want to sit there and listen to the female gossip that goes on between women is ludicrous.....

So the very fact that you are a farang male sitting with a bunch of women is strange in itself...

Now there are exceptions but we are going with the majority of the time....


Thais also understand that most MEN (real men that is) could give 2 fucks what women talk about and vice versa....

So to them to even think about including you in their conversation is not going to happen....Thailand is not the politically

correct, unisex, metrosexual and all that other bullshit that most western countries are.....


Now here is a test. Try finding some Thai friends who are male and have had exposure to english and see if they

include you in the conversation or not.....Remember this is a CULTURE that the very idea that a husband and wife would

be friends is very foreign...Men have their men friends and do their manly things and the women have their women friends and do their thing....


And if you really want to understand what is RUDE It's people who continually visit a country every year


about how they can't follow along in the conversation cause it's supposed to be all about them.... :D :banghead :allright :allright

Take some lessons, learn the language, and then guess what this problem goes away..........................That's the polite thing to do....................... :allright :kissing

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Ok time to put school back into session....lets go out into the REAL Thailand not the Pattaya version.....

When most people are out and about (thais) you will notice one thing.....The men are talking with the men

and the women are talking with the women (unless the guys are trying to get laid or date said lady)...

The idea that a male would want to sit there and listen to the female gossip that goes on between women is ludicrous.....

So the very fact that you are a farang male sitting with a bunch of women is strange in itself...

Now there are exceptions but we are going with the majority of the time....


Thais also understand that most MEN (real men that is) could give 2 fucks what women talk about and vice versa....

So to them to even think about including you in their conversation is not going to happen....Thailand is not the politically

correct, unisex, metrosexual and all that other bullshit that most western countries are.....


Now here is a test. Try finding some Thai friends who are male and have had exposure to english and see if they

include you in the conversation or not.....Remember this is a CULTURE that the very idea that a husband and wife would

be friends is very foreign...Men have their men friends and do their manly things and the women have their women friends and do their thing....


And if you really want to understand what is RUDE It's people who continually visit a country every year


about how they can't follow along in the conversation cause it's supposed to be all about them.... :D :banghead :allright :allright

Take some lessons, learn the language, and then guess what this problem goes away..........................That's the polite thing to do....................... :allright :kissing


Interesting post but this forum not about the real Thailand. It's about Pattaya and getting laid by prostitutes. I see your point but I and many other guys come here to party. Have fun, drink and get laid.

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Well, you have to realize that I have only got a little over 1000 posts over the past 9-10 years or so that I have been on this board. Collectively, Tom and Joe have over 25,000 posts which I guess is a level of activity required to qualify as a true Know-it-All :allright


But a better test is to click on their names and take a quick look at the threads that they have started... in all of last year alone Joe started about 6-7 threads and most were in the Sports and Funnies sections. Like a true snakes in the grass, guys like these just like to pounce on other people threads to attack the poster without adding anything meaningful to the original topic.


At it's core, this thread isn't about language.... it's about rudeness. Both on the part of the Thais who are willing to allow a "guest" or in most cases the "host" being as he will be expected to pick up the tap for the evening to sit hour after hour as they enjoy an evening of conversation without showing even the most basic attempt to include him in the interaction. And secondly the rudeness of a few BM's who have nothing better to do then attack another BM after he takes the time to share a thought with a well reasoned and sensible post by suggesting that he is silly or a troll.

That was well said. Yes I know that I am in Thailand and they speak Thai. I could make a better effort at learning the language, however it's a tonal language. I've worked on loud construction sites all my life and just can not hear the difference in tones. If I go into a restaurant and in Thai ask for a bowel of rice, it may come out that I want a bowel of nine. The restaurant doesn't serve nine, and most everyone orders rice with their meal. However they will act like they can't understand a word I've said. They make me repeat it over and over until I revert to asking in English. They know fucking well that I am trying to ask for rice. Yet, my name is Randy, they can't say it. Yet I answer to lenly, lenny, lendy, or what ever other way they pronounce it. I don't act stupid like I don't know who they are talking to.


