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Everything posted by papillon

  1. So have we lost the ability to view content prior to 2005?
  2. Over priced, crap food and lousey service. To be expected.
  3. The US Trade Representative can kiss my spotty white arse. This is Thailand NOT the USA
  4. Ok, let me rephrase my question...... I'm trying to view my content (previous posts and/or topics) but I am limited to 1 year. How do I view my Topics from say 2005???
  5. So we can't search content older than 1 year?
  6. I thought number 2 was 'No, I won't cum in your mouth.' and number 3 'Black is beautiful.'
  7. Who cares about being on the 'US Trade Representative's' priority watch list.
  8. Excuse me for being confused. BTW U Too bar was on Second Road
  9. There's no accounting for some people's taste! I will remind you that I am Hansum Man, Sexy Man I should have known you'd be one of the Cheap Charlies I met Lek in 2002.
  10. Chuck a few rare lizards in the same box and post it to her local pet shop and it will get there for sure
  11. I remember when the place opened but I never went inside. I'm just not into the Coyotee bars. I have seen quite a few good looking girls on the FLB Bar Crawl threads in the past and I was tempted to give it a try but never did. Re sois 4/5 thanks for clearing that up. Nice pic Mirky. I was under the impression from HillBilly's post that great swathes of property had been razed to the ground, PIH Hospital, Hotels, etc. Wasn't sure if he was on crack or if I've been caning the Shabu too much So it's just the stretch of bars on Second Road between sois 4/5. I have some good aerial phot
  12. Didn't realise they had live music. Yes, some of the girls looked good. Lek's Classroom was always dead when I went in there. Maybe myself and 2 or 3 other customers. Lots of people just coming in to use the toilets and then leaving immediately. Amazing how many cheap cunts trying to save 5 baht.
  13. What was the attraction? I often drank in the beer bars outside and it looked like a regular Coyotee style bar ala Papagayo, Club Blu, etc.
  14. It's a discussion board. I should move on if I don't like the thread. You sure you got that right
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