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A little anecdote of how my day changed. Russians, bahtbuses,

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This afternoon I was in a good mood. I had lunch and walked cheerfully to Beach Road in Jomtien where I hailed a bahtbus to take me to Pattaya. I was going to do a bit of shopping in Central Shopping Mall. I've lived in Jomtien for 4 years and enjoy life here but one of the things that seems to get me annoyed is the Russians who sit "side-saddle" on the bahtbuses taking the space of two people and not seeming to care or understand that they need to make space for other passengers. Maybe this has been bugging me for too long. It happens so often. The bahtbus stopped and I got onto the step at the back where I was faced with three large ladies on the left and three large ladies on the right. I just knew they were Russians. The right hand side was the cool side with the sun being on the left, so I moved toward the right hand side. No movement from the ladies, so I picked my spot and sat down on the knee of the first lady who had her fat arse on the end and had her legs pointed toward the middle. Just as my backside touched her knees she moved grudgingly and I managed to secure my place on the bench. As the bahtbus proceeded along, the driver stopped for other passengers. As the first one got on I pushed myself against this fat bitch to my left who was still taking up far more room than she was entitled to, and made a small bit of room to my right. The new passenger declined my offer of a seat and stood on the rear step. Other passengers got on further down the road and not one of the ladies made any attempt to move. They sat there oblivious of the now 4 passengers standing on the step. The space to the right of me was a bit small for a normal sized human being. I sat there thinking how ignorant these ladies were and I was probably feeling annoyed. Nothing much happened then until we got to Pattaya, and the ladies alighted near Royal Garden.

I went into the supermarket in the basement of Central and was buying some fruit. I had to stand behind another customer who was being served while I waited to have my various fruits weighed and priced, when out of the corner of my eye I saw an elderly guy pushing a trolley and I stepped back to let him through. The first customer was leaving the weigh and price desk and I stepped forward as the man pushing the trolley had stopped. Just as I put my basket on the counter the guy with the trolley leant forward over his trolley and handed some grapes to the cashier. I hadn't realised it but the Russian ladies must have wound me up. I snapped at him " Cheeky fucker!" and he replied in the most refined English accent " I beg your pardon? Please mind your language" I replied that my language might have been offensive to him but he deserved it. Actually he told the cashier to serve me first and the cashier was embarrassed and tried to explain things away in that lovely Thai way. He was probably a very nice guy and didn't deserve to be sworn at. I got my fruit weighed and priced, and without another word left the counter. I know it was a misunderstanding but I later realised how much these Russians are starting to get to me.

If you were that English guy at the fruit counter, I now apologise for my language, but maybe you now realise why it happened. To the Russians I'll now swear at you....learn some fucking manners!

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I've been thinking I need to spend some time taking public transportation to get more in touch with things out there. As it is, I use my own transport, so I don't come in contact with these people except to see them crammed into baht buses coming down from Pratumnak Hill.


On second thought...nah.

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I was queued up waiting my turn in a restaurant in Bkk when a "lady" tried to jump in front and place her order ahead of me and others.. I piped up and insisted that I was next and the cashier stopped taking the woman's order and took mine. If I had to guess as to the woman's nationality I'd have to say she was Lebanese. There are rude fuckers everywhere from all corners of the world and they know exactly what they are doing. Having said that, I hate Russians. Always have, always will.

Edited by steamer
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A few weeks ago in Jomtien, 22 baht buses went past me in a 15-minute span early in the evening. Eleven were crammed to the last inch with Russians, four had been chartered by small groups and the rest zoomed past empty. A guy waiting in the same spot said he been there 15 minutes before I arrived and it had been the same thing for 30 minutes. I gave up at that point and ducked into a restaurant for dinner. Forty-five minutes later, bus after bus went past without stopping. I started walking opposite to the direction in which I wanted to go, hoping to reach the point where all the Russians were boarding the buses. Luckily, it wasn't too far - the curve in the road by the police station on Jomtien Beach Road.


But what a scene that was. The Ruskies were pushing and shoving to get on like each bus was the last transport out of a besieged city. One elderly British man who took a few seconds too long to get on got pushed so hard he fell. The two men with him yelled at the Russian to take it easy, he could have hurt the old man. The Russian didn't care, he just shrugged his shoulders and smirked.


I certainly don't like to do it, but if necessary, I can push and shove with the best. I decided if I wanted to get into Pattaya that night, I'd have to join the melee. It was indeed a hard struggle to get on the next bus, but I did it and the Russians didn't seem to mind. They accept shoving as normal behavior, to be expected in every situation.


