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Everything posted by shambley

  1. Went here my Last night after FLB party, Seedy Disco, 2 main rooms, lots of people very drunk, young crowd Lots of drunk Thia men and women, lots of very fit russians, swore a few girls were supermodels!! I would not go out of my way to go thier but have been 4 or 5 times. I think Hard security is needed a lot of fights can happen outside with young felang and thia. Never really felt comfortable in Mixx but some damn sexy freelancers make it worth a look.
  2. Never rude intentions parkwhan - just honest m8 So many moralists or knowitalls in these monger forums it amuses me If you shag a girl im sending money too - would hope you dont try and get a discount
  3. Hi all. send 10k a month to 2 girls, ask nothing in return, 1 is living with a falang sponsor, the other paid rent in pattaya plus extra, just given a few k to another I've never even barfined. Is the OP asking why we do it, or trying to get his around we can do it ? If your trying to give clever morals for us idiots, remember freedom from Political correctness also equal "up to me" and if I get off on it - then what the feck has it to do with you regards A total noobie
  4. And to prove bazle's point, ripped from pattaya live :- So basically he posts one thing says another - up to him I suppose, maybe he's just kickin the ass of his posters that drink elsewhere was a good bar when there was a owner in the house, cant see £50k profit a year from last few months custom. anyone take a guess what the value is?
  5. Just chatted to a guy on FLB webcam who has booked a room for next year, He contacted Alex who confirmed it is just internet bullshit spread by people like the OP. hey ho - I was counting my Piggy bank to see if I could buy in
  6. When I stayed in LK for my Oct/Nov/Dec trip the Rock House was rocking This seemed very busy , good atmosphere and had a buzz about it, a few parties to boot the Scottish bloke who owns it was always decent with me, sociable and the girls where fun. I would of said the Rock House was a well run profitable business. April/May trip the place was much quietier and many times passing the place had few customers August/Septemer trip I passed the place many times over 6 weeks, the place was empty every time No Boss, No girls and just a shell of it's former self. Did the boss lo
  7. Another caution, because of the floods - mosquito larvea are having a field day, I was bitten to buggery last month after floods, Usually I get away without any bites, take precuations
  8. You mentioned waiting for a post to download ? It is always pretty instaneous for me - I think you connection is very poor - you may loose login if you are trying to reconnect in background
  9. he rented her for 2 weeks , as you say she is a good shag , now we know why he is renting, your one of her bonuses when the guy plays golf, girl is proffessional, wont hurt anyone and I doubt he'll give a fuck anyway. Do it , more of an issue , you posted it, you think your special ? I would, and if I played golf I would hope she could get some in while im doing other holes. A girl with more baht is a happier girl to be with.
  10. first trip, I budgeted 13,500 baht a day i stayed roughly 27th Oct to 16th Dec, I rang bells, barfined in the multiples and never worried about money, some days i didnt spend more than 10k though I ate well, bought drinks and would generally have a massage with extra to wake up, a S/T or two in afternoon and pretty much always an LT at night move on to my 4th trip 10 months later , 4-7K a day, still had a great time, bought drink, got laid, had fun, but slightly wiser The OP was suggesting from post, first trip in which case might spend a little more than the hardened vetera
  11. I went to canterbry tales twice in november and once in may breakfast all 3 times service 1st time crap - had to go to counter after 10 minutes to prompt someone to take my order (I was on my own) the breakfast - excellent 2nd time served quick -friendly staff - excellent breakfast - (I was with a group.) 3rd time poor service ignored again and the eggs where fried fast and crusty on the bottom (I was on my own) I was a chef for over 15 years and a head chef at the age of 19 ( think bastard) - breakfast is a hard thing to get consistant and the customers are the most grouchy.
  12. less than half of us want to talk or have banter with each other Yet 90% want to have information on pattaya, which I guess would be from the 50% we dont want to talk too
  13. Cliff robertson Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk
  14. Not sure :-) Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk
  15. it's still in the process of being upgraded and enhanced - talk about jump the gun!
  16. Oh should of said I was going from ttk's advise on the bus and from the bus station to LK, I think it also stops at second road or beach road, but I would think with luggage would you want the guantlet of second road water pistols and as to joekickers advise about 17th not sure I read 19th was always the BIG SPLASH DAY in pattaya but only going from posts about last year?.
  17. i posted a reply to a thread added an image - decided image had someone else it it and changed to another image re below " Well TG'S seeing us and them on the internet wow , think i'm in for a bollocking eeks Not sure where to go with this but I suppose, some people feel a sense of shame ? I would never have a photo of me on the internet - think of the consequences!!! Me a member of the aristocracy and all that!! Still I have a big heart love love to all This bar is in A/C in the phillipines tee hee - stuff you copper!!! " now when i post it has the fi
  18. Heya jamie - im guessing ur staying at the duck - pattaya bus station to lk in a taxi might not be so bad ps u cant walk it I see many taxi at bus station - might charge a bit I went from lk to bus station by moto taxi (oppersite way) - 180 baht with a teerack central road to baukowe - to lk - should be ok,( but only from forums I wouldnt take moto taxi )- too many idiots with water pistols I would guess real taxi from bus station to LK maybe 200-300 baht? best guess m8 hopefully this will sponsor the experts with a more informed opinion. regards Shambley
  19. I was 2 days over - 500 baht a day fine and overstayer stamp in passport
  20. Im trying to fly out 22nd april to 3rd May but with my contract I won't know till last minute - Agree that Ban chang without Green Malaka could never be the same, as for the weather ... well I dont expect to be outdoors much 1,,,2,,,3,,,TEQUILLA MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH If I get out thier hope to bump into ya for a better tell em to get the ciders in.
  21. Muhahaha coconut bar for 500 baht - what could go wrong!!
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