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Wasn't the Blind Beggar the name of a pub in London where there was an infamous shooting in the 60s?

Hopefully the same thing will not happen in LOS.

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i received an email from one of the girls at the club.  there was a name change, but from what she writes, it isn't the blind beggar.  can't be sure though because i dont think she reads english very well.  she assures me that everything remains the same (parties, hours, rates, girls).  i dont think she will know about ownership change though if managers haven't changed yet.  she'll keep me posted.  i'll be there in a couple of weeks and give you first hand.



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Beggar me Blind: Big Bill, the well-known operator of the Winchester dine and dash establishment (Jomtien), has apparently sold his share and is relocating to the Philippines where he intends to set up a similar joint in Angeles City. The new owners are planning to change the cognomen of the Winchester to the Blind Beggar.


This is an article taken from Nightmarches comments on www.baronbonk.com  pattaya webpage.

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is that place worth visiting??  i read alot about it but is worth a visit?


Can't say if it has changed, but if it is still the same - YES.  Bill runs a tight ship and you can have a lot of fun in there.  Just don't go on a weekend late afternoon as all the golfers stop in and it gets packed.  Better off midweek to have your pick.

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The club is out of the way and will cost about 80baht by songtell from Pattaya.If you have a girlfriend its great because you can pop along there in the afternoons without her suspecting.The rooms are nice as well.

Sunday afternoon they put on free food and it gets packed.The girls don't mind if you butterfly either.Opening hours i believe are 12 noon till 10pm.


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Update : I know a girl who works in this bar and she says that the new owner is old and not nice, She and some of her friends are looking elswhere for work. Sad if true, i will visit in Septeber and report back. If anybody else is there now can you pop in and give us the real info?


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  • 3 weeks later...


(sorry for my poor english)


during my hollidays, i go to the Blind Beggar, 7 or 8 times

very good place, good music, not loud

i don't know about new boss, but for the girls,

some are salaries and some are freelancer, so sometimes, they move


my best souvenir are with girls of "winchester bar"

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