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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Bigmike

  1. Garbor as the links in your post say that a device is used all the time, so with just a little care and some common dog fuck you will be safe using ATM's. For someone to get your pin you virtually have to let them see you entering it at the ATM. A debit card is far more safer to use than net banking, especially in an Internet café. Bigmike.
  2. The Lek is on the corner of Second rd and Soi 13, the sandy Spring is half way down Soi 13. Bigmike.
  3. But the Sandy Spring is no where near the Lek or the AA. Bigmike.
  4. sommy even in Thailand I doubt very very much that they would even contemplate a scam such as that. The only way that I'm aware of to misuse a ATM cards is that they put some sort of fake device on the front of the ATM that looks like a normal opening where you insert your ATM and it reads the details off the magnetic strip, they then have a small video camera mounted so that when you key in your pin they can see what your password is. This has happened in Australia, but as far putting a device like a key logging type on bank ATM's, impossible
  5. Rex I have to agree with you here. It would be impossible for any one to use a ATM card even though it was cloned without the pin. I think there is a bit of a wind up here. Bigmike.
  6. Mate Harvey World Travel have a flight to BKK with BA via Sydney arrive BKK at 21:30 for $1174 inclusive of taxes, thats a saving of over $200 bucks. Qantas have a slightly dearer flight also for $1227 but it arrives at BKK at 23:30. Bigmike.
  7. Cool Dude. Does that flight get you into BKK at 1AM ?, good luck then mate, I would prefer to pay the extra few bucks and arrive at 17:30 via Singapore Airlines or at 21:30 via BA. Bigmike.
  8. I have to agree with you there Cool Dude, they can be up them selfs at times. Bigmike
  9. Both Qantas and BA have flights under $1100, Qantas 23:30 arrival and BA 21:30, the same as Singapore Airlines but they arrive at 17:30. BA have a world traveler plus for about $1400 you have the old business class seats = more room and more TV Chanel's, another thing about WT+ is you are very likely to get an upgrade to full business class. These Quotes that I got were for June. These are all inclusive of taxes. Bigmike.
  10. Fucking hell garbor I had to transfer the post to my 106 cm wide screen TV to read and view the thread. Bigmike.
  11. I see that the Central Place Hotel is 750 baht per night and 350 Baht for a extra bed ???. It can't be that far from The Residence Garden. Bigmike.
  12. Mate the hotel is out in the middle of no where. Bigmike.
  13. You guys aren't wrong about the rooms being small, going by the pictures posted. I stop at the Sandy Spring and the rooms would be at least three times bigger, although they cost a whooping 1050 Baht. All the standard rooms come with a nice big balcony with a table and chairs and a big fridge. Bigmike.
  14. Yes mate definitely guest friendly. Bigmike.
  15. The thing that I hate about Condo's is they do not clean the rooms daily unless you pay extra and this includes the most important item the bed sheets and towels. Don't forget that your up for the electricity and water to besides the rent. Give me a Hotel any day. Bigmike.
  16. makavelli the Royal Palace and the Royal Twins are owned by the same people who also own The Sandy Spring. If you want to be close to Pattayalands 1&2 then you cant go wrong with the two Royals both are guest friendly. Bigmike. http://www.royalpalaceroyaltwins.com/main.htm
  17. The Montein Hotel for the best Chinese food I've had any where, enter from Second Rd. Bigmike.
  18. Yes a very good idea to keep well away from Soi 13 and the Sandy Spring for the rest of the year as the construction noises will be deafening for quite a while yet. Bigmike.
  19. CheshireTom having never stopped at the RG but I have driven past it a lot I have to agree with you as far as location goes, it would be a pain in the arse to get there late at night and the traffic congestion leading up to South Pattaya Rd in both directions can be horrendous. I stop in Soi 13 as it gives me easy access to go in either direction and I like the Hotel. Bigmike.
  20. I've seen some gee ups before but I think this one wins hands down. Talk about a fruit cake, fucking hell. Bigmike.
  21. pattaya_mad I've been saying that for ages about the RG being a fair way from the action and the five minute walk, It takes longer than that on a motor bike. I'm not knocking the joint but there are just as good places and much closer to the action than the RG IMHO. Bigmike.
  22. I will agree with you clubman and by the way Dungheap I first stopped there in July 2003 and it was only open a bit over six months then. Bigmike.
  23. No no fucking no, many members who have stopped there in the past will agree with me. The place sucks. Bigmike.
  24. Give it a miss mate, hefty joiners fee and rooms don't live up to the advertisement especially the views also staff can be quite rude. No Chance of a threesome as multiple girls are refused entry. Bigmike.
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