When God handed out decency and manners, the Russians were all either out for a shot of vodka or waiting in another queue for whatever else was in short supply at the time. Maybe they'll learn in time, but it will take another generation before a sense of manners filters down to Siberia.




Edited by Evil Penevil
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  On 2/22/2012 at 11:18 AM, 4niceight said:

This afternoon I was in a good mood. I had lunch and walked cheerfully to Beach Road in Jomtien where I hailed a bahtbus to take me to Pattaya. I was going to do a bit of shopping in Central Shopping Mall. I've lived in Jomtien for 4 years and enjoy life here but one of the things that seems to get me annoyed is the Russians who sit "side-saddle" on the bahtbuses taking the space of two people and not seeming to care or understand that they need to make space for other passengers. Maybe this has been bugging me for too long. It happens so often. The bahtbus stopped and I got onto the step at the back where I was faced with three large ladies on the left and three large ladies on the right. I just knew they were Russians. The right hand side was the cool side with the sun being on the left, so I moved toward the right hand side. No movement from the ladies, so I picked my spot and sat down on the knee of the first lady who had her fat arse on the end and had her legs pointed toward the middle. Just as my backside touched her knees she moved grudgingly and I managed to secure my place on the bench. As the bahtbus proceeded along, the driver stopped for other passengers. As the first one got on I pushed myself against this fat bitch to my left who was still taking up far more room than she was entitled to, and made a small bit of room to my right. The new passenger declined my offer of a seat and stood on the rear step. Other passengers got on further down the road and not one of the ladies made any attempt to move. They sat there oblivious of the now 4 passengers standing on the step. The space to the right of me was a bit small for a normal sized human being. I sat there thinking how ignorant these ladies were and I was probably feeling annoyed. Nothing much happened then until we got to Pattaya, and the ladies alighted near Royal Garden.

I went into the supermarket in the basement of Central and was buying some fruit. I had to stand behind another customer who was being served while I waited to have my various fruits weighed and priced, when out of the corner of my eye I saw an elderly guy pushing a trolley and I stepped back to let him through. The first customer was leaving the weigh and price desk and I stepped forward as the man pushing the trolley had stopped. Just as I put my basket on the counter the guy with the trolley leant forward over his trolley and handed some grapes to the cashier. I hadn't realised it but the Russian ladies must have wound me up. I snapped at him " Cheeky fucker!" and he replied in the most refined English accent " I beg your pardon? Please mind your language" I replied that my language might have been offensive to him but he deserved it. Actually he told the cashier to serve me first and the cashier was embarrassed and tried to explain things away in that lovely Thai way. He was probably a very nice guy and didn't deserve to be sworn at. I got my fruit weighed and priced, and without another word left the counter. I know it was a misunderstanding but I later realised how much these Russians are starting to get to me.

If you were that English guy at the fruit counter, I now apologise for my language, but maybe you now realise why it happened. To the Russians I'll now swear at you....learn some fucking manners!

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What occurred on the baht bus explains why you lost your temper but does't excuse it. What does is that you have the grace to apologise. Nice one

The English are sometimes accused of thinking they were born with a better pot to piss in- sometimes understandable when confronted with appallingly mannered dagos like the Russians and Arabs.

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  On 2/22/2012 at 1:10 PM, parry said:

The English are sometimes accused of thinking they were born with a better pot to piss in- sometimes understandable when confronted with appallingly mannered dagos like the Russians and Arabs.

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It's a case of "when in Rome ...". Waiting patiently in line to board public transportation isn't exactly a national pastime in Thailand.

Edited by CheshireTom
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  On 2/22/2012 at 1:42 PM, CheshireTom said:

It's a case of "when in Rome ...". Waiting patiently in line to board public transportation isn't exactly a national pastime in Thailand.

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I've found Thais to be quite willing to jump in front of non Thais in the lines at the mini-marts. I haven't noticed them doing it to each other, but then again, I wasn't watching.

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The baht buses seem to be so full of late that I just take a motorcycle taxi now. I get to my destination faster. Sod the expense eh?

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  On 2/22/2012 at 2:30 PM, MM said:

I've found Thais to be quite willing to jump in front of non Thais in the lines at the mini-marts. I haven't noticed them doing it to each other, but then again, I wasn't watching.

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You need to practice your Hannibal Lecter impressions to fall back on during those circumstances. It gets their attention and transcends any linguistic misunderstandings - even if 7-11 doesn't sell a nice chianti. Don't forget to smile though!


Peter O'Toole would work equally as well methinks ....



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  On 2/22/2012 at 2:30 PM, MM said:

I've found Thais to be quite willing to jump in front of non Thais in the lines at the mini-marts. I haven't noticed them doing it to each other, but then again, I wasn't watching.

