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hello all going to los for first time in just under 2 weeks whats best beer bars thats there with football on.and mainly just best bars around?? and if anyone is there fancy a few drinks with us more than welcome..first time there for me and my mate

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There are hundreds of beer bars. Many have football on all the time. Best advice I can offer just go for a walk on soi 6, 7, 8 , 2, 3, 4 and take your pick. I'm sure other board members will make there own recommendations and you should try them all. Enjoy your stay!!

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Soi 7/8 has been dying a slow death and if not in Hospice care yet it soon will be.

I bet Cherry bar will have football games on, if not, Adam can point you in the right direction

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There are hundreds of beer bars. Many have football on all the time. Best advice I can offer just go for a walk on soi 6, 7, 8 , 2, 3, 4 and take your pick. I'm sure other board members will make there own recommendations and you should try them all. Enjoy your stay!!


Any particular bar on Soi 2 that you'd recommend?

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Your first time in Los well enjoy ! No one here can really tell you what it will be like for you and as I pause to think of the memories of my first time there I smile and have some great ones. You will go there and be shy, in awe, get drunk and embarrassed the next day (if you drink) My advice in addition to what others may add here is just go have a great time and be prepared to spend a few extra dollars until you become a seasoned visitor (which you will its that infectious) and learn how to control the spending a little and you will be learning all the time and do you know what you will never come close to let alone being ahead of the Thai's with regards to street craft. I don't say that with badness its just interesting watching and hearing about it. Also on this board you will learn a lot. Now as for places to go well we all find our own nooks dependant on taste etc. TTk gave good advice, in relation to soi 7/8 visit before they disappear which in my opinion will not be in the too distant future, the prices are getting expensive there although compared to soi bukahow although on this trip price will not really be a factor to you as you are a newbie(with respect) its just when the habit gets a grip you will be looking on ways of getting there on a tighter budget. Now Soi Bukahow the best way I can describe to you to get around is (if we knew where you where staying it would be easier to instruct) So here goes just start of at Beach rd self explanatory sea beach and then road and be looking up soi 8 which has a sign on the right hand side as you look up Flipper Lodge hotel there are lots of bars around there. so explore that immediate vicinity soi 7/8 and the in between street connecting both which is 3/4 way up on your left as you look up 8. after you have finished there and have not fallen in love or as drunk as a skunk just walk to the end of ether 7 or 8 and the big road in front of you is second road just walk across carefully as its Thailand and the drivers are crazy you are not even safe on the footpath as the scooters use it as an extra lane at times its funny really! When you are across there you will see an area (new Plaza) which has loads of bars with girls many sports tv programmes and cheaper priced drink than before. I think that if you survive that on your first night you will be doing well. So to continue from there what ever time if you walk on up past these bars to the end of that soi you are then onto soi Bukahow just turn right and walk or grab a bhat bus (navy blue in colour (color for usa friends ha) pickup truck with bench seats in rear and an abundance of stainless steel cover sheeting 10 bht going in your direction of travel and push the bell get off where you want) Soi Bukahow as in other parts of Patts you just need to explore and see what suits you. So to end enjoy it we are all of a like minded nature here just some more wealthy than others (I think I can say that with a fair deal of accuracy if not then I apologise if wrong ) Just on your last point about paying most bars are trust worthy there have been stories of "bill padding " which mainly occurs when larger company and lady drinks being bought I have come across this on a couple of occasions and had the matter sorted no problem, to avoid such maybe best if you pay as you get!

Edited by darkmancomes
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You don't have to stay in a shithole ! lots of places on soi Bukahow very reasonable below 1000 and some way below that. Oh and no I don't have shares or interests in that area I treat this board as I use it ! for news information updates and to pass on any information I can. No point in someone else making the same mistakes as me when it can be avoided. 3500 that's not such a tight budget to have enjoyment. If you look at it this way 800 for meals 800 for beer 1500 for company.

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thanks darkmancomes where staying in romeo palace in naklua apparently a right shit hole but that dont bother us.and as for drinks and food im on tight budget 3500 baht a day but great advice thanks


You can get your information from a few different groups on these forums. The ex-pats come with heaps of experience but they are often set in their ways and will direct you to where they are regulars. I can often pick them by the fact that they sit in a corner with other ex pats and completely ignore the girls.


You can also find the groups who visit regularly and plan their trips around the people they have met before. Their recommendations are often based on a bar girl they hooked up with or the bar owners they have met. These guys have made mistakes and want to steer you away from them. Trouble is that bars change each month or each night and advice from today might not be good tomorrow.


My first night in Pattaya was spent in Soi Diamond and I ended up with two girls from one of the gogos. Great night but wouldn’t recommend it. It could have gone horribly wrong. I have stayed in places from Soi 1 to walking street and settled in the soi lengkee area. Each area has its good and bad points.


Staying in Naklua you are along way from Walking Street and if you bar fine a girl its a hike to get back to your room. The good news is that there are several good bars on second road and you are close to Drinking Street where you are bound to find some good options. Just remember that if you bar fine a girl from a bar close to your hotel you might have to walk past her every day. I like to get far enough away so a baht bus can get me past the places I have bar fined from.


The best advice is to follow your nose. When you walk into a bar smile. The girls will respond to laughter faster than alcohol.

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As a casual visitor to Pattaya (only about once per year) but one who watches a few codes of football, I would recommend Witherspoons on Soi Bukhaow. It is almost opposite the top entrance to Soi Diana and has a large blue sign. Great coverage, good beer, and reasonable to good food.

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"Feet Wet" ????? Only after a big rain lol when the Soi's are under water.


get one's feet wet
Fig. to get a little first-time experience with something. (Obvious literal possibilities.) Of course he can't do the job right. He's hardly got his feet wet yet. I'm looking forward to learning to drive. I can't wait to get behind the steering wheel and get my feet wet.
See also: feet, get, wet

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

get your feet wet (mainly American)
to experience something for the first time, especially something that involves taking a risk Investors are encouraged to get their feet wet by buying just a few shares to begin with.


Edited by Kev
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