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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Don't change the cash in the UK, you get a better rate in Thailand. You can bring TCs, debit cards (work everywhere), credit cards and perhaps some cash for taxis etc. when you arrive.


I rely on plastic but I have access to baht in Pattaya so I'd bring some baht (maybe 10,000 = £140 or so) just to get started. For the main money, it depends upon whether you have multiple cards and are confident in using them (and have the cash in your bank / within your credit limit). If not using cards, then bring a couple of hundred in £ and the rest in reasonable denomination TCs (say £200 and up each, don't bother with stuff like £50 etc.). If cheques, £ cheques are fine.


Depending upon where you stay, you may be able to pay by credit card (don't worry too much about the cloning stories). I'd advise never to pay up front for all your stay in case you want to move on.


Also, don't forget to remember your taxi money for the trip to the airport and Bt500 to get out of the country. Also, on the way out, stock up on water and snacks or stop the taxi at a garage on the way to the airport as water is real expensive there and snacks are few and far between. Don't buy gold at the airport, its a complete fucking rip off. In fact, don't buy much at the airport as its nearly all a fucking rip off.


Have a good trip and drop me a PM if you want to hook up in Pattaya as I live there.

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Also remember that the higher the domonination of your money the higher the exchange rate. Small bills yields lower exchange rates. This also is true ... but to a lower extent ... new crisp bills versus old bills.

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Big bills only applies to US$ not euro's or £ or any other currency


ATM cards are good if your english get a Nationwide account as their are NO FEE's for cash withdrawls abroad!!



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I would never buy baht in the UK.....there are exchange places in the airport to use on arrival and all over Bangkok and Pattaya and other tourist areas. Banks will do the business off the beaten track.


Carrying large amounts of cash is risky...believe me it is easy to get caught up in the fun and be careless.


Sterling traveller's cheques and debit cards will cover you. A credit card to fall back on when you are skint or perhaps cover/ guarantee for a hotel.

I have found the post office has a low commision on the Traveller's cheques, unless you see a zero commission deal from another place.



It's sterling my friend not stirling.... :o

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I disagree with you about not worrying about credit card cloning as this has happened to me twice and I think it was at the Flipper Lodge, soi 8 Pattaya. I didn't have to pay anything but it was a hassle.

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When you arrive at Bangkok Airport, there are several money changing opportunities run by main Thai banks, and even though the rates are normally identical at each place, they are not rip-off rates, unlike the UK airports.

Personally I have used Cash and Sterling TCs in the past, but have just opened a Nationwide FlexAccount so I can use the ATM card next holiday.

As previously mentioned, Nationwide do not charge for use of the ATM card OR their Visa credit card, whereas with other card companies you will pay between 1% and 2.75%.

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Taking some TCs for peace of mind is fine, but debit cards at ATMs are definitely the easiest way to go. You get top exchange rates, and much less hastle than cashing TCs.


As to using a card other than at an ATM or bank, you take your chances. I would never use a debit card to pay a hotel bill, but don't mind using my Amex. card [At least in the US, the protection laws in case of fraud are quite different].


In all, it's just as easy as traveling through Europe pre-euro, and probably easier than the US.


If you want to take cash and change it, bringing new bills can't hurt.


And finaly (from your other thread), if you havn't been to the islands (Koy Samui, Phuket,..) they really are great for a honymoon. Certainly worth at least a side trip if you can make it (they are more expensive though, a hotel room will run you well over 30 Euro

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I always tend to bring a decent amount of cash, usually have some left over from previous visits 500 pounds or so and change a fair amount at BKK airport. Tend not to rely on the ATM too much as sometimes seem to have real trouble with my card. Might be mine personally but the majority I use seem unable to read it. Once had to use a dozen or so ATM machines before any luck.


Never carry more than you need about at night though. Beer money etc and taxi and small tips always handy on arrival.

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I had the same problem with my ATM card. I got a new one from the bank and the problem went away.

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I don't use cc in LOS.. The hotels put a 3-7% extra charge on it and so

do the gold dealers..


