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About whilliam_mancon

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  1. Thai resently changed their "Flight mile" service. Now you can decide on a ticket, use your "flight miles" as payment and "bye# the rest of the missing miles or you can use your colected miles to upgrade your ticket, for hotel nights etc. All card members should get a little booklet helping figuring out how to use the "free miles", together with the "free miles" statement.
  2. I just have to fall in to line with the previous boardmembers praise for 3some! I lived there for some time and the place is a great place to stay, on a good location and with a great staff. Dan can pretty much help you out with everything and he is a great guy to have a drink with as well or just talk football or music with, and Faah that runs the bar is a great lady with a big helpful heart.
  3. Only got 119, damn I must start taking golf lessons!
  4. I get stuck on 319 and the little fucker won´t slide further, is there any way to wax him?
  5. I second all the abowe in that order as well as the italian Restaurant & bar 50 meters on the same side of walking street after FLB. There are also one great Italian Restaurant & bar on Sukhumvit with great coffe. You cross Sukhumvit from Nana, turn left going down on the uneven side and it is in the second or third block.
  6. 3some hotel and bar at LK Metro, next door to the rockhouse, good priced, clean and good staff.
  7. I just love it, superb! You see this happend a lot all over Asia, were the wearer of the T-shirt obviously have no idea what the text mean, but for me it´s just as funny every time! I suppose I´m just a kid at heart!
  8. Funny and all so true, thanks!
  9. Thanks for a great party Adam, may your next year be the best ever. Whilliam.
  10. I agree with you Sean, the one in red is a stunner for sure!
  11. I have had the misfortune of not getting my luggage one time at Survarnabhumi airport, flying with Thai air from London to Bangkok. After waiting for my luggage for about 45 minutes I walked over to the Lost luggage counter with only my hand luggage, it was more like a kind of office with desks for each Thai-air personal behind a wall in the main hall. After filling out my "lost form", leaving my phone number and address to my hotel, I could leave, after they gave me a phone number and a contact person. I went to my hotel to check in, went out and had a massage, shower, shave and a haircut
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