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Should fatties pay more .............

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Speaking as someone who can walk aound H.M.S Victory, without having to duck my head below decks. I think the biggest pee take is a made to measure suits of a particular material, being the same price for me and Martin Johnston. The cloth for my 3 peice would make him a jacket. We little fellas have been subsidising you big blokes for years.


And remember, when Britannia ruled the waves, the average Englishman was only 5ft 2in tall, since we have grown bigger (Well I havn't ) things have gone tits up ! :rolleyes:

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Why don't you just buy children's clothes and save on the VAT. :rolleyes:



I did once, jeans I think, my pettit GF of the time,regularly did the same. Mothercare staff did get a bit suspicious after a while. I stopped buying Sherbert Dabs when they put tax on sweets. :P

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As long haul seats are designed on average to seat people of 18stones and 6feet plus,perhaps we should have special seats for lesser mortals.As smaller people take up less space perhaps they should have smaller seats?


Just a thought.

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it is a good job we are not all skiny ass holes like some foke but the next time i am on a flight to bangkok i hope i am seaten a long side one u lot. bigzed fa the broch :D :eyecrazy

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As long haul seats are designed on average to seat people of 18stones and 6feet plus,perhaps we should have special seats for lesser mortals.As smaller people take up less space perhaps they should have smaller seats?


Just a thought.

Right, lets assume that the airlines vary their seat size- and, this is the good bit for me- vary the price to match, so Mr Big pays £460, I pay £340. Plus if they run out of small seats I will fit nicely into a larger one- be able to wriggle about a bit. However, what is Mr Big going to do if they run out of wide seats ?


I suppose the seat will have to be selected when you book the size paid for, but yeah I like the way this is going. Next thing you big glokes will want is a bigger meal, on second thoughts I am willing to concede this to you, I hate airline food. 2guns

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big is beautiful so they say in the land o smiles just a feul tank for a sex god an loveing ever min o it so keep the hamburgers an varga come. :P

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One of the American budget airlines does indeed charge fatties for two seats but reimburses them if the plane is not full.


After a light aircraft crashed (can't remember where now - airsafe.com), the cause happened to be incorrect loading due to the high percentage of overweight people on board. Airlines have an ancient calculation for average weight based on male / female and summer / winter clothing.


People are heavier now and if they ever tried to introduce economy seating now for the first time, I am sure it would be banned.


That said, airlines do owe you a duty of care and on a flight from Hong Kong to Tokyo some time ago, I insisted on moving, stating that very cause. They had little option but to upgrade. On a flight recently from BKK-LHR, I had a fat guy and his skinny girlfriend sit next to me. I asked the fat guy to move away from next to me and he kindly did. If he had not, I would have called the attentant.


ONe final thought. If a skinny guy wants to take on board extra luggage they charge him - yes ? So charge fatties more as well.

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Fat asses shouldn't have to pay more, they have to save their money for food. They should make some of the seats bigger. I remember about 5 years ago I was flying Vegas to Philly and I had the middle seat in CATTLE CLASS. To my right was a Lindra Tripp lookalike, to my left was a William Perry lookalike. I couldn't move a muscle on that 4 hour flight in CATTLE CLASS. :nod I don't think the flight had any other fat people, only the people sitting on either side of me. When we arrived I walked off the plane walking like I just got out of an all gay prision. :rolleyes: I told the flight attendant "I feel like I just got sodomized by a midget, I don't know whether to laugh or cry". :D Since then I always call ahead for my seat assignment and get an asile seat.



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Making these seats larger sound great, but remember the cabin is a fixed size. If you make any seats larger your going to have to reduce the number of total seats in economy. The airlines aren't swimming in excess profits, so with fewer seats the price will increase for everyone. Now if you only make a few of the seats larger, which would be 50% larger for those seats that are in groups of 3 on the 747 or 33% larger for those seats that are in groups of 4 and increased the fare by a corresponding amount then the revenue would be the same as long as you had enough of the large paxs filling them or smaller paxs willing to pay extra for those seats.



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Since then I always call ahead for my seat assignment and get an asile seat.



Same here KJ. Unfortunately some dumbasses travelling together don't get seats by each other. I've had my aisle seat hijacked a couple of times.(the last trip for instance). I will not let it happen again.

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Dont like being called a liar! :rolleyes: A mouse eats more than I do !!!.

Just be glad your thin.

A large fit person is fitter/healther than a thin fit person!!! :nod according to my doctor!! B)

And a large person will survive longer in the sea than a thin one :D :lol:

1. How much too much does your doctor weigh?


2. Maybe a good idea is that these fatties SWIM to LOS and leave the seating space to the normally shaped?!

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Seriously: I have been flying around the world more times than I can count. In every uncomfortable seat available by those now whining airlines that think that all of us are just a piece of flesh and can be transported happily in a tight shitseat. It so irritates me the attitude of airlines and their shit service! The way economy passenger travels is below standard of immigration sailing ships from europe in the 19th century. I laugh at airlines having all the problems today and who blames 9/11 and other outside factors. Start to deliver decent service and comfortable rides and passengers will return and bring profits to the airlines. But those pinhead directors dont understand that since they never ride coach themselves! Force them to and much would change in the airline industry!


I am older now and have a decent economy. I can afford comfort. When it is a short ride I always purchase economy-you can survive that. But on longhaules I always fly business or 1st class. Good check-in without long lines. Nice lounge. Comfortable seating and better service and food.


I have had enough many fatties sitting next to me in coach making the trip unbearable! When I go from Scandinavia to BKK I always use Thai and sit in the upper section of the 747-400. It´s like being in your own living room and worth every extra penny! I work hard and deserve it. You only live once! :rolleyes:

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Big Swede.


