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jaxxon55 last won the day on December 19 2012

jaxxon55 had the most liked content!

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252 Excellent

About jaxxon55

  • Rank
    Senior Poster
  • Birthday 07/22/1944

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    soi 1 Pattaya
  • Interests
    Thai ladies,thai food,thai anything.

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  1. Just as scary and depressing as number 1 but pictures are accurate and great. Thanks, Jack
  2. A.C. by day reminds me of why not to go back. But great pictures and thanks. Jack
  3. Cam we predict the first victim? I can see why you would be worried. Jack
  4. But you are wrong again. Because you know nothing about what is currently happening in Pattaya. But that does not stop you from trying to be the source of wisdom. Jack
  5. What part of America did you have three businesses in? Venezuela, Canada.Mexico? Just wondering. Jack
  6. They stop people frequently now for doing what he urged you to do. Sign says "Left turn waiting light." in English. That means wait for the light. Jack
  7. I have a Samsung EK-GC110 camera. It is 16 Megapixels and 21x optical and 23mm wide lens. On a recent trip to Hong Kong and Macau I got some fantastic shots. When I returned home I sent them to the lady I was with and the lady I kept telling not to hold her Samsung s3 with just one hand because she would never get a good shot. Her shots were superior to mine. Jack
  8. Holiday Inn patio has a pizza special from 4 to 6 I believe. It is 50% off and they have thin crusts and interesting ideas like Greek pizza and tom yum gung pizza. I ran Pizza parlors for 10 or 12 years but what do I know? If you like thin crust Greek style they are delicious and wine specials are 100 baht per glass. Jack P.S. and the sunsets are perfect.
  9. Many people I know have made lots of money in Pattaya real estate. Only the ones that don't invest keep harping about how it can't be done. But it surely requires a lot of caution as bigmick and others have stated. Jack
  10. Dancewatcher just sold my rental condo at VT6. I bought it off plan before the building started. With income and sales I almost doubled my money in a few years. 6? That seems o.k. to me. Jack
  11. You might want to think about since she retired. Jack
  12. One thing we agree on Gabor. Dancewatcher has a class operation and the best service available. It is not for the frugal minded but it is the best. Jack
  13. Great news. It will be good to see Larry in action. Maybe I can get him to help me in my s/t choices. Jack
  14. Any guest should be treated with politeness and respect in hotels, condos, etc unless they treat others badly. Jack
  15. Try Dancewatchers.com also. Tik and Honey both do a great job and are very reliable. Jack
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