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You likely need to clean your ears after that.

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Kenya West stealing the spot light from that tiny young blond girl will never leave my memory, a racist he is and nobody called him on it. He'd of never done that to a black performer.

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I actually I hadn't heard how awful this bloke was........Thanks jacko.


Funny thing was to begin with I thought this bloke ain't that bad.......The he started singing!!!


He sounds like he was taking the piss out of his audience.........Come on 'nigga please!!'

Edited by atlas2
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Some of his stuff worked; some of it didn't. That one sucked big tme, but Brian May is just as much at fault for giving him permission to do it (for a pretty penny no doubt).

His song with 21st Century Schizoid Man, as a back loop is IMHO excellent; and that may seem a bit rich coming from someone who had the great fortune to literally be "blasted away" at the original performance of the song by King Crimson at Hyde Park.

Another problem with this sort of artist at something like Glastonbury, is the music is just not "live"; and he doesn't even have a Doctor Dre type figure on stage twiddling knobs!

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I was at the Stones' concert..Near the front left of stage........I bought 'In The Court of The Crimson King' on the strength of their performance that day........Still have it.


On the little I've heard of West.......I don't get it. I mean he is awful here.......The things with Paul and Rhianna were only tolerable.



For once I can see Adolf's point.



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