When I am the host, and spending the money I worked hard to earn, and I am with Thai's that can speak English, I think that they should include me in conversation. If they say something in Thai, they should give at least give me the short version of what is going on. In what other country would the host be completely ignored? Would a Thai that can't speak English pick up the tab for a bunch of farang that went on all night in English? Would a Thai pick up any tab?


For those that have given me shit over this. Okay, it's my pet peeve, and not everyone else's. But it's mine, I own it, and shared my experience. Got a problem with it, start your own thread and share your experience. Maybe you will get lucky and I'll give you the same consideration that you have given me. After all, I really give a fuck about canned Salmon, the price of a beer on soi LK, what BigD posted 5 years ago, Muslims in the UK, or what Rush Limpdick thinks about anything.

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Actually, in the United States, my wife and her Thai friends often speak in English because there's a non-Thai WOMAN present. They absolutely don't include me, and when I listen for a minute, I can't wait to get away, it is just as "girlie" and uninteresting as when they speak Thai.


The only thing you've missed, LD, is that this happens everywhere, every day. There's nothing Thai about it. Number one, people generally speak their own language when they can. Number two, girls pretty much always yack away in Girl, and boys pretty well always speak in Men.



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OP, thanks for the post. Seems you have found a solution that works for you. It is rude but they can get away with it because farangs are for the most part, just too fucking weak. You stood up for the rights you and your money have, good for you.


More two week visitors should be a bit nore assertive. What have you got to lose, some pussy? For goodness sake, there is plenty of pussy at the end of the day, you don't have to put up with rudeness, The Thai's sure as heck wouldn't.

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Okay, I have more than one pet peeve with Thai girls. There is one that has bothered me from day one. When out with a Thai laddie, and another Thai comes up, they always speak Thai leaving me completely out of the conversation........


i don't sweat the small stuff! :allright


i don't even mind when they pick their nose in public.

Edited by lespaul5000
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I have to say, I've lived here longer than lovedog, and I don't give a shit what language the girls talk in.


It would never occur to me to ask them to switch to English, especially considering that the majority of Thai girls I have encountered have basic English skills, and I would have to work twice as hard to understand them and figure out what they were trying to say, than if I just let them go on in Thai and picked up what I could.


And, as joekicker said, once you figure out what they are talking about, it's just not that interesting either.


The troll comments were made in jest, I'm sure, but the topic is rather ludicrous from the point of view of most expats who have made some effort to learn the language and customs of the country in which they reside.


Apparently that does not include Shilo.

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The troll comments were made in jest, I'm sure,


Yes, and I specified the *post* might be trolling, not the postER who is not personally a troll.


Actually any decent poster will post a troll topic or post once in a while - getting a reaction is sometimes a hoot.



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Ok time to put school back into session....lets go out into the REAL Thailand not the Pattaya version.....

When most people are out and about (thais) you will notice one thing.....The men are talking with the men

and the women are talking with the women (unless the guys are trying to get laid or date said lady)...

The idea that a male would want to sit there and listen to the female gossip that goes on between women is ludicrous.....

So the very fact that you are a farang male sitting with a bunch of women is strange in itself...

Now there are exceptions but we are going with the majority of the time....


Thais also understand that most MEN (real men that is) could give 2 fucks what women talk about and vice versa....

So to them to even think about including you in their conversation is not going to happen....Thailand is not the politically

correct, unisex, metrosexual and all that other bullshit that most western countries are.....


Now here is a test. Try finding some Thai friends who are male and have had exposure to english and see if they

include you in the conversation or not.....Remember this is a CULTURE that the very idea that a husband and wife would

be friends is very foreign...Men have their men friends and do their manly things and the women have their women friends and do their thing....


And if you really want to understand what is RUDE It's people who continually visit a country every year


about how they can't follow along in the conversation cause it's supposed to be all about them.... :D :banghead :allright :allright

Take some lessons, learn the language, and then guess what this problem goes away..........................That's the polite thing to do....................... :allright :kissing


Good post. :thumbup

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