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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by simon_cook

  1. Does anyone who is insured with axa know which hospitals they use in Pattaya?
  2. I agree with MM. Been to Jazz Pit quite a few times before.A good night.
  3. Power gym ,soi nern plub waan. 30bt a day. Shithole but cheap.
  4. Thanks for taking the trouble to show the photos. Looks a lot better than Poipet
  5. Just wanted to know how much quieter and easier than Poipet and best company to go with
  6. Jacko,how long does the trip take from Pattaya and can you recommend any travel companies that go there? Just looking online and this seems to be the quietest place.Hsa anyone been here to do visa run? Pong Nam Ron/Prum Cambodia
  7. I know there are a couple of border crossings near Poipet that are not so busy.Thats what i was thinking of.Dont know where though.
  8. Already have non imm o.Just have to do visa run every 3 months
  9. Has anyone done a 1 day visa run to somewhere other than Poipet and if so what was your experience like? Do you recommend anywhere else? I might have to make one next year sometime and hate the thought of going to Poipet again(chaotic,beggars,etc) so if there is an easier alternative that would be great. A few travel firms names who are recommended would be good too. Many Thanks
  10. Had some fantastic times over the years in the beer bar complex at the top of soi 2. Sad to see it gone on the photos. Does anyone know what will be built there and have all the bars just closed or moved elsewhere?
  11. I have flown with BA,Qantas,Eva,Thai,Garuda,Singapore Airlines,Etihad,Qatar,Kingfisher, and Gulf Air. The best are Etihad and Singapore.
  12. firth1974 I dont know when the last time is that you went to Abu Dhabi airport was.I know it used to be small but its not anymore. I have flown with Etihad about 8 times and i rate them number 1,although the stopover is only 1hr 30 mins it is still a stop and i prefer to go direct.
  13. Ive been using these machines for at least 4 years and never been ill.
  14. Great photos.Just brightened up a boring Saturday night. Many Thanks
  15. I barebacked 58 in the ass about 8 years ago. The girl in the pic is Ae.I have known her for about 10 years,never fucked her though.
  16. Thats brilliant.Thanks very much.How did you find it?
  17. I bought a pressure washer a few years ago from Boonthavorn and i want to order some accessories but cant remeber the make of it.I am not at my house for a few weeks so cant look on the box.All i know is that they are all blue so its not a Karcher but its still a good make that they sell in all the home stores. The model is called a carribean and it was 4000bt.I think the make is Zineco or something similar but i could be wrong. I cant find anything online so any help would be appreciated. Many Thanks
  18. My mrs just went over to Regents school and did it.My bikes definitely 6 if not 7 years old. Thats why i asked if it was a new rule.When did they implement it?
  19. When did this inspection thing start for bikes over 5 years?i taxed the bike last year when it was 6 years old and nothing was said.
  20. Can i still get the tax renewed even if its my wifes name on the green book?do you need to show I D card that matches the owner?
  21. Do i have to go to the driving license place to renew motorbike tax or is there somewhere in town?Heard you could do it at Big C south. Also will they let me renew it if the bike is in my wifes name?She has always done it but shes in London. Many Thanks
  22. Yes,i have seen it for sale in many pharmacies though i have my stash from the UK Might be quite expensive.Dont know if they do a Thai version although they have plenty of antacid medicine.
  23. MM, Thats what i do now.Have spoken to a few of my Thai friends and they say they knew about this rule already so whether i was being scammed or not i dont know but its no hardship to carry a copy. I did say to the police that day that if i made a copy and carried that then i bet the next time they stop me it will be something else that i should be carrying that i dont have,though i dont think there is anything else.They just laughed. Im sure they will think of something. Tossers!
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