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Driving first time in Pattaya

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I'll be going back to the US in a week, and will be dealing with these problems again.


Yes, I get in on the wrong side, both here and there. When feeling hurried, I will turn on the wipers rather than the turn signal in both places.


I don't have a problem driving on the left anymore, but in the USA, I have been known to drive on the wrong side of the road when there is no traffic to remind me which side is mine...much to the horror of my daughter who was riding with me shouting "Dad, you're on the wrong side of the road!!"


Oh, it's going to be fun...it's been 3 years now.

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Been back n forth to Pattaya too many years now


I've devolved my transport needs to three vehicles - a Twist n go moto-cy (when Ive no time for traffic),

A diminutive Nissan Juke (for when I can be arsed sitting in traffic),

& a Ford Ranger (for shopping and hauling stuff n distances)


Havent set foot in a 'baht bus' in over a decade

Edited by Regyai
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I have a condo in Jomtien. When I do go to Pattaya, I park in Jomtien and take a baht bus. Depending on where in Pattaya you are going, parking is a major problem. That and the traffic irritates me so I'd rather let the baht bus deal with it. I'm not suicidal so a motorbike is out of the question.

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I have hired cars many times in Pattaya and, because they drive on the same side of the road as we do in UK that does help. Driving is not such an issue as parking as you into the centre and the bars. It can be a pain in the arse, where motorbike parking is relatively easy. I have driven up to Roi Et a number of times and quite enjoyed the journey. Bit of stress driving up the mountain at night but on the whole, quite relaxing. One thing I have noticed, is the number of lorries and cars driving in the faster lane of the dual carriage ways and having to undertake as they wont move out of the fucking way. But you get used to it I guess. I have a Garmin with Thai maps which is reasonably up to date and that helps a great deal. Beats a map and endless arguments with Mrs Elpus about which direction to take. Cars though are bastard when it comes to traffic , and its then I would rather be on a bike.

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I've found that driving defensively while in SEA takes its toll. Everyone treats you like a soft touch and the aggression soon builds up. 1/2 hour in Manila traffic would make a Nun swear.

The biggest shock I often find is that people in the UK often say "thank you" if you give way to them, let them out of a junction or let them pass ahead, people in SEA really don't give a shit whether you let them out or not, and don't bother to acknowledge any act of kindness or road manners toward them.


Mrs Butch nearly came a cropper when she first started driving, she couldn't let go of the Asian habit of flashing the headlights which translates as "I'm coming through", whereas in the UK it means to other drivers, "I'll wait here until you are through". she even gave an old guy the finger cos she couldn't work out why he kept coming when she was clearly going at a higher speed in the oncoming direction flashing her lights.

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Mrs Butch nearly came a cropper when she first started driving, she couldn't let go of the Asian habit of flashing the headlights which translates as "I'm coming through", whereas in the UK it means to other drivers, "I'll wait here until you are through". she even gave an old guy the finger cos she couldn't work out why he kept coming when she was clearly going at a higher speed in the oncoming direction flashing her lights.

It's been a while since I've driven on 2 lane roads in the USA, but what I recall (and I may be wrong...help me out USA guys), is that at night, when about to pass, we flash brights to indicate "I'm coming through", same as the Asians do. I also remember (also perhaps wrong) that the overtaken car or truck, will flash its light when you have gotten far enough beyond it to return to your proper lane.


Now I'm really worried, because all of this sort of thing was in "muscle memory" rather than cognitive memory, and I may have completely mixed it all up.


I think I'll take a taxi at the airport rather than renting a car :P




Now thinking about it some more, maybe we indicate we're coming through with a left turn signal, and the vehicle in front responds with a left turn signal if it's safe.


Oh, shit. Never mind. I've forgotten completely how to drive.

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