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Everything posted by Obsession

  1. Thanks, will have a look at that, but an 8 hour stopover is harsh. I done a 9 before , and vowed never to do over 3 hours again.
  2. Cheers bud I was wanting to PM you to see how you were after your fall, but thought you wouldn't remember me ( not to do with the fall) . Will PM you.
  3. Frankie Miller was to work with Joe Walsh, but had a stroke at a JW gig , just before the project. What a voice though. Here he is with ex Thin Lizzy guitarist, and fellow Glaswegian, Brian Robertson ( who's note selection is 2nd to none). Please also note, two Glaswegians in the same room, yet no fight! The power of music!!!
  4. Thanks. Seems to only be available from Feb 1st , from Glasgow! £634 on 1st Feb , which was the best price , and is ok, imho.
  5. They didn't seem to show up at all, which is unfortunate, as I like them. PI airways are showing at 1 stop for £673 with PI airlines, but the page is confusing. Phnom Penh ( from Glasgow) is showing at £681 , understandable website , or £548 confusing website ( opodo).
  6. Due to the demos in BKK, I just checked out flights to Manilla in 3 weeks time. From Glasgow, it was a gruelling, 3 stop, 32 and a 1/2 hour flight. Glasgow - Amsterdam - Bejing - Manilla. It was cheap at £513. Two stop flights are over £700.
  7. Yeah, it was a good example of soft liberals mock indignation at men being men. We hear it every day from our soft politicians.
  8. So there's the dilemma for a new Pattaya chippie. Serve real gear, or pander to the brainwashed majority, who think that McD's and BK's food is anywhere near palatable , and sell modified , but pretty frankenstein food? imho though, you would need to be bonkers to buy Brit food in possibly THE best food place in the world.
  9. That's the problem with food many westerners want nowadays. Appearance over flavour / quality. How about - The guys peels spuds, then freezes them. It would keep everybody happy!
  10. Bad news for all the young online poker pros living in Thailand.
  11. Respect I would love to see them live, but they seem to miss Glasgow. Did you see Siedah? Or N'Dea?
  12. Edinburgh has always been a shocker for prices. I don't usually remember prices, but i always remember paying £3.50 for a baked spud , about 20 years ago lol. The lapdancing bars were cheaper than Glasgow though. Do you live in Edinburgh?
  13. Skip to 0.32 , to miss the introduction from Hugh Hefner. Written by the mega talented Siedah Garrett.Top music that isn't my usual listening. Ultimate asian mix hottie in the orange dress. She is smoking hot. The whole Shelter Album is a very positive musical classic.
  14. I rarely use chippies in the UK , and would never use them in Patts. I was talking about price comparisons. The RH serves real chips AFAIK. Frozen chips don't compare, imho. i disagree that that chips in the UK are shit. I realize you are in London though, and the chippies are probably all foreign owned. Glasgow is probably just a few years behind you. But for now, the chippies are ok, if you still eat that stuff. But if you weren't living in a bedsit, and had a kitchen, like most of us, you wouldn't be buying frozen chips, prepared by some illegal immigrants. Don't go picking fights with me
  15. Yes. It's well known to have a big gay population of dinkys ( double income ,no kids). And I can't think of anytime I've ever been sold frozen chips in a UK chippy.
  16. Nothing to do with her being a leggy babe in stockings, undressing. I heard the song before seeing the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txBfhpm1jI0&list=FLQOPi42dIbvwNus1oTIR8mQ
  17. British Chippy, with Russian beer? I will need to tell my Hungarian friend that they sell bitter lemon. I think he drinks it while posting on the net.
  18. That would really puzzle out Hungarian friend.
  19. You can use a great add blocker extension with chrome. Saves all those annoying adverts on youtube, forums etc.
  20. I think you need to have replied and subscribed to a thread before it works. It never works for me in other threads.
  21. One of them is over a year old and from the UK. The sixteen year old girl punched from behind.The monster who done it claimed the petite 16 year old girl looked like she wanted a fight!!!!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2241807/Jailed-thug-Michael-Ayoade-punched-16-year-old-girl-Tasneem-Kabir-unconscious-shocking-random-street-attack-scared-leave-cell.html
  22. http://www.google.co.uk/imghp Click the camera icon, and use that choose file upload. -------------------------- I have dragged and dropped images before, or may right clicked and searched, but can't suss out how I done it lol.
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