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Everything posted by Obsession

  1. Thats what I thought too, but when I phoned them to take it away, the guy on the phone said it sounded like the backlight. Hopefully its a techy word for backlight
  2. Just got my laptop back from the repair shop. The screen was sometimes blacking out when I adjusted the angle and even done it a couple of times without touching it. The repeir note says they replaced the lcd inverter. Does that sound like they done the right thing. It will take me a while to find out by using it because it was only an intermittent fault, but want to know now because the guarantee runs out in a few weeks. Thanks.
  3. I was hoping you might enlighten with your motive for bad mouthing the rockhouse , but instead you just insult us. Obviously you dont want to tell us because its a probably a petty little reason, like Mulphy has disagreed with you on another post or something.
  4. Nice one Shane. I can never understand what motivates these guys to slag off a place theyve never been to. And whats wrong with advertising? Does JJ write to Mcdonalds complaining that they advertise too much?
  5. Theres no stopping him. I think hes been reading a Tony Robbins book Hes building a Thaiempire like his boardname.. I would have given the Thai landlord the key back for not being clear at the outset. Good luck. I will check you out if I buy/sell/rent.
  6. Good to hear that someone actually tries to explain things to the girls.
  7. When I click the link p/talk emails about a new post on a topic Ive subscribed to, its loads an old page without the latest posts on it. I then have to refresh the page to get the new posts. Sometimes it loads ok, but goes to the 1st page of the thread. Its only started doing this recently. Any idea what is up?
  8. Not getting involved in the arguement. Only trying to answer henkes..... Simon Cowell is a smug Its someone who seems very pleased with themselves.
  9. Looks good. Thanks for posting. Many places in los dont take credit cards. Last year I took travellers cheques for £1,000 ( 70,000 bht) to pay for up front for the hotel I was staying at. Obviously, you get the cheques replaced if you lse them.
  10. Looks good for the money. Would like the contact details also thanks. Probably be fully booked with BMs
  11. I thought they were the same price as other airlines economy? Have been recommended to me by a few people. I think they said theres a bar you can go and sit at too.
  12. I enjoyed my stay there too. And even if your not saying there its got some good afternoon deals and the coffee is great. The sausage and chips and a coffee was only 70 bht and you can take your laptop in and use the wifi.
  13. cheers. Prob see him in the rockhouse when I get there.
  14. Any idea what happened to John? I used to pop in for a drink with him, nice guy. He hadnt had it for long. Bee was a good pool player. Will keep going in when I visit. Good prices.
  15. 6 or 8 weeks at the most and Im out of here. Stay until next may or June. Yeeha Then its home to sell up and back to los for good.
  16. I like Dr Aree, but she is a bit expensive compared to what friends have paid for dental work at other patts dentists. Also, she didnt do a very good job on a crown I got even though it was mega expensive. The treatment rooms are old fashioned compared to other dentists.
  17. I am just back from a four month trial of living in los. I blew it a bit by staying in party mode for 3 and a half months. Its hard to stay in when you can hear all the bars playing music. Its just too tempting. I wanted to live like an expat, but ended up spending a fortune and drinking every night. Next trip Im going to try to avoid alcohol altogether and only go out every second night.
  18. Thats good to know. Ive been in before and the girls were friendly, no attitude, I will visit again on my next trip.
  19. I think you done the right thing. Too much uncertainty and I personally think any small condo over a 1 million baht is overpriced.
  20. I did google it, but all sorts of crap came up. Anyone know the link to the file sharing site for music and video downloads. I had tried it on my old computer about a year ago, but they wanted my credit card details, even though they said it was free. I think it was to check id or something, so I didnt go any furhter with it. I guess that would make it easier for record companies to chase you for illegal downloading.
  21. Ive got a friend that uses dialaflight.com, but Ive always found them to be a rip off. You put in dates and airports in to the website and it gives you a price quote of about £360 but you have to phone to book it. On the phone they say its £750.00. You tell them about the website price, but they say theres no seats left. So how can they sell you one at £750 if theres no seats? That was last easter.
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