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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Obsession

  1. Confessions of a lifetime bottom feeder You actually re booked a place that had one curtain per room, which didn't even cover the window! You obviously haven't a clue about value for money. We wouldn't listen to a tramps critique on fashion , and we shouldn't have to listen to a hovel dwellers comments on condos for sale. Says the guy who posts pics of an alley in daylight, and claims it's not a dark alley lol. Why not leave the comments to guys who are interested in buying now. Or just try not to put down every property, even though they have all been miles ab
  2. You need that explained? Duh! You booked one of the worst ever furnished rooms in Pattaya history after seeing pics of it, with it's bottom of the range old MDF furniture , yet comment on "nasty woodwork etc" , despite it being miles above your accommodation standards. It laughable. Are you considering buying a condo in Pattaya? And he is anonymous. He sounds like one of those keyboard warrior types!
  3. You're not going to buy any condos in Pattaya either. You prefer PI. But for you to comment on interior design after booking Skytop, is laughable. You can never seriously criticize accommodation again. I agree with you when you criticize buying in Thai company names. That is worth warning newbies about, imho.
  4. I had thought that as well. Seemed like more than the 4 times it was. I had thought condostreet had stopped posting because of negative comments, but he has posted since. Let's not discourage guys from advertising condos. Anyone see the irony in a certain BM commenting on interior design when he booked a GH who's rooms resembled a junkshop! Double standards lol. Every one of those condos was better in decor and value.
  5. Was that a money back guarantee brekkie for 110 baht? That's uncomplainable. How much is CrazyDave's with no view or guarantee , in a back street , pretty shit soi? Tourists are setting themselves up for disappointment if they don't expect mistakes in western food orders in budget Thai restaurants. I stayed in a place with free brekkie for 4 months and they got it wrong nearly every day. At times it was surreal. It's all part of funtown! I wouldn't even remember those breakfasts of it hadn't been for their mistakes
  6. Sorry to hear that. Hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.
  7. He will be able to take the lifts out of his shoes now.
  8. I have to stay in the UK because of my elderly father. My sister and I split the visits between us so he isn't alone any full day. I couldn't leave him , just to chase third world sex workers. It just doesn't seem right. My friends father is in a home at £2400 a month and her mother is on her last legs. Her father barely knows who she is. She is knackered at having to visit them at different locations every day and do everything for her mother.
  9. I doubt it matters to the guy that he was stabbed and not shot. RIP. A tragic waste of two lives.
  10. Thanks guys. That seems quite reasonable for a place that you can have a separate bedroom. I found a vid of one
  11. Just found this rent to own deal. I have no idea about the company. http://www.expat-condos.com/rent-to-own-a-pattaya-condo.html
  12. Saw the advert on my phone, but can't get it to show photos just now on my computer. Here's what it says. I won't post the link to another forum. It's center condo. Reduced price for the low season a 50 sq,m apartment that contains a master bedroom with air-con,smaller 2nd.bedroom with air-con, lounge/kitchen diner and newly renovated bathroom.Suitable for rental.Close to Walking Street.Low maintenance.Condo has Gym,swimming pool, new management and security. I wouldn't have though 50m was big enough for two bedrooms, but us Brits don't work in sq metre sizes, so I'm unsure.
  13. Thanks Gabor. That was a very brazen TG having brekkie in a place before robbing it. And the ease the guy git into your place was worrying. Anyone know the most trustworhy agents and what they charge for renting out? Maybe best to go with a BM like Bangkapiboy?
  14. Let's say a VT condo. Is it safe enough to leave computers and TVs etc? I noticed some doors have metal gates over them. What are the running costs while your away? Does the electricity company have a standing charge? Is internet done on 12 monthly contracts or rolling contracts? Does the insurance still cover an unoccupied property? Is it worth the hassle to rent it out for a month or so?
  15. I can't argue with that, as I was talking about the "boring" comment. I didn't criticize your proud comment. Let's leave it there mate, and let others talk about how much they are enjoying the Olympics. I'm starting to think you don't like me voicing my opinion!!!
  16. Surely you realize that you don't always have to give your opinion? That negative opinions are sometimes better kept to themselves? This Olympics is obviously the only time Brits will host them in their lifetime. They are proud and enjoying talking about it, and some other nationalities are joining in the good feeling. Then you say it's boring. I would say my comment of your post was accurate.
  17. I nominate this post for the "bah humbug" gold medal. A totally unnecessary pissing on someone's parade.
  18. Yes. I understand where your coming from, mate. Take it from me though, that Denny wasn't an innocent , singled out by the guys who criticize him. He deserves all the criticism aimed at him. His lies and behaviour towards other BMs over the years have earned him his critics.
  19. May I ask? What is your opinion of someone who sends fellow BMs to place with lies , omissions and exaggerations? And who has been insulting other BMs families for years?
  20. Who would have thought that such a system would have some guys unravelling , vote fixing , and even leaving the forum. I think it's been a fascinating sociological experiment and comedy goldmine. For a negative vote on a mongers forum to cause some guys such anguish is unbelievable. You can almost feel their anguish through their words as they come up with their paranoid madcap theories and watch threads and votes to detect who voted on them lol.
  21. Steal the old muppets term that was used for others. GMs and AGMs - Gabor Muppets and Anti Gabor Muppets
  22. I've heard of some bizarre behaviour , but going back 9 years to vote for a stranger who got negative votes for mentioning baby boiling , attacks families, girlfriends , mothers, rotting flesh TGs, etc, is as mad as the burglar that shagged the dog lol. I guess they believe Saint Gabor was unjustly thrown of the other forums as well. He is just an innocent guy! I second Evils request that the Gaborettes post some examples of him getting lots of negative posts for us Gaborphobics ( that for you LD ).
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