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Happened to me the other night in a 7/11 so I emptied all the shopping from the basket onto the counter and told him to keep it. He asked me why and I told him.



Walking down Beach Road the other night on the side with the shops, bars, etc the pavement gets quite narrow in some places and motorbikes are parked at the side of the road so you cant step off the pavement. Outside just about every 7/11 is a group of fucking Ruskies just standing there chatting. Completely blocking the pavement and the entrance to the store. They make no attempt to move to the side so you can pass. After about 4 instances of this, I came up behind one group and shouted at the top of my voice 'Oi' They nearly jumped out of their skins and it was like Moses parting the Red Sea Ignorant Cunts.

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  On 2/22/2012 at 5:37 PM, papillon said:

Happened to me the other night in a 7/11 so I emptied all the shopping from the basket onto the counter and told him to keep it. He asked me why and I told him.



Walking down Beach Road the other night on the side with the shops, bars, etc the pavement gets quite narrow in some places and motorbikes are parked at the side of the road so you cant step off the pavement. Outside just about every 7/11 is a group of fucking Ruskies just standing there chatting. Completely blocking the pavement and the entrance to the store. They make no attempt to move to the side so you can pass. After about 4 instances of this, I came up behind one group and shouted at the top of my voice 'Oi' They nearly jumped out of their skins and it was like Moses parting the Red Sea Ignorant Cunts.

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Tell them: Ot yebees nahuy v storonu kolhoznik.... ( Fuck off away you boorish.. )

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Guest Fatboyfat
  On 2/22/2012 at 6:22 PM, MM said:

We've got four of them ( one guy, three blonde girls) in FLB now, dancing and drinking. Two of the girls are pretty good looking.

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Try giving them honoury "green badges" Martin ! :-)

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  On 2/22/2012 at 7:28 PM, Fatboyfat said:

Try giving them honoury "green badges" Martin ! :-)

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They were in the bar 4 hours or so, and they never interacted with anyone else. The Russian ladies were dancing, some of the hostesses were dancing, some couples were dancing, and they just avoided any contact with anyone else in the bar.


It's like they are in their own little cocoon.


I tried to get a picture of the two best looking ones dancing, but they refused my request...I think they thought I was coming on to them...which I wasn't...well, maybe if I thought I had a chance :P


Every Russian group I have seen, and there have been only a few, pay when they are served. They don't let a bin run...ever (that I have seen).



So, after they left, I asked my cashiers if they tipped when they paid. The cashiers and bartenders nodded their heads vehemently and said "Yes, very good". I had only seen them order draft beer, but the service staff told me they were having shots as well, and every order, they tipped 20-100 baht...for example, the bill was 350 baht, they paid 450 baht.


Consequently, the staff loved them, cause they got lots of tips.


I hope they come back...I wanna get some pictures! :P

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For many years the ruskies were shielded from the rest of the world somewhat, and its only in recent years that they have started to venture, so they are still way off the pace when it comes to manners and social ettiquet(a bit like their fashion sense).Many have`nt had social interaction with any other than their own kind and think everybody`s the same.I suppose there aint much we can do about it.

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  On 2/22/2012 at 9:10 PM, singhapleez said:

For many years the ruskies were shielded from the rest of the world somewhat, and its only in recent years that they have started to venture, so they are still way off the pace when it comes to manners and social ettiquet(a bit like their fashion sense).Many have`nt had social interaction with any other than their own kind and think everybody`s the same.I suppose there aint much we can do about it.

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So you are saying that within their own society social etiquette and manners never developed, and they all treat each other there with the same boorish pig ignorance? So having a meal out you get Tyler Duedon service (as per Fight Club) by the waiters in restaurants. I think I shall pass on a trip there then. It isn't impossible, I felt the same about the Chinese when I first went there, and my interaction with the early Pattaya tourist groups.

Nevertheless I say people who deny the changes occurring in Pattaya have got their heads up their asses, or live in a limited circle.

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Over the last few years many have been moaning about the Arabs or about the Indians but I must say they've never been on my radar as any sort of annoyance. However at last I've really found a race that really get on my tits,and obviously its the russians,from trying to barge strait on to the baht busses ignoring people who have waited in the que,or as someone previous said,baht bus well less than loaded and ruskies not wanting to move up, I reakon if I ever get in any bother in pattaya its going to be with a russian. I've got so pissed off with one who barged past me to get on the bus and then thoughttwo of them where going to take half the bench to them self that I just shoved them up manually then we exchanged some verbals ,bugger knows what he called me. I bet it was'nt complimentry. I makes me nostalgic I deffinatly prefered Pattaya B. R.[before the russians] The only good thing at the moment is you dont often find many in the bars but if their numbers increase even more then you have to believe they,ll be in greater numbers in some bars as time goes on.

