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Everything posted by whilliam_mancon

  1. I´m sure he never were in Pattaya, that's why he looks so serious, poor man! No good pussy for a long time!
  2. Boring, boooooring, boooooooooooooring!
  3. Great one! It´s nice to see that there are people who actually read newspapers these days and not only surf the web!
  4. Well, the Marines always were a little bit slow!
  5. I like it, and I am not normally a tit-man.
  6. Can you still buy this stuff and if so were, were, were?
  7. Beware of blonds, move to Pattaya!
  8. An Emma warning again? No just joking, really good!
  9. Boooooo, booooooo, booooooo.
  10. Some good comments here, and definitely worth a thought!
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