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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

How many send or have sent ?

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I met a guy in Pattaya a couple of years ago, nice chap anyway he tells me on his first trip he met a girl and sent her money every month until his next annual trip, he went for 2 months a year.


Turns out he sent £200 a month for 8 years , thats almost £20k , it got me wondering how many others.


Also know 2 guys who married the 1st girl they went with, one bought the £40k house and truck they are separated the other took her to the UK.


I would say more guys who visited Pattaya have sent, than not also from what I see there cant be a girl who has worked in the bar game more than a month or two who has not had a sponsor.


Would be interesting to know the % of guys who have sponsored, then there will be the multiple sponsor...


I dont suppose the true figs will ever be known

Edited by Parkwahn
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from what I see there cant be a girl who has worked in the bar game more than a month or two who has not had a sponsor.




What have you seen to lead you to this conclusion... what sort of bars; I've seen quite a few who look as though they need a sponsor...

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I know many of he girls quite well, many move from bar to "Proper job" while farming sponsers, whilst I cant give a percentage everyone I have got to know well has confirmed they have had/have sponsors.


One girl on Soi 3 has been married twice 2 houses 2 cars and back in the bar looking for more.


Unless the girls are telling lies to big themselves up ? amongst their peers they are fearsome for that the Thai face thing.


Maybe they do it to farangs ? As a rule they have a few pitches one being the sympathy sell.


This is not a dig at any of teh senders or the girls, my belief is there are more senders than not in my recent time there I paid money to girls from guys circa 11 times, they paid it into a UK account I gave it to the girl.


Happy to help all concerned..

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Its a bit like the guys who have married Thai girls saying "Dont fall in love" it puzzles me, they did ? :unsure:


IMHO the big money for the girls is in the sponsor /marry route , I read a book called "Lady of Issan" and maybe "Lady of Pattaya" cant remember exactly, some of the less scrupulpus girls target a guy who is ripe.


A guy who was about to retire , buy a house and truck as it were get the bigg assets then when the guy mooves over living in his £1200 a month pension start a row burn him and off they go.


This is not saying all Thai girls are bad or all sponsors are dafte or wasting money, its just a Q I would like to know how many sponsor..


One Thia girl said her ideal man was in this order


Rich , young, good looking, stupid

Rich, young, stupid,

Rich, stupid


and finally stupid, she was hard as nails this girl ....

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As an aside everyone who has married will have sent, again no issue with that but there will be ones who planned to marry and it went tits up before, thats life.


Elvis Presley- Return to Sender :cry4: Address unkwnown :clap2 :clap2 :clap2 :clap2 :clap2 :clap2

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met a girl recently in a bar, sheis back from uk,after finishing with husband no3! She is only 26 and is back in bar searching her next target. She has a uk visa and can return any time, but thats where it starts with her. She will wait untill victim falls madly in love and wants to get her a visa, bingo she will take care of visa arrangements for a modest amount, and thats when the skimming starts and only finishes until she is rumbled, by which time she has banked enough not to worry. She has a nice condo in pattaya, rides a new bike and mama papa dont have to worry its all paid for. She will go with a customer she likes inbetween a candidate ripe for picking,not all girls are like this, i am only writing from my own experience.Believe it or not you can have a good time with some of these hard skammers if like me you are not of any financial worth because you are not a target, but provide a happy time going to discos and partying etc. They even get the beers in when out ! Be warned,

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Yeah, I tend to agree that virtually all the bar girls/go-go girls in the know are trolling for sponsors. You can hardly blame them. That really is where the big bucks are. Unfortunately, that puts me at a considerable disadvantage. I am a long time expat (been in Thailand 9 years now). I also speak pretty good Thai, so as soon as I sit down with one of the ladies and start to chat with them in Thai, I will immediately become less desirable in their eyes. I've actually seen this in practice. Some of the girls will of course sit and chat with me as long as I continue to buy them drinks. But then I notice their eyes wandering to the door of the bar looking for the "two week millionaire". Actually, I wish them the best of luck. I personally am not willing to throw that kind of money at one of these girls. As the old Beatles song goes "money can't buy you love". However, money can definitely buy you great sex. My best short time girl for the last 6 months or so has two stupid sponsors, and truth be told, I couldn't care less.

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I have not sent much (0ne time only) but I live here and have hand delivered and deposited a lot. Every time I think I have finished the learning curve they add a new peak.


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  On 9/27/2011 at 10:17 AM, dontcha said:

When will they ever learn?

