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My pet peeve with Thai girls

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Okay, I have more than one pet peeve with Thai girls. There is one that has bothered me from day one. When out with a Thai laddie, and another Thai comes up, they always speak Thai leaving me comple

Thai social rudeness? You're having a laugh, mate!   What's to stop the OP joining in the conversation?     My recollection is somewhat different. You were bemoaning that one particular w

Heres a an idea....try learning Thai since you are in.................................wait for it..............................THAILAND.... Thats like me getting pissed cause my wifes famil

As English is the dominant language in many many aspects of their society it certainly makes sense they'd use it.


Not so much dominant as it is the lingua franca. A lot of Filipinos can't understand each other after more than two generations of pushing Tagalog into the brains of school kids. At least the Thais mastered the lobotomy operation for students.


One good thing about this forum is, if you don't like the topic, you can click right to the next topic.


Another good thing is that you can comment, correct the OP and give your own, correct opinion.



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"Another good thing is that you can comment, correct the OP and give your own, correct opinion." Its only correct IN YOUR OPINION.


I walked past a very large church last night here in cebu where the priest was giving his weekly sermon. Hundreds of people sitting in the pews and outside on the street listening. He gave the whole sermon in very good english. !!

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Yet, my name is Randy, they can't say it. Yet I answer to lenly, lenny, lendy, or what ever other way they pronounce it.



I will back you up there,my BF (you know) put me on the phone to you, when i needed directions to BM Bushcrafts (Lon?) bar.


She said talk to Lennie, and handed over her phone to me, I asked you "Is that Lennie "and you answered as natural as.... yes.


When I did meet you shortly afterwards I was slightly embaresed (*sp my spell checker fucked) when I found out your real name.


I see both sides of this thread and get your drift, on my next trip (April/May) I will be quite happy to join you and your gf with my TG (unless I've lost my turn again) for a night in a Thai disco.


I bottled it last trip and have regreted it ever since.


so there



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