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  On 2/22/2012 at 11:44 PM, mcan said:

Over the last few years many have been moaning about the Arabs or about the Indians but I must say they've never been on my radar as any sort of annoyance. However at last I've really found a race that really get on my tits,and obviously its the russians,from trying to barge strait on to the baht busses ignoring people who have waited in the que,or as someone previous said,baht bus well less than loaded and ruskies not wanting to move up, I reakon if I ever get in any bother in pattaya its going to be with a russian. I've got so pissed off with one who barged past me to get on the bus and then thoughttwo of them where going to take half the bench to them self that I just shoved them up manually then we exchanged some verbals ,bugger knows what he called me. I bet it was'nt complimentry. I makes me nostalgic I deffinatly prefered Pattaya B. R.[before the russians] The only good thing at the moment is you dont often find many in the bars but if their numbers increase even more then you have to believe they,ll be in greater numbers in some bars as time goes on. I also expect the 'season' for them to get longer, and they won't dry up suddenly as seemed to happen in the past. After all their weather is poor most of the year, flight times are short and they get preferential treatment on arrival (stay duration wise).

Interesting to discuss, pity we can't get some English speaking Russian to barge in here and ram his opinion down our throats! :D

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I don't think there is much of an if or but about it.Their numbers will increase, it is looking pretty lucrative for Pattaya at the moment. They are getting into some of the GO-GOs, I only believe the drink prices or worry of a rip-off is holding their numbers back in the bar scene. (Perhaps in their own country those types of places are to be avoided....??).

I also think you will see them well into what we traditionall call 'Low season' after all it is still pretty cool in Moscow in March! Previously they seemed to suddenly vanish but I am thinking not. Look also to seeing more Russian 'Expats', all this tourism brings with it a lot of support workers... If you go shopping at BIG C you often see them buying home building stuff.

An interesting subject to discuss. It is a pity we can't get soem English speaking Russian to barge in here and ram his opinion down our throats. :D

Edited by jacko
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after about 50-60 trips over 30 years my old mate has pulled the pin on pattaya due to the russians. he now only stays in BKK and loves it. cant blame him really. I am considering on doing the same mid year, just not sure on what i am going to make as my base, bkk, samui, phuket or Phnom Penh. BKK and PP are looking as front runners at the moment.

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  On 2/23/2012 at 5:12 AM, chris2004 said:

They are just building a massive new condo at the top of the hill.

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The top and upper part of the hill between Pattaya and Jomtien is a Thai National Park.

No way that we see a condo there, and it's a good thing. :smile:


Looks like there is yet a big condo on the Jomtien side of the hill though. :(

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  On 2/22/2012 at 11:20 PM, jacko said:

So you are saying that within their own society social etiquette and manners never developed, and they all treat each other there with the same boorish pig ignorance? So having a meal out you get Tyler Duedon service (as per Fight Club) by the waiters in restaurants. I think I shall pass on a trip there then. It isn't impossible, I felt the same about the Chinese when I first went there, and my interaction with the early Pattaya tourist groups.

Nevertheless I say people who deny the changes occurring in Pattaya have got their heads up their asses, or live in a limited circle.

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we`ve all seen british drunks on holiday and we all know what people think of them,utter arseholes.But the general feeling towards the british is generally good,with the odd exeption.Thing is the british, have been holidaying all over the world for years, and so know how to innteract with other nationalities,and know how to respect customs and show respect in certain situations.In fact we are alledgedly reknown for being polite and famous for our tolerance,the russians are not.

Im not saying manners and etiquette havent developed in russia, but what i am saying is many of them dont have the social skills and life expierience outside their own enviroment (or comfort zone if you like) to conduct themselves in the right way.

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I stopped off for a bite in Rosie's last night and in came a Russian couple.

They sat and looked at a menu and declined a drink while ordering. In fact they never bothered and got up and walked without a word leaving the table in disarray. I like to think language difficulties put them off. Poor Thailand, went to so much trouble getting it's people to have English skills and it now seems wasted!

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  On 2/24/2012 at 4:22 AM, jacko said:

I stopped off for a bite in Rosie's last night and in came a Russian couple.

They sat and looked at a menu and declined a drink while ordering. In fact they never bothered and got up and walked without a word leaving the table in disarray. I like to think language difficulties put them off. Poor Thailand, went to so much trouble getting it's people to have English skills and it now seems wasted!

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Yeah, I saw a couple in the PBG do the same thing. not happy that the menu was not in russian and spat the dummy and stormed out after making a bit of a scene.

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