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Everything posted by nidnoyham

  1. Now that spectacle would fill a stadium. I'd watch even if it was 42C. Sepp Blatter called the English bad losers. In an interview with a Swiss magazine he said " England of all places, the motherland of fair-play ideas " Also the land that can spot a crook when we see one Sepp old son. Our response was, had you made your agenda to spread the World Cup to new places clear to us, we wouldn't have spent £18m on a bid, including £3m on a bid book only 3 FIFA members read. We would not have bid against Russia, as they have never held the World Cup. Even though many remember a
  2. Remind me not to take tips on sporting events from you. When it comes to forecasting FIFA decisions, a quick Google of the individuals involved may help. ".... Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves......." Sports and Suits, they seldom go well together.
  3. KP stopped by police for speeding. They recon the copper was the first Ausie this month, to catch an Englishman.
  4. To put it another way- Left to the Americans, this thread would be pretty quiet. Once an American has voted - his job is done. It is those who feel they are not able to register their homeland, due to lumping together, that are qualifying their vote by stating their country with a post. That is why there are so few American posts on this thread- but you knew that didn't you ?
  5. In defense of Martin. It is probably difficult for an American to understand the regional ' conflicts' in other parts of the world. Had he been a Brit, with our 4 different countries, or an Aus' or Kiwi. with their competitive natures, perhaps he could better understand the strong regional instincts and 'conflicts.' Brits will post as English, Scots...... America and Canada perhaps are his best guide. ( I know how Geed Canadians get, if called American ) Even the Barmy Army flags at the cricket are seldom a plain St Georges cross. Most have the club- town- county- or p
  6. Apparently, they have English speaking taxi drivers in India. We are thinking of copying the idea over here.
  7. You mean Pakistan ? Don't be shy jeff, the truth is the truth mate.
  8. Any chance of Hussey, being your next Skipper ? Seems like a nice bloke.
  9. Okay Cliff. Take it away Son- " Do, doodedoo, do, do ,doo. Do, doodedoo, do, do, doo. We can't go on a summer holiday, if it's only for one day a year. We can't get a single day off, just to watch the Pommies cheer...... We live here where the sun shines brightly, but we are praying for the rain. So please god, send us a downpour, or the buggers are gonna win again......"
  10. Well they didn't lose to Man.U. Saturday !
  11. Get your money on with that Indian bookie quick. What you recon 9-1 ?
  12. The followers of International football are more your Barmy Army, than hoodlums. Unless those cameramen are too busy looking for fit women, than trouble makers ! Fans with 'old scores' to settle will be the most likely to kick off with each other. That's the English and just about everyone.
  13. Japan was host in 2002 and no doubt that helped bring the game to the millions who live there. I am all for promoting the game in new areas of the world, where it can become established as a popular sport. This is why I am disappointed the USA and Australia, who have two very good National squads, that could have got the home population behind them, were not chosen. When the home team get knocked out, it does take the fun out of it a bit. Basically, the FIFA Council, traveling the world inspecting stadia, transport systems, tourist accomadation and training facilities, is a huge
  14. I wouldn't like to be Pontings family at Christmas dinner. Wonder if any had the nerve to buy him an England cap, as a present.
  15. Perhaps they thought it might be too hot to play in June. They couldn't suspect a Thai official of taking a bribe.....
  16. I took it from a Fools and Horses scene, where Del was looking at their old school football team- " We had Densil in goal, Monkey Harris at right back. Boycie left back, me Center forward... We had, .... Comeradery ! " "Was that the Italian boy Del ? " " Yes Trigg, that was the Italian boy "
  17. I assume you are American ? It's one thing to have the same for every one, but extreme heat can kill. FIFA themselves pointed that problem out when considering Qatar's offer, even if it was to up the anti on the backhander from the Arabs. Yes teams from all corners of the world compete, but it about the best footballers, not those who are used to the heat. African teams didn't do too well in Africa, this summer. Other teams can adjust to altitude and adverse conditions.... What next Winter Olympics in the Shara ? Tennis on the Polar Ice caps, so the Eskimos have a chance ?
  18. Momentum ? Is he the Greek bowler ?
  19. And When you are not in the Stadia ? Training facilities for every team at an A/C stadium ? Don't the locals try to avoid the place in the summer ? Would you go to the World cup there Tom ? No booze etc, what will you do between games ? Sit by the pool with a coke ? Run from hotel to Taxi, to stadia..... ? I will be attending proper football tomorrow, long combs, woolly hat, flask of hot OXO...... two hours of 0c, but we are a hardy lot us Brits. Those Americans have got the right idea- have your Word Series at home every year.
  20. Did they play in July ? Two weeks ago is hardly high summer is it ? Could be feedback from the players at those games, that gave FIFA the idea playing in 42c will be hazardous to players and spectators ? Edit to add' What next ? Camel racing at Royal Ascot ?
  21. Bad groundsman again ? Tch-tch. Get Alan Titmarsh over with his mower !
  22. The English member of FIFA Geoff Thomson, told our Head of the English bid, that the last thing Sepp Blatter told the voting council prior to their vote, was not to forget the scrutiny FIFA has had with the British media. The last thing FIFA members want is a media that will prod around their garden, looking for creepy crawlies under a bush. Too few people, too secretive, too open for corruption. Sepp Blatter wanted Russia, to expand FIFA. ( and his bank balance) Surely the 2020 appointment, of a country. where it is too hot to stay in the summer, does not allow support
  23. Wouldn't have happened, if Brum hadn't beaten us on penalties. It would be Brentford winning 2-1.
  24. Thank god I can stay in touch with proper football at Brentford. As Sepp said- " It's learning how to lose thats important " We've got that bit covered at Griffin Park.
  25. Only the BBC would bring out a T.V programe just before the FIFA decision, to scupper the England bid. Well I'm sure Walking street must be a riot tonight. Supporters will enjoy flying on Aeroflot to get to their teams next game. We've all seen the friendly Russians in Pattaya. They will make wonderful welcoming hosts, I'm sure. The Times has an article today about Russia's 'Mafia State' being laid bare by those leaks in WikilLeaks. Pity is wasn't a few days ago, it might have made a difference to the vote. There again Sepp Blatter being called a useless c##t
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