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Everything posted by Bazle

  1. Don't they escape these things as they are classified as a hotel?
  2. I have been told (reliably) that one large go-go in WS will be closed, so I guess they all will be.
  3. Mick, that is very useful. Thank you. However, I need to be spoon fed! Where do you book and where does the bus leave from, please? Does the same bus go all the way to Khon Kaen or do you change buses at Korat?
  4. How could you not love this city? Every day I see something to amaze me. In the last 12 hours, I have seen: - one of the bravest men in Pattaya, roller-blading amongst the traffic on Second Road (falang in his 20s) - a man obviously advised by Gok Wan. Falang about 6ft 3ins, slim, 20s, hand in hand with slinky lady-boy, and wearing low cut black T-shirt and what I thought initially was a long black skirt. However, when I got close, I realised it was very baggy trousers with the crutch about 3 inches from the ankles! - the weirdest couple. Asian (as in Oriental), about 5ft 2ins
  5. So, as with me, I suspect the last few days have not been the best!! I don't think double glazing would have made much difference.
  6. It is not clear to me whether you have already invested enough to give the returns you mention, or if the estimate assumes you will continue investing at the same rate as at present until you retire. If the former, I reckon you are doing well. If the latter, I go along with Lemon Faces comments.
  7. I'll top up the card again before I leave in 3 weeks' time, and then enquire how much I have left and when it has to be used by. If the date is 12 months from that top-up, all will be OK (at least, for me).
  8. To be honest, I don't recall. I think it would have been 400 or 500 - certainly not more.
  9. Does that mean it has nothing to do with the place on Second Road I mentioned above? If that is the case, does anyone know what the Second Road place is going to be?
  10. I don't know if this helps but I've just checked my 1-2-Call balance (ring *121#) and it tells me that I have a balance of 335 Baht which expires on 8 September 2011, 12 months after my last top-up.
  11. ..... nor underage, nor foreign workers. So what is left? Someone has upset someone else?
  12. Do you happen to know if that will apply to top-ups on existing cards. I hope not - that would be very awkward.
  13. Would this happen to be on Second Road opposite Royal Garden?
  14. Papps, I didn't say anything about music. The noise was football supporters (English speaking inevitably) "singing" and generally being exceptionally noisey.
  15. Travelling from LHR and a direct flight with EVA can be £620, departing 18 Jan and returning 1 Feb. Other dates could be cheaper. http://www.netflights.com/flights.aspx
  16. And I had always assumed it was an upmarket hotel! Exactly how did your mate describe the place? Seedy in the sense of dirty and decrepit, or seedy in a sexual sort of way?
  17. The honest response is that the OP's question is impossible to reply to without being given information about what the OP finds important in a hotel. Just saying "a great location for Walking Street and Beach Road" is such a broad criterion that it narrows the options only slightly.
  18. And, for good measure, maybe also a comparison of the FLs at the Beer Garden. I had always thought they were all of the same species, just moving in different habitats.
  19. This is the same post as one made on the Shhhhhh-you-know-what board. A similar request for details ensued. The OP's response was:
  20. Well done to the LD1 people, and well done to Shambley for being so generous with the rewards. It has done LD1 some good as I shall make a point of having a beer or two there shortly. It is a place I normally shun.
  21. Monty Python sprang to mind when I read that
  22. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...c=51690&hl= Maybe a rethink is required?
  23. It is someone banned from PL who is suddenly flooding this board with posts.
  24. You have to factor in how much Russian money is feeding into the property market. I have just bought a condo, and received an email about a meeting a couple of days ago. I think about a third to a half of the email recipients had Russian email addresses.
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