Bring TC (Thomas Cooke or AMEX) bring the highest denomination bill ($500 for AMEX) because there is a cashing fee for eqch check, bring severak ATM bank cards and keep them

in safe seperate locations have your limit of daily withdrawal known and how much

of a charge for overseas withdrawals you have, and bring high denomination bills (costs more to change

the lower denomination bills). Avoid US $100 bills from 1996, year of the superbill... just the year on the bill will make many moneychangers refuse it..


Write down all your info on your cards etc, email addresses and phone #'s.. I

usually write it down and email myself this info onto a free email server account..


Have fun!

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Guest Winston_Churchill
  LiL_Lightning said:
I always tend to bring a decent amount of cash, usually have some left over from previous visits 500 pounds or so and change a fair amount at BKK airport. Tend not to rely on the ATM too much as sometimes seem to have real trouble with my card. Might be mine personally but the majority I use seem unable to read it. Once had to use a dozen or so ATM machines before any luck.


Never carry more than you need about at night though. Beer money etc and taxi and small tips always handy on arrival.

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I will never use atm in thai again i lost a grand took me 2 months to ge it back

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  exwannabe said:
but debit cards at ATMs are definitely the easiest way to go. You get top exchange rates, and much less hastle than cashing TCs.
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I had always been under the impression that the ATM rates fell somewhere between cash and TC's. Two trips back I decided to take note of the cash and TC's rates when I used the ATM. Once I got back home and received my statement and did the math I was surprised that the ATM rate was less than cash and TC's. Still because of convience and safety I continue to use them.



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I don't use cc in LOS.. The hotels put a 3-7% extra charge on it and so

do the gold dealers..

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They do but if you contact your CC issuer and let them know you were charged a Service Charge they will remove it and have it charged back to the place that charged it. I have done this 3 times in LOS the only place that got hot was Dynasty Inn in Bangkok They sent me a nasty email I felt so bad about it too :crying .



The CC companys require the merchant to agree not to charge a service charge when they accept your CC.

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The main problem with the ATM machines is a lot of them have taken a real good hammering by the looks of them as well. Walked round for an hour trying to get one to read both my Visa and ATM card one night _ always personally bring the money with me, lock in hotel safe and carry what I want.


UK airports do give poor exchange rates. A post Office in the UK or BKK airport as a few above have mentioned the best shout.

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hi as far as money goes if you have TCs you pay 1%for them in UK but when you sell them for baht in thailand you get almost 1%more than if you bring cash and they cant get "stolen or lost" cause if you havent signed them you can get your money back,as for creditcards why use them as everyone charges you extra for their use and there is the everpresent likelihood of fraud


ps as you get of the plane at the airport in BKK there are many exchange counters before you need to spend anything so there is little need to change any money before you leave the UK

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I guess I am in the minority here but I never bring cash ot TC's any more. I have 3 ATM cards that I use exclusively and absolutely never have had a problem. For me it is the only way to go. I don't ever charge anything either. I maintain a small supply of cash in the safe for those last minute situations where there is a big rush on the ATM machines and just top it up if I have to use it.



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I use ATM's with my US Credit Union Visa Check card. Last May I must have used 5 different ATM's in Pattaya and never had a problem. I had a backup ATM card but that one is from a US Bank and charges a fee - the credit union doesn't charge and gives a good exchange rate. Check with your banks and other financial organizations before going and it is always a good idea on both ATM cards and Credit cards to let each card's bank know you are going to be in Thailand. Some banks put a 'hold' on any account used overseas unless you give them advance warning. It wouldn't be good the second time you go to use your card to find that the issuing bank put a hold on it!!!


Fr. Lust

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In the main, I use my ATM card in Thailand (Nationwide Flex a/c) but I always bring some travellers cheques by way of back up.


On the sunject of ATM's, are there any machines in the arrivals area of the airport (terminal 2)?



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  Eneukman said:
In the main, I use my ATM card in Thailand (Nationwide Flex a/c) but I always bring some travellers cheques by way of back up.


On the sunject of ATM's, are there any machines in the arrivals area of the airport (terminal 2)?



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Only landside after passports , customs AFAIK, I've never seen an ATM before I've gone thru customs.

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