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Everything posted by Obsession

  1. The only idiotic assumptions are that the OP was an American, and that any of us on here have ever said ALL muslims. Let me explain something mate. You can't say ALL, for any huge group of people. You just can't. So, we take it as a given that people are intelligent to know that. Do we really have to add that to every sentence for some dim witted BMs? I shouldn't think so mate, as the intelligence level is reasonably high. Although Hami seems to have lowered the overall average considerably! Please show us anywhere that anyone has said all muslims , regarding anything. Oppression and
  2. Congratulations to Villa. Great lifestyle for offshore workers who live out of Patts.
  3. No need mate. Nobody has said Arabs shouldn't go to Patts, just that we don't like female oppression , segregation, intolerance, child abuse etc. But to return the offer, I will write to world leaders and try to get criticism of female oppression banned or any other criticism of intolerance and segregation. And maybe even reward over exaggerating and putting words in peoples mouths that some seem to do when muslims are mentioned
  4. I don't think any I stayed in, out of about six, had a kettle in the room. And friends I visited in different places didn't either.
  5. I don't know it. Has it got anything to do with children being abused and taught the kind of stuff being taught in UK madrasses and the evidence put forward regarding young women being forced/ brainwashed into wearing headscarves in modern Britain etc? I am always disappointed in the opposing sides lack of critisism for utterly unacceptable behaviour in modern Britain. It's bare faced denial. Somebody please tell me if any of them have actually said the oppression of women is wrong. Maybe I missed it. Hopefully they don't think these teachings in the madrasses is ok.
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356361/Shame-Britains-Muslim-schools-Secret-filming-shows-pupils-beaten.html Muslim children are being taught religious apartheid and social segregation. ‘disbelievers’ are ‘the worst creatures’ and that Muslims who adopt supposedly non-Muslim ways, such as shaving, dancing, listening to music and – in the case of women – removing their headscarves, would be tortured with a forked iron rod in the afterlife. I can't see how that sort of stuff can't be bad for the UK and the world in general and I feel sympathy for the kids that are being brai
  7. I saw your post in Atlases Joe. It's the same old from you or GE. Trying to say that we are saying ALL muslims. None of us has ever said that. We are well aware that there are muslims who drive , drink, eat bacon sarnies etc. They are exempt from our comments. It's not that hard to comprehend Joe. Feck knows why I have had to explain it to you so many times!!!!Unless you see us say " all muslims" , then we don't mean all muslims. In fact , we will never say "all muslims" , as that would be silly. Silliness is your dept. We are talking about the ones that are oppressed or brainwashed. Women
  8. The advantage a new owner would have with the RH is that it would surely have a clean slate with the main forums and try to attract new custom from them. It has surely missed out on custom because of not being on these forums. Mulphy has said himself, that some people wouldn't use the RH because he is the owner. That is partly why I think it has potential. Would more people leave, than start using it if in the Metro? It's anybodies guess.
  9. I take it that was a post that Joe had aimed at me, lol. He is in denial, big time. I think he still denies there are muslim honour killings, despite us reading about muslim parents killing their daughters UK. There was a thing in the papers this week about child abuse in UK madrasses. 250,000 kids get taught hatred and intolerance in the UK. It just can't be good for harmony and integration. But hey ho. A photo of a happy muslim driving, will make up for every oppressed muslim female, or some of Joe's " two wrongs make a right" posts.
  10. I guess you have chosen to ignore that the topic has moved away from the woman in WS. But if you want to nitpick................That photo wasn't taken on WS! I don't see the point in nitpicking. Does any other religion make it's women enter it's places of worship by an inferior entrance? Not let them drive? Even in the UK. Go out without a male relative? I genuinely don't know. No nitpicking please.
  11. I don't see much of a similarity in religious dress codes between muslims and non muslims. Just more nonsense from the BMs trying to say black is white. Moving on. Do other churches / religions make women enter by a non descript door while the men enter by huge ornate entrances and make members of the same family spit to enter their doors? What about driving? Do other religions ban women from driving? Going out alone? Does a widow fall under the control of her deceased spouses male family members as muslims do in the UK? imho, muslims have by far, the most ancient and bar
  12. In a lot of cases, I would agree. Martin managed it with the FLB though. I don't actually know if he knew a lot of FLB regulars or was entirely new to the bar. Maybe very well known bars or forum bars stand a better chance of surviving an owner change. The RH would probably keep the room guests I would think. And that would maybe mean familiar faces in the bar for guys like me who walk past every day on trips and go in if there's familiar faces. I think part of new owners mistakes is to refurb. Regulars don't like changes.