Perhaps we should post pictures of girls that we know are sponsored

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Not long ago on another board there was a poll asking how much men sent the girl he was sponsoring. I was a bit shocked that 166 men had already answered the poll. That seemed like a big number of active members being sponsors, or admitting to being a sponsor. From my experience, most men keep their sponsorship a secret. They don't tell their friends, family or other mongers, even though the girls tell anyone that is Thai. I wondered while checking out the thread, how many of them were sponsoring the same lady.


What would be a good idea, is for men that are sponsoring a lady to identify her, and post a pic. Those that were being sponsored by several men would be exposed that way. Of course, most men being the uncaring pricks that they are, if they saw a lady they were sponsoring posted. They would withdraw their support, and not say anything to the other man. After all they wouldn't want to publicly admit that they had been taken.

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  On 9/27/2011 at 11:34 AM, lovedog100 said:

Not long ago on another board there was a poll asking how much men sent the girl he was sponsoring. I was a bit shocked that 166 men had already answered the poll. That seemed like a big number of active members being sponsors, or admitting to being a sponsor. From my experience, most men keep their sponsorship a secret. They don't tell their friends, family or other mongers, even though the girls tell anyone that is Thai. I wondered while checking out the thread, how many of them were sponsoring the same lady.


What would be a good idea, is for men that are sponsoring a lady to identify her, and post a pic. Those that were being sponsored by several men would be exposed that way. Of course, most men being the uncaring pricks that they are, if they saw a lady they were sponsoring posted. They would withdraw their support, and not say anything to the other man. After all they wouldn't want to publicly admit that they had been taken.

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Good post,

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  On 9/26/2011 at 11:49 AM, Parkwahn said:

As an aside everyone who has married will have sent, again no issue with that but there will be ones who planned to marry and it went tits up before, thats life.


Elvis Presley- Return to Sender :cry4: Address unkwnown :clap2 :clap2 :clap2 :clap2 :clap2 :clap2

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Gotta be one of your best and most requested songs Parky :whistling: :clap1 :clap1 :yikes:


I agree with you totally,most would be very surprised to the extent of sponsorship in thailand and I dont think we will ever get a realistic responce from BMs for fear of ridicule.

At end of day up to the individual,if it makes them happy and can afford no worries (Sure makes girls happy :nod :nod ).

I do feel sorry for guys who struggle to afford their sponsorship deals (not that any would admit it ,mind you)

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I think it's in bad taste to name and shame the girls.

If you are stupid enough to send a girl in Pattaya money that is your failing not hers. I think it's a better idea to post pictures of the guy and criticize him.


The girls are prostitutes working in a bar fucking for money. Give them a break. Most on here are fat ugly bastards. Do you really think a 20 year old TG likes you?


Just enjoy the sex. Hit it heavy. You are an ugly bastard and she is pretty so you pay. That's it.


Saying that. I'm a sponsor myself. I'm on a pay as you go deal rather than the monthly contract :thumbup

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I have never sent and will never send money to BGs in Pattaya .I go for 1 thing and that is definitely not to send money for services not received. I think the OP is pulling our leg or has the wrong end of a slippery stick.

PS I know it does happens as I have a friend who did it ,loads of cash and 2 Cars (she told him the first car got stolen and was not insured)and just so you know its not just Thai BGs ,this one was an Essex girl,and left him full of debt.A sad story but all his own fault.

Edited by sinbinjack
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For Park. to say everyone that has married will have sent money, is incorrect. I met my wife in Patts.,she was working as a cashier, not in a bar, I never sent her any money, not a penny, in the two years before i settled down in LOS with her.

As for buying a house for her. If you are stupid enought to do that, it's your own fault. I bought my house, when i retired to LOS, in Udon Thani, for 14,000GBPs. Just under a million B then. A new three beds, two bathrooms. The house was put in my name, the land in hers. You can get the land in your name, but i did not want all the hassle. I got a thirty year lease, extendable for a further 30 years, on the land. Belt and braces. So she cannot chuck you out as people say. If you go about it correctly. If not, you deserve all you get. Also my advice is do not live near her family. That is why i chose Udon, instead of Korat, where she has a two bedroom brick built house. Her father is now living in this.

As for a car, not a pick-up. I was going to buy one, in my name, for cash. Found out that if i put it in her name i could buy it on H.P., with Toyota, with no interest charges. As i was getting a good interest rate on my savings at home i decided to do this. Car is now paid for. And my savings still intact at home.

Cheers from a happy, careful, married, old chappie.

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  On 9/28/2011 at 1:50 AM, Mirkwood said:

I think it's in bad taste to name and shame the girls.

If you are stupid enough to send a girl in Pattaya money that is your failing not hers. I think it's a better idea to post pictures of the guy and criticize him.


