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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by sydneysteve

  1. Thanks mate for your advice. Will follow this strategy in August.
  2. For airport train they have a website (I found it using google) - http://www.bangkokairporttrain.com/news.html For 389 bus they have a website (I found it using google) - http://www.airportpa...varnahbumi.html
  3. Over recent years I've watched episodes of Wagon Train, Beverley Hillbillies, Bewitched, McHales Navy, Dad's Army, Whose the Boss are ones I recall. Lately, we have Green Acres, Seinfeld, Friends, F Troop, Gilligan's Island, Family Ties, Cheers, Happy Days off the top of my head. But the one series I have been praying many many years for a rerun is one I used to come home from primary school and never missed an episode. It gave me a basic education about the American Indians, scenery, hunting skills etc. Name of the show ......................... Daniel Boone I hope I get to watch
  4. Appreciate all the transport options. I'm always adding info to my research notes for future reference. Thanks for your time. Cheers
  5. To update: Black Caviar won her 20th race Sat. before last at Morphetville in Adelaide (attracted a 30,000 crowd). Supposedly having one more start this Sat. in Aust. (Goodwood Hcp - Morphetville) and then heading for Ascot. No other horse comes close to her here so I will be interested in how she measures up over in Britishmieland.
  6. I first visited in 2006. Took a walk along the boardwalk inspecting the beach (and other sights) and walked away declaring the beach off limits. Sounds like some things never change. My last visit I headed straight for Koh Larn for my beach fix. Thanks for the pics of Asia beach. I knew of it, just never visited. Will check it out next time, as well as Bang Saray.
  7. Last June I tried to get a room there for my last 6 nights but no rooms were available. I was not surprised as I had watched the construction progress and post opening reports regarding both the accom. and restaurant on another board. I did, however, dine there on two occasions. It is my no. 1 place to take a lady for a romatic dinner before partaking in 'dessert'.
  8. Lantern, thanks for the directions. Duly noted for my next visit. Cheers
  9. Merry Xmas and a happy new year to you and all fellow BMs.
  10. It's threads like these that I can usually pickup additional info for my Pats file. As I stayed at Chow Soy this year I walked past Seaside 11 a few times. I was aware of it for brekkie but never got there. Next trip and I hope to try a roast dinner there as well (as recommended). I've added Butcher's Arms to my list but I don't know where along Soi Boukow it is located. Shouldn't be hard to find out.
  11. No more or less inane than many other threads started by BMs IMHO. As a member of tripadvisor,virtual tourist,travellerspoint and travelfish, I am always wary of negative reviews when the majority are positive (within a similar time period).
  12. I had dinner here on 2 occasions last June (different barfines). First time, I ordered the shredded chilli beef but couldn't eat all of it, forced it on to the gf haha. I'm not a food connissuer (spelling) but I enjoyed everything I ate. My second visit was with my mate and his "tgf' for her birthday. My mate is a self-proclaimed food expert and he gave the food a thumbs up. Anyway, a very nice place for a romantic dinner. As far as prices went, still a shitload cheaper than back here in Oz. Having followed the construction, staff hiring, service training etc on another board I expected everyt
  13. Thanks for the TR. Brought back some memories from my trip in 2010. I had read about the female relations laws before I went, hence I made a point of keeping my nose clean. Focused on great scenery, cheap eating and drinking. When I was in Luang Prabang I spent a day out at Kuang Si Waterfalls, 30kms out of town. "Baht" type buses take you out there. I asked at my guesthouse what was a fair price to pay. More passengers equates to less cost. My guesthouse arranged a ride through one of their friends. I shared the ride with 4 young backpackers. Admission to the park was 20K. Take bug spray,
  14. Quote nus1 "f*cked if id be taking his word for it, i wouldn't be going within 50 meters of the water." +1
  15. Visited China Garden last month on 2 occasions. Once with my BF. The other to celebrate my mates BG's birthday. I loved the ambience and the service, I can't afford this back in Oz. My BF helped me out with my spicy shredded beef. I know it's knew but I felt like I was dining in a classy restaurant. I will be returning next year.
  16. Last year when I had breakfast (usually between 11am-1pm) I went to Crazy Daves or Canterbury Tales. I didn't have any great problem with either place. This year as I was staying at Chow Soy (opp Canterbury Tales) I had breakfast there ( no problem) but also had the breakfast (with expat friends) at Ned Kelly's in Soi Lengkee, couldn't fault that either. This trip I probably had more brekkies (when I bothered) at Ned Kelly's. PS I'm not a fussy eater. It's not a high priority when I'm on holidays, if someone else is cooking I don't give a f@%k. lol
  17. statman208 Quote "I understand your issue with the shot drinks. Along those same lines, I don't particularly like when they order juice. However, I think it is a bit controlling to offer a girl a LD and then tell her what she has to order." I certainly don't suggest what the lady orders first time. That's up to her. If she wants a shot, up to her. I just say, if you want me to buy you a second LD then please order a drink that is going to take a comparative time to drink to my beer or spirit drink. I just feel guilty if the lady does not have a drink in front of her whilst I'm talking with
  18. Sinsinbad, I only post if I have something to say. Can I say I found your post sincere and informative. I visited AC/Subic for the first time last month. My retirement plan is Pattaya in 7-8 years. I have vistied Pats for the last 6 years. Having experienced the Filipino GFE if I was to take a partner it would definately be Filipino over Thai. Having a step-mother 2 yrs older than me probably has something to do with it as well. I certainly was not aware that there were many Filipinos living in Pats. Food for thought. Cheers
  19. Congrats on your 1st anniversary. The Duck was on my 'to visit' list last month but unfortunately I didn't get to half the places I intended. I will make a point of calling by next year, if only for 1 beer and the opportunity to meet any fellow BMs. Cheers
  20. When I visit a bar and decide to buy a lady a LD I see it as respectful for having the lady sit with me. I hold no expectation beyond that. If I'm interested in BFing her I will make the appropriate enquiries in a short period of time. If we come to an arrangement we usually have a few more drinks before leaving. If she says she cannot (for whatever reason) that's her call, she's under no obligation to go with me. I just move on. No problem. If I have no intention of barfining her I will say something which indicates to her that I'm just here for a short while before moving on to another b
  21. Black Caviar's 13th start was in Brisbane. Once again far too good for its rivals. I've seen some good horses go around over the last 40 years but this horse is simply exceptional. I've yet to see the jockey use the whip. Might scare the shit out of the horse lol.
  22. Yeah, Ireland beating England. What's going on there? My initial thought was "that can't be right".
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