  13. I think the formula is one years turnover or 3 years profits. I think it would be a good buy for some of the regulars to buy together. I think some guys already done that with an LK bar. If anyone wants to chip in some dosh and a Thai mamasan, I will run it for them!
  14. They have fun in the bar, and the room Einstein Spending big in a bar has no detrimental effect on what happens in a room. That's a real silly thing to suggest. Stop being jealous of the rich guys mate.
  15. Sorry mate, but I disagree. You seem to do a lot of sitting alone critisizing the guys who are having fun then going home alone and calling those guys names on the internet. It's only money mate. It's ok to spend it. And if guys outspend you and get all the women and fun, then it's churlish to start calling them names. I have never bought a tray of LDs. But when I see a guy doing it and having fun, I usually reckon he is celebrating a special night out or that he is loaded. Good luck to the guy.
  16. You seem to have trouble getting your head round the fact that guys who spend more money, get more attention. Same as London to Vegas, no doubt. The beauty about Pattaya is that we can afford a tray of drinks in los if we want to have a good time. Or we could sit alone with a draft beer and then go home alone muttering what losers the LDOPs are!
  17. I had the same issue with Joe. He denied editing his post, but I had already read it. Maybe I shouldn't say as I will get "grumped" at, but just wanted to confirm your experience. Sad sacks should man up to editing posts.imho.
  18. Nid, I remember you are one of the few who remembers the racist murder and setting on fire of schoolboy Kriss Donald in Scotland by muslim racists. Unfortunately he didn't get a statue or his parents honours , like Steven Lawrence. But as Brits, we are used to getting lesser treatment than immigrants. Anyway, one of Kriss's murderers got attacked in prison. Unfortunately he wasn't badly hurt! It probably wasn't mentioned in the national press. http://news.stv.tv/scotland/west-central/274224-teenager-kriss-donalds-killer-attacked-in-prison/ He is suing for being kept in segregation for h
  19. I have never complained about muslims, Arabs, Russians or Indians ( except pushy tailors), like many do on the forums. You may remember me starting a thread on your forum asking why people complained about Indians and Russians. If you don't realize after all our discussions that I like all foreigners, then your not being very alert mate. Complaining when my tax money is being given away, or exploding terrorists and people who won't integrate in my country , doesn't mean I dislike them. I was seeing a Thai muslim. She sometimes wore a headscarf. Though not when with me. Although ,
  20. You need a dick...............tionary , mate They will serve you in their shops , and they have to initially buy their properties from us until they take over the neighbourhood! But they aren't really integrating. But don't take my word. Ask David Cameron. He's the British PM! There is minimal interaction between muslims and non muslims. You get every other immigrant group in marriages and relationships in the UK and I don't think any others refuse to use swimming pools that "kaffirs" have used etc. It all makes for a segregated society. Seeing that us Brits get along with everyone else , a
  21. Muslims. They refuse to integrate wherever they settle, and will even go as far as whacking their own daughters or sisters if they go with a non muslim. I have told you before about the hidden camera documentaries showing their anti jew and christian teachings in UK mosques etc. But you are being silly mate. Even the government has said multi culturism has failed and they want immigrants to integrate more. Maybe you don't read or hear the media. But you are the only guy who seems to think they integrate well Is there anyone on the thread who has never communicated , been neighbours
  22. Ah. A are view of Joe away from his computer I'm glad he is getting out more. He was going mad and posting to himself!
  23. Agreed. Seems that violence works for muslims and they are quick to use it or hide behind human rights laws even though they don't seem to believe in human rights.
  24. Just got an email. Joe's still talking to himself in cyberspace! How bizarre Where did it all go wrong for someone to end up talking to themselves online! It's the internet equivalent of a drunken vagrant shouting in the street
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