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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by rumpole

  1. Little chatter on the grapevine, ThaiVisa sold and some very unhappy bunnies... As posedt on TV: You won't find that post on TV as it was hastily removed (but not that quickly) along with the poster...
  2. More heads falling. BBC Director General of 54 days resigns. George Entwistle, last night fell on his sword, in the wake of Thatcher-era Tory Lord McAlpine being wrongly implicated in sex child abuse by News Night, it was News Night that is already under investigation following the decision to pull a program investigating Saville, Entwistle although not DG at the time of the Saville program being pulled, he did hold a senior position at the BBC and his integrity was already in question. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20284124 Who next, Lord Patton, Chairman of the BBC Trust? he's
  3. I to have a pocket stun gun to wow the ladies, but at my age it does not work as good as it used to.
  4. Freddie Starr's now been arrested in the Saville case. Famed for eating hamsters. Wonder what tomorrows headlines going to be? "Freddie Ate My Pussy"
  5. OK get it, do you have to use the last word used or any word nominated by the previous person?
  6. Disability benefits, got ingrowing toe nails does that count?
  7. The thing is he could have done this in virtually any bar in Pattaya and none of the "ladies" would have complained as long as bought them a ladies drink, I think it would have been Jimmy who would have complied when he found the ladies with the "Meat & 2 Veg"
  8. Whats new that how they worded out unemployment figure here in the UK, now it is based on those claiming unemployment benefits. If anyone in the household works, no unemployment benefit. Got a nest egg (savings) or property, no unemployment benefit. Given up looking for work as there is no work, no unemployment benefit. Over 55 and have a private pension, forced to retire, no unemployment benefit. So officially we have 2.5Million unemployed, but in reality we have millions more who want to work but denied benefits and not counted, and 2.5million who do not want to work and claim ben
  9. You know you are getting old when you are in Thailand and the last 3 times you had sex it was with the same woman.
  10. Heads are starting to roll, this is going to make the French Revolution look more like a tea party... BBC Newsnight editor steps aside over claims, http://www.bbc.co.uk.../world-20024904
  11. From revelations in the last few weeks it was clear from many sources rumors and jokes were wide spread within the BBC.
  12. Obviously fell for the oldest trick in Pattaya, being told the other guy has been paid to take a fall...
  13. Ha Ha... all we need now is Captain Mannering and Jones the butcher.
  14. As far as audience participation, I think you had better leave it to the under 30's...
  15. Just wish he was still around to answer the allegations According to Liz Kershaw (former Radio 1 DJ) has made accusation that a well known seleb used to fondled her in the studio while live on air. What appears to be the problem there was a culture at the BBC who were just afraid to tell the likes of JS that they should not do what they were doing when it was just going a little too far, as a result the misdemeanors became serious, it has been clear that many at the BBC knew what was going on and those that did not know certainly heard the jokes. I would not be surprised to see a
  16. Personally I would like it to stay like that, unfortunately some low life gave another low life a hand grenade and a pistol the other week, two unarmed police women murdered in cold blood, even if they were armed they would not have stood a chance in the way the were ambushed.
  17. "Hookers in Times Square, God bless 'em, are offering a Mitt Romney Special. For an extra $20 they'll change positions."
  18. Like a virgin? India 'tightening cream' sparks sex debate http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-19353039
  19. I do not know about the rear view mirror as most submarines have no widows, but the probably do hang a garland or two for good luck which you need to avoid bumping into things if you can not see where you are going, which is probably more practical than the Irish Navy's answer to this problem which is to travel in reverse to avoid bumping into things.
  20. Sea rescue find human skeleton on Domor Island, Sattahip. http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/58277/skeleton-remote-island-coast-sattahip/ A spokes person for Sea Rescue said they are reviewing their response times.
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/tennis/18662545
  22. and then the Olympic games in London before returning for the "Sex Olympics" down at Soi Sex later on this year
  23. This I presume is someones interpretation of of US Law??? Without researching US laws and immigration rule I would assume that this statement would be more correct "You must remember that coming to the US with the sole intention of getting married in the US and filing for adjustment of status is deemed to be visa fraud, and US immigration officers do not take kindly to anyone they feel has committed visa fraud." If the word "sole" is used before intention one could easily say they were going to Disney Land too It is not the law that is an ass but the people who make it...
  24. It is no joke when it actually happens to you...
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