The airlines are not in trouble due to lack of passengers, it is the low cost of tickets that is a big factor. As my Brasilian friend who works for Varig pointed out- A ticket from LHR to RIO is the same price today as it was 10 years ago.


And Air Canada is unable to compete with the new low cost domestic airlines operating in that country, they make a fair amount Internationaly, very busy Transatantic. Monday before Easter, had 45 denied boardings on the last Toronto flight. I know what you are going to say- serves them right for over booking, but in my expeirence, 1 person will book themself on all 6 Toronto flights in 1 day ex LHR, to insure that if he arrives late into LHR, especially from the Far East, he and maybe his wife and 3 kids have a reservation on the next flight- thats how airlines get so many no-shows. five passegers-30 bookings.


Havin said all that, your right about Airline Management not knowing about economy comfort, but it's just bums on seats to them, they work on statistics. Its not just seats on aircraft either, they should get their bums out of their offices and take a good look around the industry, if they had a forum like this, it would help.


But like Politicians, if they started doing the obvious, anyone could do the job. :leaving

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They should have a special section for fat people. Atleast have them buy two seats. Also, there should be a sound proofed area for people that insist on traveling with infants. Babies don't need to go anywhere because they won't remember it anyway. :P

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I remember flying out to Singapore on my way to Bali a few years ago when the other side of the aisle from me was a young mother with a baby who must only just have been old enough to fly. Ah well, there goes any sleep tonight, I thought.


The baby was fantastic or else the mother (she was breast feeding) had put something into her milk but the baby hardly uttered a sound throughout the flight.



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Well, they are really cracking down on the overweight luggage and watching that , but what to do with the passengers is another story in itself. Wouldn't be feasible to make another section or larger seats for them. The charging for two seats is getting popular, but isn't well recieved by the general public {as they want low fares}. I guess you know your in "trouble" when the person beside you needs the seat belt extension


It's an issue that most airlines just want to avoid and I can't blame them on that. Yes, Airline Management has something to be desired, I'll echo that thought also. They are so worried about getting you out/in on time and they forget that it would be nice to have your luggage there also. The last impressions are made when you finally get your luggage after flying many hours.

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To put this weight lark into perspective, my freind is a Rolls Royce Engineer at LHR.


We were having a conversation about large, heavy baggage that is common Transatlantic ex the Far East especially Indian sub Continent.


He told me that RR will redesign an engine component up to 4 or 5 times, just to save 1 pound in wheight- seems a wast of time realy. :P

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What many travelers do to avoid the excess weight charge is they put all the heavy objects in their carry on and the light items in their checked luggage.



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Why don't the airlines introduce a Fat Fuck Class? They could charge 1000 quid a trip, for which you get chucked in the cargo hold with as much pizza as you can eat.


Reckon there's any profit in that? :P

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So true, until you have your carry on bag weighed {FRA}, I was very pissed off as they told me I had to check it at the gate. LH was the agents for Thai Airways in FRA and they do weigh all carry-ons there. But never had it happen to me since..

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The Airlines get severely pissed off with o-w hand baggage. B.A used to keep 1 baggage bin at aircraft side to accomodate the huge hand baggage. This was the Islamabad flight I think, but could be any Far East destination The thing is, it creates so much extra work, the gate crew have enough to do with late passengers, lost boarding cards and seat change requests . The last thing they want is an arguement about heavy bags. And a little warning, if the hold of plane is full, there will be no room for confiscated gate bags, so they will be left off.


The Air Maritius Manager was so geed off about this fiddle, he never allowed unpaid exess bags to travel, they only have a few flights a week, so a long wait, even when it was paid at destination. It's the most poular sport in the world -The Baggage Duel. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

as i am a fattie myself at present time , i find it uncomfortable to sit in the coach

section of a plane. Luckily i am in the position of being able to pay for a more expensive and thus bigger chair.

i fly every month with eva airways to bangkok and i use their evergreen deluxe

class which is just a little bit more expensive.

the chairs are comfortable and the service is ok.

from amsterdam to bangkok it is only 725 euros for a return ticket.

but i always keep an eye open for other airlines.

i do not agree that fatties should pay more, some are fat because of excessive drinking or eating , others are fat because of medicines they have to use.(pretnyson).

you can also ask should slim people pay less? :chogdee

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Seriously: I have been flying around the world more times than I can count. In every uncomfortable seat available by those now whining airlines that think that all of us are just a piece of flesh and can be transported happily in a tight shitseat. It so irritates me the attitude of airlines and their shit service! The way economy passenger travels is below standard of immigration sailing ships from europe in the 19th century. I laugh at airlines having all the problems today and who blames 9/11 and other outside factors. Start to deliver decent service and comfortable rides and passengers will return and bring profits to the airlines. But those pinhead directors dont understand that since they never ride coach themselves! Force them to and much would change in the airline industry!


I am older now and have a decent economy. I can afford comfort. When it is a short ride I always purchase economy-you can survive that. But on longhaules I always fly business or 1st class. Good check-in without long lines. Nice lounge. Comfortable seating and better service and food.


I have had enough many fatties sitting next to me in coach making the trip unbearable! When I go from Scandinavia to BKK I always use Thai and sit in the upper section of the 747-400. It´s like being in your own living room and worth every extra penny! I work hard and deserve it. You only live once! :chogdee

I work hard and deserve it. You only live once! :chogdee

swede you may work hard a lot of people do but many like me can not afford to fly anything other than economy no matter how hard we work

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