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Of all the flavors of kamagra jelly on sale which do you like the most & why


mine is BANANA imho its the one that give me the least heartburn & i feel it like taken one of 5 daily fruit & veg intake lol



a banana a day keeps the doctor away

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First time ever I've taken any real notice of threads talking about these drugs or similar.


The warnings and side effects are colossal going by what I've just googled and its clear you must only take for erectile dysfunction, and not just to have "better" sex ??


Certainly I could never take it at all, judging by the medical warnings prior to taking. I do wonder if anyone bothers seeing a Doctor prior to ingesting ??

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I like the mixed fruits flavour.

They don't have one so I mix it myself....

One pineapple, one orange, one strawberry and one banana and I find a mint one makes it taste perfect.

It's a lot to swallow as the bishop said.......... and I struggle to get my pants back on after the deed.

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I like the mixed fruits flavour.

They don't have one so I mix it myself....

One pineapple, one orange, one strawberry and one banana and I find a mint one makes it taste perfect.

It's a lot to swallow as the bishop said.......... and I struggle to get my pants back on after the deed.

:grin-jump :grin-jump :grin-jump :grin-jump
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