The girls are prostitutes working in a bar fucking for money. Give them a break. Most on here are fat ugly bastards. Do you really think a 20 year old TG likes you?


Just enjoy the sex. Hit it heavy. You are an ugly bastard and she is pretty so you pay. That's it.


Saying that. I'm a sponsor myself. I'm on a pay as you go deal rather than the monthly contract :thumbup

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This is the best way.

Edited by john5001
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  On 9/26/2011 at 11:42 AM, Parkwahn said:

Its a bit like the guys who have married Thai girls saying "Dont fall in love" it puzzles me, they did ? :unsure:


IMHO the big money for the girls is in the sponsor /marry route , I read a book called "Lady of Issan" and maybe "Lady of Pattaya" cant remember exactly, some of the less scrupulpus girls target a guy who is ripe.


A guy who was about to retire , buy a house and truck as it were get the bigg assets then when the guy mooves over living in his £1200 a month pension start a row burn him and off they go.


This is not saying all Thai girls are bad or all sponsors are dafte or wasting money, its just a Q I would like to know how many sponsor..


One Thia girl said her ideal man was in this order


Rich , young, good looking, stupid

Rich, young, stupid,

Rich, stupid


and finally stupid, she was hard as nails this girl ....

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  On 9/26/2011 at 11:42 AM, Parkwahn said:

Its a bit like the guys who have married Thai girls saying "Dont fall in love" it puzzles me, they did ? :unsure:


IMHO the big money for the girls is in the sponsor /marry route , I read a book called "Lady of Issan" and maybe "Lady of Pattaya" cant remember exactly, some of the less scrupulpus girls target a guy who is ripe.


A guy who was about to retire , buy a house and truck as it were get the bigg assets then when the guy mooves over living in his £1200 a month pension start a row burn him and off they go.


This is not saying all Thai girls are bad or all sponsors are dafte or wasting money, its just a Q I would like to know how many sponsor..


One Thia girl said her ideal man was in this order


Rich , young, good looking, stupid

Rich, young, stupid,

Rich, stupid


and finally stupid, she was hard as nails this girl ....

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That's my tatic then! I will say I'm about to retire with a big lump sum to each girl I take from the bar, then in the morning forget that I said it.

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  On 9/28/2011 at 6:34 AM, papillon said:

Are you sure?

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I'm sure there are many BM's that are far more qualified to comment on this than I am, but Thai law forbids foreigners from directly owning land. But just like about anything else in Thailand, there are workarounds. If you form a company in which native Thai's nominally own at least 51 percent of the company (or corporation, whatever), then land can be purchased in the name of that corporation. I'm sure that there are many thai legal (or illegal) firms that arrange for this kind of thing all the time. Basically, they pick up a couple of hopeless drug addicts off the street and offer them a free bottle of booze or yaa baa if they will become your business partners. Theoretically, these people actually have controlling interest in your land and could depossess you at any time (if they actually teamed up, which is pretty unlikely). In the current environment, this actually works pretty well. But there is the rub. What if the political climate changes? You could find yourself screwed big time. Because this dodge has been used so much the Thai government now requires that these so-called Thai "partners" have a real financial stake in these fake companies. Back when I had a girlfriend that was presuring me to buy a house, I considered this option. But in my mind it was always just a little too risky for my risk averse mentality (but safer by far than putting the house and land in your girlfriend's name)

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  On 9/28/2011 at 10:14 AM, peckerwood said:

I'm sure there are many BM's that are far more qualified to comment on this than I am, but Thai law forbids foreigners from directly owning land. But just like about anything else in Thailand, there are workarounds. If you form a company in which native Thai's nominally own at least 51 percent of the company (or corporation, whatever), then land can be purchased in the name of that corporation. I'm sure that there are many thai legal (or illegal) firms that arrange for this kind of thing all the time. Basically, they pick up a couple of hopeless drug addicts off the street and offer them a free bottle of booze or yaa baa if they will become your business partners. Theoretically, these people actually have controlling interest in your land and could depossess you at any time (if they actually teamed up, which is pretty unlikely). In the current environment, this actually works pretty well. But there is the rub. What if the political climate changes? You could find yourself screwed big time. Because this dodge has been used so much the Thai government now requires that these so-called Thai "partners" have a real financial stake in these fake companies. Back when I had a girlfriend that was presuring me to buy a house, I considered this option. But in my mind it was always just a little too risky for my risk averse mentality (but safer by far than putting the house and land in your girlfriend's name)

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Yes, I'm aware of this method. Doolish says he can put the land in his name.

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