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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. This guy is quite good as well. I always liked good street baskers, trying to make a bit of money.
  2. If I see him on my next visit to the MBK he will get a donation from me. Nobody else seems to take notice of him except the person who uploaded this video.
  3. I like having breakfast or lunch in Pattaya once or twice a week at different good places, before the traffic gets to heavy on the way back to Jomtien in the afternoon. The Balcony Restaurant looks good to me after reading this thread and we will give it a try. I have never noticed the place before, but must have driven past the place hundreds of times.
  4. Another great and timeless song
  5. Hi Jacko, Your wife will only get the free or 30 baht treatment in the Government hospitals in the Amphur she is registered in. Forgive my criticism, but she should have changed her Thai I.D card to her new address at your place a long time ago. There is actually a Thai law saying she is required to do so. The same law applies for the Tabien Baan (house book). She will have to take your Tabien Baan along with her old Thai I.D. card, when she goes to City Hall to have her Thai I.D card changed to her new address at your place and have her name entered into your Tabien Baan as well. To have
  6. It takes guts for a guy to play this kind of music played on PVC pipes in public.
  7. We had a very good experience there versus your very bad one. I suppose that can happen in any hospital, private or Government ones. I was misdiagnosed in all of the three Pattaya private hospitals in the last few years. I had a fall coming back from the swimming pool in 2012and was told at the Memorial I had blood clots on my brain, which was totally untrue. I had a broken eye socket with a lot of blood behind the eye socket and a broken cheekbone. A doctor called Montri wanted to operate on my brain to remove the non-existing blood clots. I refused to be operated on and was then transferred
  8. There was a discussion at the Pattayaexpatsclub yesterday morning about alternative cheaper ambulance services than the ones from the expensive private hospitals. The Bangkok Pattaya Hospital now charges 7000 baht to pick you up in an ambulance if you ring their 1719 phone number. Not so very long ago I took my partner to the Government Pattaya City Hospital in Soi Buakhao, to have a painful cyst behind one of her ears removed. A few years ago, she registered at the Government Banglamung Hospital to be entitled to the 30 baht treatments for Thais with ID cards within the Pattaya, Naklua an
  9. Utapao is a neat little airport, only a few more kilometres from the corner of the entrance to the Queen Sirikit Hospital on the intersection of Highway A3 opposite Highway 331, which is only a 25 minute drive from my place place in Jomtien or approximately 25 kilometres. So I guess Utapao is about 30 to 35 kilometres from most places in Pattaya. I picked up a friend coming with Bangkok Airways arriving from Koh Samui several times. Bangkok Airways seems to be the only regular airline using Utapao, other than the many Russian charter flights arriving there. I don't know anything about the
  10. And what would I be supposed to do with the other hand? No, don't tell me. It would be better if you and grymsbyuk don't tell me what is acceptable behaviour in Grimsby and Manchester.
  11. To clarify the difference between ringing a mobile or a land line a bit. When I ring a mobile (cell phone) in Australia for instance, I ring 006 plus the Australian country code 61 and then the mobile number of the person I want to ring minus the zero in front of it. , So the number I ring will look something like 00661 123456789 and not 00661 0123456789, which would be the Australian mobile number of my friend when used within Australia. When I ring my friend on his land line I would dial 006 plus the country code of Australia 61 then the area code of Northern Australia 08 minus the z
  12. It.s not difficult after reading MM's post on BOARD BUSINESS. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/62351-how-do-i-post-youtube-videos-so-they-show-up-in-the-post/
  13. brotherbuzz, great covers of music by Beethoven, Brahms and Bach.
  14. At the moment it seems very difficult to get THB 13500 rent for a 2 million baht condo. Have a look at some of the agents websites and you will find hundreds of empty condos advertised for rent or sale all over Pattaya, Jomtien and Naklua. A friend of mine has been trying to rent a very well presented 60sqm. condo for the last three months with several agents. Two years ago he used to get 15000 baht rent for it on yearly contracts. Now he has come down to asking for a measly THB 10000 and their are still no people interested.
  15. I drove into town this morning at about 9AM. The traffic from Jomtien to Third Road on Thrappaya Road was quite congested, as a lot of drivers appeared to intend to avoid the difficult traffic on Sukhumvit. I then turned right on Third Road and drove the short distance to Soi 16 to get to the the multilevel car park behind Tukcom, to go to my Kasikorn branch, which opens at 8.30 AM now and then went to the Farang friendly Friendship supermarket to stock up on my favorite goodies. I then drove back to Third Road and went all the way to Pattaya Nua, from where I turned right to get onto Sukh
  16. Here is a really good anti war commercial. http://youtu.be/63b4O_2HCYM
  17. Good song, MM and right to the point (of those great nipples).
  18. The energy and skills of this guy seem quite amazing to me. http://youtu.be/lhY6uIvt6yg
  19. To add to my previous post, Mrs Gonzo won't leave her English text books alone and at times ask me all day long to assist. I don't really mind that as she is making good progress and according to her teacher from England on of her best pupils. at the Muang Pattaya School.By the way, from the 60 pupils starting the class there were only 26 pupils left last weekend. When she gets her certificate after successfully completing the course it might assist her with the partner visa for Australia. I will never return to live there again without her. After more than 10 years together we still get alon
  20. Yes it is. The non-refundable application fee for a partner visa went up by 50% last January and is now close to the $A 7000 mark.
  21. You must be a very handsome man to get an additional 30 days from the Immigration lady. Did you get her phone number?
  22. Mark Knopfler with another version of of of one of my most favourite songs
  23. Thanks for your supporting words about getting a permanent partner visa for the TGF. Australian Immigration rules have to be the toughest in the world. She has been there with me 4 times on tourist visas , but getting a permanent partner visa is a lot more difficult with a waiting time of at least 12 month.
  24. I enjoyed reading about your travel experiences. We could talk about our past travel experiences for a very long time. I think we have a lot in common, but I don't think talking about the old days would be appreciated by many of the board members. Maybe we could have a beer together one of these days in Jomtien Soi 9.
  25. I used 009 and 008 before, but for the last 2 years 006 seems to be a cheaper option.
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